
Potato feeding pigs to prevent poisoning

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Potato improper storage will cause germination, rot, pig food after easy to cause poisoning. 1 clinical symptom spirit excited restlessness, random cry, in the circle random rush random bump. A long time will be depressed spirit, walking wobbly, hind body weakness, severe quadriplegia, lying down, breathing difficulties, conjunctival cyanosis. If the rescue is not timely, heart failure and death. In mild or chronic poisoning cases, salivation, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea, bloody stool and so on were the main changes. 2 Treatments Suspected Horse

1 clinical symptoms

Excited and restless, screaming, rushing about in the circle. After a long time, he became depressed, staggered when walking, weak hindquarters, severe limb paralysis, lying on the ground, dyspnea, conjunctival cyanosis. If the rescue is not timely, he will die of heart failure. The main changes in mild or chronic poisoning cases were salivation, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea, bloody stool and so on.

2 methods of treatment

If you are suspected of potato poisoning, you should immediately stop eating for one day to make them hungry. The treatment is based on the principles of maintaining liver and heart function, detoxification and detoxification. The measures are as follows:

2.1Vitamin C 20ml, Anna plus 10ml, furosemide 40ml, glucose solution 50ml and saline 1000ml were injected intravenously once a day for 2 days.

2.2 Sodium sulfate 500g, 5000mi in normal water, once dissolved and infused.

2.3 Baifan powder: Fritillaria 25g, Angelica dahurica 25g, turmeric 30g, Huangling 30g, Liriodendron 30g, licorice 25g, stone Reed 25g, Coptis 30g, gentian 30g, rock sugar 150g. One dose a day for 3 days.