
Cultivation techniques of Rice ⅱ you 084

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Ⅱ you 084 is a new indica hybrid rice variety selected by Jiangsu Zhenjiang Agricultural Science Research Institute, which shows high resistance to bacterial blight and rice blast. Participated in the regional trial of hybrid indica rice in Jiangsu Province from 1999 to 2000, and participated in the production experiment in Jiangsu Province in 2000. It was examined and approved by the crop Variety approval Committee of Jiangsu Province in April 2001. It passed the national examination and approval in November 2003. On September 6, 2003, a new world record of rice yield per unit area was set at 1231.17 kg / mu. Exclusively developed by Jiangsu tomorrow seed Technology Co., Ltd. Features

Ⅱ you 084 is a new indica hybrid rice variety selected by Jiangsu Zhenjiang Agricultural Science Research Institute, which shows high resistance to bacterial blight and rice blast. Participated in the regional trial of hybrid indica rice in Jiangsu Province from 1999 to 2000, and participated in the production experiment in Jiangsu Province in 2000. It was examined and approved by the crop Variety approval Committee of Jiangsu Province in April 2001. It passed the national examination and approval in November 2003. On September 6, 2003, a new world record of rice yield per unit area was set at 1231.17 kg / mu. Exclusively developed by Jiangsu tomorrow seed Technology Co., Ltd. The whole growth period of characteristic growth period is about 145 days, which is 2-3 days later than that of Shanyou 63. Sowing in Nanjing on May 10, heading on August 16-20, heading on August 18-22; sowing in Yancheng on April 30, heading on August 14-18, heading on August 17-21; sowing on May 10, heading on August 19-23 and heading on August 21-25 in Xuzhou and other places.

Agronomic characters have good plant type, luxuriant growth, strong tillering ability and easy cultivation. The height of the plant is about 120 cm, which is similar to that of Shanyou 63, with a stout stem and strong lodging resistance. It has the advantages of large panicle, high seed setting rate, high yield and high yield potential. Generally, 2.4 million-2.7 million ears per hectare, ear length 24 cm-25 cm, total grain per panicle about 180 grains, seed setting rate about 90%, 1000-grain weight 27 g-28 g.

The combination is highly resistant to bacterial blight and rice blast, light sheath blight, beautiful growth and good ripening phase. In 1999, four bacterial blight strains KS-6-6, Zhe 173, PX079 and JS49-6 were inoculated and identified by the Institute of Plant Protection of Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The disease grade was grade 1 (special). Five physiological races of rice blast, such as Zhong D1, Zhong E3, Zhong B6, Zhong C1 and Zhong F1, were inoculated and identified, all of them were grade 0.

The quality was tested by the Rice and products quality Supervision, Inspection and testing Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, the brown rice rate was 82.4%, the milled rice rate was 75.9%, the head rice rate was 67.7%, the rice grain length was 6.3mm, the aspect ratio was 2 ∶ 6, the alkali elimination value was 4.4mm, the gel consistency was 44mm, the chalkiness was 15.7%, the amylose content was 21.4%, the protein content was 11.7%, and the transparency was grade 2. Reach level 2 of the industry standard of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Key points of cultivation techniques for sowing and raising seedlings, it is necessary to sun up the seeds before sowing, select seeds to promote seedlings, soak seeds with chemicals to control diseases and insect pests, and cultivate strong seedlings with thin fertilizer and fine management. Ⅱ you 084 is a medium-maturing medium indica type. The seedlings are raised in the south of Jiangsu Province. Generally, the seedlings are sown in the first ten days of May, and the suitable seedling age is 30-35 days. Sow 150-225 kg per hectare of seedling field, and about 15.0 kg per hectare. On the basis of ploughing frozen ridges before winter and applying sufficient basic fertilizer in the finishing seedling field, weaning fertilizer was applied early in one leaf and one heart, generally 90-120 kg urea and 45-75 kg potash fertilizer per hectare, and relay fertilizer was applied at 3-leaf stage. and strengthen the management of paddy fields and the prevention and control of diseases, insect pests and weeds to cultivate strong seedlings with tillers at the appropriate age, and dry seedlings raised in fertilizer beds are generally sown on May 10-15, with a sowing amount of about 450 kg per hectare. And earnestly implement the technical measures of nursery bed fattening and dry seedling raising.

The planting density is reasonable and close planting, uniform and shallow planting, and the planting quality is improved. 240000-270000 holes per hectare are planted in middle-and high-grade fertile fields. The row spacing is 13 cm × 28 cm, 1-2 plants per hole, about 750000 basic seedlings per hectare, 300000 holes per hectare, plant spacing 13 cm × 25 cm, basic seedlings 1.05 million-1.2 million plants / hm2. Dry seedling raising can appropriately reduce the basic seedlings.

The yield level of Ⅱ you 084 in fertilizer and water management was higher than that in Shanyou 63. The level of fertilizer requirement is also slightly higher than that of Shanyou 63, generally applying about 225 kg of nitrogen per hectare to achieve the combination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Fertilizer and water management should master the principle of promoting stability after promoting middle control, which requires adequate application of basic fertilizer and early heavy application of tiller fertilizer. Shallow water irrigation to promote early onset; on the basis of central control, apply sufficient panicle fertilizer, promote protection, give priority to promotion, panicle fertilizer should pay attention to the use of potash fertilizer; dry and wet method should be adopted in the later stage, be careful not to cut off water too early to ensure high yield and high quality.

Pest control should be carried out in time according to the occurrence law of diseases, pests and weeds, especially under high-yield cultivation conditions, due to the high level of nitrogen, attention should be paid to the control of Chilo suppressalis, Chilo suppressalis, rice planthopper and weeds.