
Technology of intercropping Pinellia ternata in woodland

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Pinellia ternata, also known as Pinellia ternata and Pinellia ternata, is a perennial root herb of Araceae. It is used in medicine with tubers and has the function of drying dampness and resolving phlegm, reducing adverse events and stopping vomiting. Resistant to shade, cold and afraid of sunlight, seedlings are afraid of heat, suitable for forest intercropping. 1 Propagation technology Pinellia ternata is generally propagated by underground bulbs and bulbs, as well as seeds. 1.1 when Cold Dew dug the bulb before and after the bulb propagation, the smaller one was selected and buried in a cool and ventilated place with wet soil. before and after the Qingming Festival in the second year, it was transferred into the field according to the row spacing of 10 cm × 6 cm. Transplanting depth

Pinellia ternata, also known as Pinellia ternata and Pinellia ternata, is a perennial root herb of Araceae. It is used in medicine with tubers and has the function of drying dampness and resolving phlegm, reducing adverse events and stopping vomiting. Resistant to shade, cold and afraid of sunlight, seedlings are afraid of heat, suitable for forest intercropping.

1 Propagation technology

Pinellia ternata is generally propagated with underground bulbs and bulbs, as well as seeds.

1.1 when Cold Dew dug the bulb before and after the bulb propagation, the smaller one was selected and buried in a cool and ventilated place with wet soil. before and after the Qingming Festival in the second year, it was transferred into the field according to the row spacing of 10 cm × 6 cm. The transplanting depth is 3 cm, the ground temperature is 15 ℃ ~ 20 ℃, the seedlings can emerge in half a month, and the seed is 40 ~ 50 kg per mu.

1.2 bulbous propagation in summer and autumn, after the local upper part withered, the bulbil under the leaf stem just grew, and it can be collected and planted, according to 6-8 cm hole, 2 hole sowing, 3 cm soil cover, slightly compacted, apply appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, keep it dry and wet. Bulb propagation is the main method of Pinellia ternata propagation at present, which has reliable germination and early maturity.

1.3 seed reproduction, select biennial Pinellia ternata, prepare the land before and after the Qingming Festival, sow it in the border with a row spacing of 8 cm to 10 cm, cover the soil with about 2 cm, and then water it evenly, cover it with wheat straw or straw, keep it moist, remove the grass after emergence, and use about 1.5 kg of seed per mu.

2 cultivation techniques

2.1 the root system of Pinellia ternata is short and likes fertilizer, so it is better to plant Pinellia ternata in sandy loam rich in humus. Before ploughing the land, apply 2000 kg of rotten organic fertilizer and 50 kg of ternary compound fertilizer per mu as base fertilizer, turn it 20 cm deep, rake fine and level it, and make a high border 1.2m wide.

2.2 rational fertilization should be based on the principle of heavy application of base fertilizer, skillful application of topdressing and frequent application of external root fertilizer. Heavy application of base fertilizer: 50 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ternary compound fertilizer per mu and 2000 kg to 3000 kg of human and animal manure. Skillful application of topdressing: the first topdressing was carried out in the first and middle of June. Top application of urea 5.0 ~ 7.5 kg, and ring fertilizer 500 ~ 1000 kg, and soil cultivation after fertilization. The second topdressing was carried out in July and the buds were removed. Foliar fertilizer such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate is sprayed outside the root every 15 to 20 days, which can promote the expansion of tubers and globules.

2.3 reasonable watering Pinellia ternata likes to be wet. If the moisture is insufficient and the humidity is not enough, the seedlings will wither, which has a great impact on the yield. Especially from May to September, it is necessary to timely watering to keep the soil moist and promote the growth of plant tubers.

2.4 after scientific weeding seedlings come out, weeds should be cleared in time, shallow hoe between rows, and the depth should not exceed 3 cm. The grass between plants is pulled up by hand.

(3) Disease and pest control

The main diseases are leaf spot disease, virus disease and tuber rot, which can be controlled by carbendazim and chlorothalonil, and pay attention to shading and watering in drought and drainage in rainy season to avoid tuber rot caused by stagnant water. The main pests are red diamondback moth and green insects, which can be controlled by insecticides or caught artificially.

4 harvesting and processing

Propagation with tubers and bulbs can be harvested in the same year or the second year. To propagate with seeds, it needs to be harvested after 3-4 years. Fresh and wet Pinellia ternata is highly poisonous. When processing, you should be especially careful if you touch too much with your hands. When poisoning occurs, it is best to smear it with ginger water and disappear after 2 days. Wash the water of Pinellia ternata must not be discarded, otherwise it can endanger people, livestock and poultry.