
Cultivation techniques of Pinellia ternata in Yuelai Township

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Pinellia ternata is a perennial herb of Araceae. The tuber is used as medicine, which is toxic, has the effect of dryness and dampness and resolving phlegm, reducing adverse events and stopping vomiting, eliminating ruffles and dispersing knots. Yuelai Township, Anyue County, Sichuan Province is located in the western part of Tongxian District, Shufangba Reservoir flooded area, surrounded by water on three sides, the whole township is a shallow hilly slope, the soil is fertile and moist, it belongs to loose sand neutral and slightly acidic soil, and there is no environmental and air pollution, and the water quality is excellent. The mulberry field with half shade and half yang is the most suitable for interplanting Pinellia ternata.

Pinellia ternata is a perennial herb of Araceae. The tuber is used as medicine, which is toxic, has the effect of dryness and dampness and resolving phlegm, reducing adverse events and stopping vomiting, eliminating ruffles and dispersing knots. It mainly treats dampness, phlegm and cold drink, vomiting, nausea, cough and asthma, fullness of abdominal diaphragm, dizziness, pain and swelling, etc.

Yuelai Township, Anyue County, Sichuan Province is located in the western part of Tongxian District, Shufangba Reservoir flooded area, surrounded by water on three sides, the whole township is a shallow hilly slope, the soil is fertile and moist, it belongs to loose sand neutral and slightly acidic soil, and there is no environmental and air pollution, and the water quality is excellent. The mulberry field with half shade and half yang is the most suitable for interplanting Pinellia ternata.

1 selection of improved varieties

The selection of high quality provenance is the basis of high yield. The seed blocks with solid texture, plump spearhead and milky mucus with sticky hands on the cross section should be used as the provenance. Remove the seed blocks with moldy seed coat, soft texture and deteriorated seed. Although some plots are only partially rotten, they can take root and sprout after planting, but they are easy to occur at seedling stage and cause pollution, so they can not be used as seeds.

2 selection and preparation of land

Pinellia ternata has shallow roots, like warm and moist climate, afraid of drought and avoid high temperature. It is suitable for planting in the sandy land or sandy soil with moist and fertile, deep and good drainage performance, or you can choose the gentle slope mountain area with half shade and half sun. Yuelai Township belongs to shallow hilly sloping land, and the effect of interplanting Pinellia ternata in semi-shady and semi-sunny mulberry land is good. Sowing in winter or early spring should be ploughed as soon as possible to facilitate soil weathering and ripening. The ground should not be turned too deep, 15~20cm can. Level the ground and remove weeds.

3 fertilization

Pinellia ternata likes to be rich in fertilizer, which requires loose soil and sufficient organic fertilizer must be applied. Mature human and animal feces, urine and plant ash can be selected, supplemented by mature wheat straw, cottonseed, rice straw and a small amount of chemical fertilizer mixed with fine sandy soil to make base fertilizer.

4 sowing

Pinellia ternata planted in Yuelai Township is mostly sown in winter, using the method of sowing tubers.

After leveling the ground, sow seed blocks on the prepared border. The distance between species can be divided into three types: 6~8cm with diameter above 0.8cm, 4~6cm with diameter 0.5~0.8cm, and 2~3cm with diameter below 0.5cm. After sowing, cover the fine fertile soil and pour the root water. The furrows are formed naturally after being covered with soil. Mulching with plastic film can increase the ground temperature and emerge seedlings ahead of time.

5. Field management

Field management of Pinellia ternata is an important link to improve yield, quality and prevent diseases and insect pests.

5.1 uncover the plastic film

When the local temperature is more than 15 ℃ or more than 50% of Pinellia ternata grows a leaf, it can be "broken membrane to release seedlings", in case the temperature in the film is too high, burn seedlings, and should be watered in time.

5.2 Intermediate tillage and weeding

The emergence of Pinellia ternata is also the time for the growth of weeds, if not cleared in time, it will cause difficulties in seedling growth and affect the yield. The plant of Pinellia ternata is short, so it is necessary to loosen the soil and weed frequently during the growth period, so as to avoid grass shortage. The ploughing depth should not be too deep, and it should not exceed the 5cm to avoid root damage. Fertilizer should be applied in time after weeding.

5.3 remove the flower moss

In addition to remaining in the field, the flower moss extracted during the growing period of Pinellia ternata should be removed in time so as to concentrate nutrients on underground tubers and increase yield.

5.4 Water and fertilizer management

Pinellia ternata likes to be wet and afraid of drought, so it should be watered once before emergence to facilitate seedling emergence. During the growing period, it can be properly watered according to soil moisture, too dry, Pinellia ternata is easy to fall seedling phenomenon; too moist prone to root rot, rotten stem, seedling death. Therefore, pay attention to timely drainage, irrigation has an important effect on delaying the increase of Pinellia ternata seedlings.

Pinellia ternata is a fertilizer-loving plant. During the growing period, we should pay attention to more fertilization, mainly farm manure, especially in the growth period after seedling topdressing, mainly the application of human and animal manure. About 1000kg per mu is suitable for each time. In the late growth stage of Pinellia ternata, there is a large demand for phosphorus and potassium. Mixing appropriate amount of calcium superphosphate and potash fertilizer, mixing with ditch mud and sprinkling it on the soil surface can play the role of soil cultivation and grouting.

5.5 cultivate the soil

Soil cultivation is beneficial to soil moisture conservation and field drainage of Pinellia ternata. Soil cultivation can make the flat border high and the ridge become small ditch, which is conducive to drainage in the rainy season and prevent tuber rot; at the same time, soil cultivation is also conducive to weeding.

5.6 other

When the temperature of Pinellia ternata is as high as 30 ℃ in summer, the seedling will fall down. Inverted seedling is a kind of adaptability of Pinellia ternata to resist high temperature and strong light, and it plays a positive role in preserving and extending the life of Pinellia ternata. However, as far as production is concerned, inverted seedlings shorten the growth period, in addition to concealment and sprinkler irrigation to cool and shade, an appropriate amount of sodium bisulfite (0.01%) solution can also be sprayed to inhibit the respiration of Pinellia ternata, reduce the consumption of photosynthates, and the effect of increasing yield is obvious.

(6) Disease and pest control

Most of the diseases and insect pests of Pinellia ternata occur in the hot and humid summer. There are mainly leaf spot disease, rot disease, virus disease and red moth. The leaf spot disease can be sprayed with garlic 1kg and water 20~25kg, and the diseased plants can be pulled out and burned. Virus disease: select disease-free plants as far as possible to control man-made transmission; reasonable rotation of organic fertilizer to enhance disease resistance; removal of diseased plants and concentrated burning to prevent spread. Rot disease: pay attention to ditch drainage in time during the rainy season and after heavy rain; soak the seeds with 5% plant ash solution or 50% carbendazim 1000 times solution before planting. Red diamondback moth: using artificial capture method to remove or kill adults with black light.