
Standardized cultivation techniques of Angelica sinensis

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, 1 Land selection and land preparation 1.1 Land selection. Select the sandy loam with deep, loose, good drainage, fertile and rich in organic matter. To raise seedlings, it is best to choose the north gentle slope of half-shade and half-yang, and it is appropriate to transplant in the place of leeward to the sun, avoiding continuous cropping. 1.2 ground preparation. The cultivation land should choose the field with deep soil layer, turn deeply 2 or 3 times before sowing, turn the soil more than 25 cm deep, speed up the soil ripening through the sun, and then combine with soil preparation before planting, apply mature farm manure 23.3 tons / mu, compound fertilizer 30kg / mu, turn into the soil to make the foundation.

1. Land selection and preparation

1.1 choose a place. Select the sandy loam with deep, loose, good drainage, fertile and rich in organic matter. To raise seedlings, it is best to choose the north gentle slope of half-shade and half-yang, and it is appropriate to transplant in the place of leeward to the sun, avoiding continuous cropping.

1.2 ground preparation. The cultivation land should select the field with deep soil layer, turn deeply 2-3 times before sowing, turn the soil more than 25 cm deep, accelerate the soil ripening through the sun, and then apply mature farm manure 2-3 tons / mu and compound fertilizer 30-50 kg / mu before planting. Turn it into the soil as base fertilizer, shallow ploughing once before sowing, make a high border with a width of 1-1.3 meters, and open a good drainage ditch all around.

2 methods of reproduction

2.1 Live. Both on-demand and on-demand are available. Strip sowing opened a horizontal ditch on the finished border at the beginning of May. The distance between the center of the ditch was 30 cm, the depth of the ditch was 5 cm, the bottom of the ditch should be flat, and the amount of seeds used per mu was 1: 1.5 kg. On demand, dig a hole in the shape of plum blossom with a distance of 27 cm on the border surface, the depth of the hole is 3 to 5 cm, and the bottom of the hole should be flat. Each hole is planted with 3 grains, the seed amount per mu is 0.5 kilogram, and then the fine soil is covered with 1 cm. Finally, a thin layer of short grass or loose hair is covered in the ditch or hole for moisturizing.

2.2 Seedling and transplanting. Select the northward gentle slope of half-shade and half-yang, and prepare the land for bed before sowing. Seedlings were raised from the end of March to the beginning of April or the middle of July. The use of strip sowing seedlings, easy to manage, but also can be sown. Strip sowing in the whole border according to the row spacing of 15 cm 20 cm horizontal border trench, ditch depth of about 3 cm, spread seeds evenly into the ditch, cover soil 1 cm 2 cm, smooth the border surface, cover grass moisturizing and shading. The sowing rate is 4-5 kg per mu. Generally, seedlings emerge 10-15 days after sowing. When the seedlings are 1-2 cm high, remove the mulch and pull out the weeds. Combine weeding to keep the distance between plants at a distance of 1 cm.

The seedlings raised from March to April were transplanted in June of the same year, and those raised in July were transplanted in March of the second year. The row spacing of transplanting plants is 20 cm × 20 cm, there are 2-3 seedlings per hole, and 12000 ~ 18000 seedlings per mu. After planting, fill the soil tightly, then cover the fine soil and cover the root neck of the seedling by 2cm to 3cm.

3. Field management

3.1 keeping seedlings overwintering. The direct seeding seedlings should be fertilized with winter fertilizer before overwintering, and the mature farm manure or compost should be applied into the hole or strip sowing ditch, and then covered with fine soil. The seedling bed of seedling transplanting was not fertilized with winter fertilizer, but covered with fine soil with a thickness of 1cm to 2cm.

3.2 seedlings. The seedlings and direct seeding should be carried out between seedlings, thinning out the weak seedlings that are too dense, and the seedlings are often combined with intertillage. When seeded in holes, 2-3 seedlings were left in each hole, the distance between plants was 3-5 cm, and the seedlings were fixed when the height of the seedlings was 10 cm. The seedlings of strip sowing were set according to the plant spacing of 15 cm and 20 cm, leaving 6500 and 7000 seedlings per mu. For direct seeding, the seedlings were planted for the first time when the seedling height was 3 cm, and the seedlings were fixed when the seedling height was 10 cm. After transplanting, combined with weeding and fixing seedlings for the first time, there were 1 plant in each hole and 6000-9000 seedlings per mu.

3.3 ploughing and weeding. Direct seeding seedlings are generally ploughed and weeded for 3 or 4 times, and the first two times are combined with inter-seedlings and fixed seedlings, the third time is around the first ten days of July, the fourth time is around the first ten days of August, shallow ploughing is suitable for intertillage, and moss seedlings should be pulled out during the second and third intertillage. The first weeding was carried out 30 days after transplanting, loosening the soil with a shovel or small hoe, loosening soil depth of 3 cm, breaking hardening and weeding seedlings. The second time of ploughing and weeding was carried out 60 days after transplanting, hoeing 4cm deep with a hoe to clean up weeds. Pay attention to prevent moving roots and seedlings. The third weeding was carried out before the ridge closure of Angelica sinensis. When the ridge was closed, use a hoe to hoe 7cm deep to remove weeds, pay attention to prevent moving roots from injuring seedlings, and at the same time obstruct the soil, and pull up weeds at any time when they appear.

3.4 topdressing. Do not apply too much nitrogen fertilizer in the seedling stage, so as to avoid early bolting caused by excessive seedling growth, and human and animal manure water or compost can be properly applied in the middle and later stages of growth, 1 ton per mu.

3.5 pick flower bolts. The late-maturing varieties which are not easy to bolting should be selected when planting, various agronomic measures should be taken to reduce the early bolting rate, and the plants with early bolting should be cut off in time, otherwise the quality of medicinal materials will be reduced, and a large amount of water and fertilizer will be consumed, which will have a great impact on the plants. should be picked as soon as possible.

3.6 Irrigation and drainage. When Angelica is dry at seedling stage, it should be properly watered to keep the soil moist, but can not be irrigated with flood. Remove stagnant water in time during the rainy season to prevent rotting roots.

(4) Disease and pest control

4.1 Disease. There are mainly root rot and powdery mildew. ① root rot. In the initial stage, the aboveground part had no obvious symptoms, and the susceptible tissue turned brown at first, and then rotted in the form of water. It was easy to remove the tissue by hand, and formed concave spots in the root. In the later stage, the whole root rotted and smelled, and the aboveground part wilted and died. Prevention and control methods: select disease-free and robust seedlings, remove diseased plants and destroy them in time, and disinfect the diseased soil with 400 grams of plant ash (500 grams) or 300 grams of quicklime (200 grams). It can also be controlled with 40% root rot Ning 500 × 800 times solution and 0.5 kg per plant. The seedlings were soaked in 1000 times of carbendazim wettable powder for 30 minutes. ② powdery mildew. During high temperature drying in summer, gray powdery disease spots appeared on the surface of the damaged leaves, which made the leaves yellowing and wilting. Prevention and treatment methods: remove the diseased plants in time and burn them; spray 1000 times of 50% methyl topiramate at the initial stage of the disease.

4.2 insect pests. There are mainly small land tigers, grubs, aphids and red spiders. ① small ground tiger, grub, damage to the rhizome. Control methods: turn the land deeply in winter, remove weeds, eliminate overwintering eggs, apply rotten barnyard manure and compost, cover soil after application, and reduce the number of adults laying eggs. 90% crystal trichlorfon can be used to make poison bait with 100 grams of wheat bran per mu. ② aphids, red spiders. To harm the young leaves of the new shoots. Prevention and control method: spray with 40% dimethoate EC 800-1500 times.

5 harvesting and processing

Angelica sinensis directly seeded in autumn was harvested in the third year after sowing, and the transplanting was harvested around the last ten days of October of that year, and harvested when the plant was withered and yellow. Be careful not to break or hurt the roots during harvest. Shake off the sediment from the roots, let it dry for 2 or 3 days until the roots become soft, cut off the stems and leaves, tie them into small handfuls according to the size of the roots, hang them head-down on the Kang rack, smoke and bake slowly with fireworks, pay attention to indoor ventilation when smoking and baking, and often turn the roots. After drying, rub off the whiskers, trim the fine hair roots, and then sell.