
High quality and High yield cultivation techniques of a New Potato Variety-Kexin 18

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Kexin 18, a new potato variety, is an excellent variety with high yield and high resistance to late blight, which is developed by Keshan Potato Research Institute of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences. This variety has strong adaptability and wide planting range. It generally has a yield of about 3000kg per mu, and its high yield can reach more than 5000kg. According to the average price of 0.70 yuan / kg in recent years, the output value per mu can reach 2100 to 3500. It is an ideal economic crop for adjusting planting structure with high yield and high efficiency. Through multi-point test and demonstration study, we have summed up a

Kexin 18, a new potato variety, is an excellent variety with high yield and high resistance to late blight, which is developed by Keshan Potato Research Institute of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences. This variety has strong adaptability and wide planting range. It generally has a yield of about 3000kg per mu, and its high yield can reach more than 5000kg. According to the average price of 0.70 yuan / kg in recent years, the output value per mu can reach 2100 to 3500. It is an ideal economic crop for adjusting planting structure with high yield and high efficiency. Through multiple experiments and demonstration studies, we have summed up a set of simple and easy high-yield cultivation techniques as follows.

1 ploughing and soil preparation in autumn

Kexin 18 should be loose, fertile and easy to irrigate. The best crops for the previous crop are @ # @ 245 crops and soybeans. After selecting a good plot, it is generally required to turn over 25cm in autumn to do deep ploughing and raking fine, so that the field surface is flat, the surface is consistent, and the soil moisture is preserved to be sown in spring. In areas with irrigation conditions, the Beginning of Winter is irrigated after irrigation, and raked after soil thawing in spring to suppress and preserve soil moisture; in dry areas in spring, spring irrigation can be carried out and soil moisture can be made before sowing.

(2) rational fertilization

Combined with soil preparation in spring, organic fertilizer and base fertilizer were applied to the soil layer of 15~20cm at one time. The amount of fertilizer application can be increased appropriately to ensure the demand for nutrients at all stages of the growth process. Generally apply organic fertilizer 2500~4000kg, urea 20kg, diammonium phosphate 15~20kg, potassium sulfate 25kg per mu.

Conditional growers should be sprayed with potassium dihydrogen phosphate or rich potassium dihydrogen phosphate on their leaves in the bud stage for 1 or 2 times so as not to lose fat.

3 selected seed potatoes

When seed potatoes enter the cellar, pick out malformed potatoes, cracks, protruding bud eyes, dark skin, aging and rough potato skins, rotten or mechanically injured tubers. When the seed potatoes came out of the cellar the following spring, the tubers with moldy and slender buds were strictly eliminated, and the tubers with mild diseases could not be disposed of.

Four kinds of potato treatments

Potato pieces are selected for sprouting before sowing. The method of sprouting is to dig the pit of wide 33~50cm and deep 50~65cm in the leeward and sunny place, and the length is convenient. The bottom of the pit is covered with 10cm thick pure horse dung or fine sand, the top of the pit is covered with 3-4 layers of tubers, the ground plane of the pit top is covered with plastic film, 2.0~2.5cm is equal to bud length, the tuber is dark green, and the young buds are dark green or purplish green. Cut into pieces or sow whole potatoes when young roots grow. When cutting into pieces, the bad tubers with non-germination of bud eyes and discoloration of potato meat can be eliminated again. Slicing should not be 30g, still less should it be cut into thin slices, and the bud eye at the end had better not be used.

The cut buds can be mixed with fungicides such as methyl debuxine and talcum powder to dry the bud section as soon as possible to prevent bacterial infection.

5 sowing seeds at the right time

The sowing date should be determined according to the local climatic conditions. In the general year of Keshan, the sowing is finished around May 5. Sowing seeds should be of the same depth. If the sowing is too deep, the emergence of seedlings will be blocked and the yield will be affected; if the sowing is too shallow, the rate of green head will be high.

6 reasonable close planting

According to our experiment, 4000 seedlings per mu, the yield is 9893.4kg, 6000 seedlings per mu, the yield is 1333.4kg. -like 3500000 seedlings per mu. The plots with good soil fertility should be sparsely sown, otherwise they should be dense. In order to facilitate the cultivation of soil, ventilation and light transmission, the row spacing should be wide and the plant spacing should be properly reduced, and the general plant spacing is 15~30cm × 65~80cm.

7. Cultivate the soil by ploughing.

Weeding and loosening the soil when the seedlings are full, and the loose soil layer should be above 5cm. Cultivate the soil early, ploughing and cultivating the soil twice before flowering: the first cultivation is carried out when the seedling height is about 10cm, and the second cultivation is carried out before budding and ridging. The practice shows that the effect of increasing production by ploughing soil is obvious.

8. Field management

In case of drought in early spring, areas with watering conditions should be irrigated, usually watering winter water, seedling water, budding water and flowering water, and the specific watering times and quantity should depend on the soil water holding capacity.

The combination of promotion, control and protection should be achieved during the tuber-bearing period. That is to say, the growth should be controlled above ground and the tuber should be promoted underground. Timely spraying should be used to control late blight rent aphids. In early July, metalaxyl or 25% carbendazim was sprayed to prevent the occurrence of late blight, and the diseased plants found in the field were pulled out and destroyed in time. Spray control every 7-10 days, usually 2-3 times. In case of a high incidence of late blight, you can appropriately increase the frequency and dose of spraying, or cross-use of multiple agents to avoid drug resistance. Aphids can be controlled with 40% omethoate 1800-2000 times.

This variety is disease-resistant and should be harvested after natural drying up to more than 90% in the field.