
Propagation and cultivation techniques of ornamental Peach Blossom

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Ornamental peach blossom, also known as peach blossom, refers to the variety of peach trees for ornamental purposes. Compared with edible peaches, it has the characteristics of larger flowers, more petals, beautiful flower shape, rich flower color, longer flowering period and so on. Except for a few varieties, ornamental peach blossoms generally do not bear fruit, even if they bear fruit, the fruit is not edible, and the fruit color is not good and the size is small. But its bright and brilliant flowers are not only a symbol of spring, but also an indispensable ornamental plant in spring. Du Fu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, used the poem "Peach Blossom blossoms without owner, lovely crimson reflecting light red".

Ornamental peach blossom, also known as peach blossom, refers to the variety of peach trees for ornamental purposes. Compared with edible peaches, it has the characteristics of larger flowers, more petals, beautiful flower shape, rich flower color, longer flowering period and so on. Except for a few varieties, ornamental peach blossoms generally do not bear fruit, even if they bear fruit, the fruit is not edible, and the fruit color is not good and the size is small. But its bright and brilliant flowers are not only a symbol of spring, but also an indispensable ornamental plant in spring. Du Fu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, used the poem "Peach Blossom blossoms are ownerless, lovely crimson reflecting light red" to describe them as luxuriant and delicate.

Ornamental peach blossoms can be planted alone, in clusters, in courtyards, squares, roadsides, near buildings, or between willows to form the effect of "peach red and willow green". Potted plants can also be used to watch or make bonsai. In addition, you can also do cut flowers vase to watch.

I. basic form

Ornamental peach blossom is a small deciduous tree of the genus Prunus in Rosaceae, which can be divided into two large lines: mountain peach blossom, which is the result of peach and apricot or peach and mountain peach hybrid, and true peach blossom is purebred peach. The two systems are divided into five types, except for the white mountain green belongs to the mountain peach, broom peach, birthday peach, weeping peach, straight peach all belong to the true peach blossom. The shape of ornamental peach blossoms can be divided into five categories: single petal, 5 petals, relatively flat; plum-shaped, petals 20 to 25, shaped like plum blossoms; rose-shaped, after blooming, outer petals turn outward, inner petals wrapped in, such as a small rose; peony-shaped, more than 40 petals, the whole flower looks like a bouquet, quite like peony; chrysanthemum-shaped, petals thin and many, shaped like chrysanthemums. Among the ornamental peaches, the one with the most common cultivation and rich variety is Bitao.

Green peach (Prunuspersicaf.duplex), also known as peach, thousand-leaf peach blossom, is the general name of double and semi-double ornamental peach. The plant height is about 8 meters, and can be controlled at 3 to 4 meters after plastic surgery, or even shorter, branchlets reddish brown or green brown, glabrous; gray pilose on buds; leaf blade elliptic-lanceolate, 7 to 10 cm long, apex acuminate, margin serrulate, petiole with glands, leaf color in addition to ordinary green and purplish red. The flower is solitary or 2 are born in the leaf axil, put together with the leaf or bloom slightly earlier than the leaf, its flower color is delicate and colorful, there are white, pink, scarlet, crimson, purple and other colors, some varieties can also produce flowers of different colors on the same plant, that is, the so-called "jumping peach", and even a flower has two different color spots and markings, called "sprinkling golden peach".

There are many varieties of green peach, such as sprinkled golden green peach, birthday star blue peach, weeping green peach, red flower blue peach, purple leaf green peach, tower-shaped green peach, white flower blue peach, thousand peach, two-color blue peach, colorful blue peach, human face peach and so on.

The flowering period of peach blossoms varies from region to region. In warmer areas such as Guangdong and Guangxi, they can bloom around the Spring Festival, or even earlier, while the colder areas in the north do not bloom until April to May.

II. Methods of reproduction

The propagation of ornamental peach blossoms is mainly by grafting, and the annual seedlings of hairy peach, mountain peach and apricot can be used as rootstocks, or the annual branches germinated on the stump of old peach trees that have grown for many years can be used as rootstocks, and the branches or buds of peach blossoms can be used as scions. In order to increase ornamental, different varieties of ornamental peach blossoms can be grafted on one plant to make them blossom in different colors and shapes.

1. Split grafting, also known as branch grafting, is carried out before spring germination. the scion uses the strong and substantial branches of the previous year, and the rootstock is required to be about 1.2 cm thick. Cut off the branches on the ground and split a small crack from the middle of the rootstock. The lower end of the ornamental peach blossom scion is cut into a bevel with a sharp knife to combine it with the rootstock seam, and then bind it with plastic rope and bury it with soil pile, so that the growth can be restored in a month or so.

two。 Budding is the most commonly used method of propagation of peach blossoms, which is carried out from May to August every year, and the rootstock is required to be smooth and sturdy, with a diameter of about 1.5 centimeters; select buds on the middle branches of peach blossoms that year as scions, and when choosing buds, choose leaf buds with a sharper shape, only such buds can be successfully branched after grafting, while those with round, full and white silk hairs are flower buds that cannot be selected.

When grafting, first cut it with a sharp knife on the top and bottom of the scion bud, then cut two knives vertically on the back of the bud, and then forcefully pick out the 0.3 cm thick skin, which is called "appearance". Then, according to the size of "appearance", at the strong bud position on the rootstock, the bud piece is also deducted, and then the bud piece on the scion is buckled. The buds on the scion can also be cut into a "T" shape, and the rootstock can also be cut into a "T" cut, and the buds can be inserted into the incision to make them coincide with each other.

Finally, tie it up with Ma Pi or plastic rope from top to bottom, exposing only petioles and buds, binding should not be too tight, so as not to damage the buds. If the color of the bud remains the same after 10 days, it means that it has survived.

3. Management after grafting the grafted plants should timely wipe off the new buds germinated on the rootstock and cut off the branches on the rootstock. For the budded plants, when the grafted plants are about 10 cm, cut the rootstocks 1.5 to 2 cm above the grafted buds. These measures are to prevent the branches of rootstocks from dispersing nutrients and promote the growth of scions.

III. Cultivation and management

Ornamental peach blossoms are native to China, distributed in North, Central and Southwest provinces, and are introduced and cultivated all over the world. Watch peach blossoms like warm, humid and sunny environment, resistant to cold, but afraid of waterlogging. Suitable for growing in loose, fertile, well-drained sandy soil, avoid alkaline soil and clayey soil.

Ornamental peach blossoms planted on the ground can be planted in places with sufficient sunshine and good ventilation, and can be planted in embankments, sunny slopes, lawns, roadside green belts, residential areas, courtyards and other places, but they should not be planted under trees with larger crowns, so as not to affect ventilation and light permeability. it is not suitable to plant in low-lying water, so as not to cause rotten roots due to stagnant water.

1. Transplanting ornamental peach blossoms are transplanted with soil balls after defoliation in early spring or autumn, but young trees can be transplanted without soil balls, but mud must be applied to the roots of young trees, and when transplanting big trees, soil balls must be taken to improve the survival rate, and planting pits should be dug a little bigger. and apply enough rotten farm manure, cake fertilizer and so on as base fertilizer, watering once after planting. Peach trees with large crowns are fixed with support frames to avoid shaking the plants back and forth when the wind blows, which will adversely affect the survival and growth of peach trees in the future.

two。 Ornamental peach blossoms planted on watered land can be watered with frozen water and frozen water respectively in early spring and late autumn each year.