
High-yielding cultivation techniques of Autumn Potato covered with Straw

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Potato has the characteristics of being cool and afraid of heat, which is completely suitable for no-tillage planting in winter fallow fields. it has the characteristics of no ploughing and covering soil, labor-saving and simple operation. It can be harvested after 3 months, with an average yield of more than 1500 kg per square meter. 30% higher than traditional tillage. With a gross profit of 1200 yuan per kilogram, this is a short-term, fast and good project to improve land utilization and increase farmers' income. First, select improved varieties, soak seeds to accelerate germination, select high quality and high yield, short growth period, high temperature and dry tolerance.

Potato has the characteristics of being cool and afraid of heat, which is completely suitable for no-tillage planting in winter fallow fields. it has the characteristics of no ploughing and covering soil, labor-saving and simple operation. It can be harvested after 3 months, with an average yield of more than 1500 kg per square meter. 30% higher than traditional tillage. With a gross profit of 1200 yuan per kilogram, this is a short-term, fast and good project to improve land utilization and increase farmers' income.

First, select improved varieties and soak them to promote budding.

The varieties with high quality and high yield, short growth period, high temperature and drought tolerance, storage tolerance and good economic benefits were selected for planting. Soak the seeds in "920" solution with a concentration of 4 mg / L for 0.5 hours 7-10 days before sowing, then put them in a cool and ventilated place, cover with 5-6 cm thick wet sand, and cover with straw. After 6-8 days, the seed potatoes can germinate.

Second, sow seeds at the right time and plant them closely in a reasonable manner.

When sowing from late October to mid-November, the rice field should dig a ditch 150 cm wide, 20 cm wide and 15 cm deep. The dug-out soil should not be piled on the edge of the ditch. The surface of the border is slightly arched, with 4 rows per border, 30 cm between rows, 25 cm between plants and 20 cm at the edge of the border. Seed potato eyes are placed obliquely close to the soil surface, and 4500000 plants are sown every 667 square meters.

Apply enough basic fertilizer to cover rice straw

According to the fertility of the paddy field, sufficient base fertilizer can be applied at one time during sowing. 50 kg of three-element potassium sulfate compound fertilizer and 1500 kg of mature barnyard manure are applied every 667m2 as base fertilizer, farm manure can be directly put on seed potato as cover fertilizer, and compound fertilizer is placed in the middle of the two plants. After applying the basic fertilizer, the straw prepared in advance should be used to cover the whole box surface evenly according to the method that the straw is perpendicular to the box surface and the tip of the straw to the tip of the grass. The thickness of the cover grass is 8cm to 10cm, gently compacted or pressed with a small amount of fine soil, and the cover grass should be uniform without light leakage and exposure, so as to avoid the occurrence of "sticking seedlings" and green potatoes. The key is to keep the straw layer from leaking. First, when covering straw, it should be laid flat on the whole border and cannot be left empty; second, the straw cover should not be too thin, and it is easy to leak light, so that the rate of green potato should rise, and it is appropriate to take 8-10 cm.

IV. Fertilizer and water management and pest control

In case of special dry weather, the high-yield ditch can be irrigated in a timely and appropriate amount, the water layer should be shallow, and the water layer should reach 2 to 3 degrees, and drain and dry in time. In the later stage, the straw rot has strong water retention and is not easy to dry, so it is necessary to clear the ditch and drain in time in case of overcast and rainy days. The application of 10 kg compound fertilizer to water every 667 square meters during the tuber forming period can effectively increase the yield of potato. Because the whole mulching of rice straw can inhibit the growth of weeds, there is no need to weed, there are less diseases and insect pests in winter and spring, but pesticides are not used.

5. Harvest

Using no-tillage and straw mulching techniques, potato tubers are relatively concentrated. More than 70% of potato tubers are on the soil surface, and they can be picked up by plucking away the straw, and a few potato lumps growing in cracks or pores are also very shallow and easy to dig. The technology saves labor, time and labor, and can be operated even by the frail rural elderly.