
Super High-yielding cultivation techniques of Shengtai No.1 Rice

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Shengtai No. 1, a new super high yield and disease resistant variety bred by Rice Institute of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, has been approved by Guangdong Province and Shaanxi Province, and has been subsidized by the first high quality and special new varieties of major crops of the Ministry of Agriculture of China. The whole growth period of this variety is about 132 days in early cropping and 122 days in late cropping in Jieyang City. It belongs to the variety with both early and late maturity. Its stem and leaf morphological structure is coordinated and reasonable, the root system is developed and deep, the tillering ability is medium and strong, the fertilizer resistance and lodging resistance is good, it is suitable for planting in areas above medium fertility, and the effect of increasing yield is obvious. The head of the ear grows, the grain is dense, and the grain of the ear knot.

Shengtai No. 1, a new super high yield and disease resistant variety bred by Rice Institute of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, has been approved by Guangdong Province and Shaanxi Province, and has been subsidized by the first high quality and special new varieties of major crops of the Ministry of Agriculture of China. The whole growth period of this variety is about 132 days in early cropping and 122 days in late cropping in Jieyang City. It belongs to the variety with both early and late maturity. Its stem and leaf morphological structure is coordinated and reasonable, the root system is developed and deep, the tillering ability is medium and strong, the fertilizer resistance and lodging resistance is good, it is suitable for planting in areas above medium fertility, and the effect of increasing yield is obvious. The ear head grows, the grain is dense, the ear grain structure is excellent, the total grain number of the main ear is more than 500, and the high yield potential is great. Jieyang City was planted early in 1996 and planted in Qiaonan Village, Pandong Town, late last year, with an average yield of 622.8 kg per mu and a super high yield of 6973 kg. This marks another successful step in rice breeding with high quality and high yield in our province. The cultivation techniques of super high yield are introduced as follows:

First, cultivate strong seedlings with soil transplanting and sparse sowing in order to grow strong seedlings and half of the good seedlings. The sowing amount per mu of rice seedlings is 10ml / mu and 15kg / mu, sparse sowing and uniform sowing. It is covered with plastic film to protect against cold after early sowing, and sunshade net is used to prevent heavy rain or rainstorm in the evening. The early seedling field requires ploughing and tanning and then using calcium superphosphate retting to make manure water fertilizer; when starting the border, use 20 kg compound fertilizer per mu to spread the border surface and press it into the surface soil. After sowing, cover the border with plant ash to keep warm and moisturize. After uncovering the film, 150 mg / kg dwarf was sprayed and fertilized in time to promote tillering. The early production of rotten manure or the application of imported compound fertilizer with water, from light to thick, and late production can be made with imported compound fertilizer or adding a small amount of urea with water. The early growing time was 5 days before transplanting, and the late growing time was 4 days before transplanting. Timely prevention and control of diseases and insect pests and good marriage medicine should be applied at the seedling stage. 3 tillers per plant were required when transplanting. When pulling seedlings, do not wash the roots, transplant with soil, in order to reduce plant injury, promote early return to green, early tillering. Late planting is best planted on cloudy days or after 4: 00 p. M.

Second, Honda soil improvement and fertilizer Shengtai No. 1 root system can reach 70 cm underground, so a suitable soil environment should be created: Honda ploughs deeply to more than 22 cm, Zaozao sprinkles the field with 150 kg of manure water and 30 kg calcium phosphate per mu when fully exposed, and then sprinkles 250 kg of mushroom residue or 300 kg of dried chicken and duck manure on the field at the beginning of spring. And turn it over to the bottom. Late cultivation requires that 50% of the straw should be returned to the field, retted and pressed after spraying rotten stalk Ling and 25 kg of lime to accelerate decomposition and neutralize acidity.

Third, shallow insertion and uniform sowing, timely seedling inspection, Honda should rake flat and drain to the thin water layer one day in advance to ensure the quality of planting. The roots of seedlings should be soaked with amino acid compound micro-fertilizer for 1 hour before planting. The footprints left during transplanting should be smoothed, shallow planted and sown evenly to ensure that the seedlings are upright, and the seedlings should be checked and replenished on the second day after transplanting.

Fourth, Honda scientific fertilization

In the early production of base fertilizer, 20 kg of calcium superphosphate and 25 kg of ammonium bicarbonate per mu were applied as surface fertilizer (ammonium bicarbonate was suitable for low temperature in early spring and late fertilizer effect of urea), and 30 kg of calcium superphosphate and 10 kg of urea were used as surface fertilizer in late production.

Topdressing revolves around the management mode of "promoting early growth, attacking large panicles, increasing fruiting, increasing grain weight and keeping staying strength". On the third day after planting, the first tillering fertilizer was applied with urea 6 kg / mu mixed with 60% desachlor 100 ml / mu combined with weeding; the second tillering fertilizer was applied 7 kg urea and 7 kg potassium chloride on the 8th-9th day after planting. The mid-term fertilizer was applied at 28 days after planting (that is, the initial stage of young panicle differentiation) and the fifth stage of young panicle differentiation, with 4 kg of urea and 4 kg of potassium chloride each time. In the later stage, if the weather is fine and the light is sufficient, when the lower leaf sheath of rice fades slightly, full panicle fertilizer can be applied, urea 3 kg, potassium chloride 4 kg per mu or compound fertilizer 10 kg per mu. Honda applied pure N 19 5 kg, P2O54 8 kg, K2O19 4 kg per mu, N ∶ P ∶ K was 1 ∶ 0.3 ∶ 10, and the proportion of nitrogen application in the early, middle and later stages was about 67 ∶ 23 ∶ 10.

The first tillering fertilizer was also applied on the third day after planting, applying urea 5ml / mu and 6kg / mu mixed with desachlor 100ml / mu, the second tillering fertilizer was applied on the 8th day after planting, 65kg urea and 6kg potassium chloride were applied per mu, and the fertilizer in the middle stage was applied at the beginning and fifth stage of young panicle differentiation, applying 5kg urea and 4kg potassium chloride per mu. In the later stage, 3.5 kg of urea, 3 kg of potassium chloride or 7.5 kg of compound fertilizer was applied at full heading stage and 10 days after full heading according to weather conditions. The application rate of N 19 9 kg, P2O54 7 kg, K2O22 0 kg per mu of late Honda, N ∶ P ∶ K was 1 ∶ 0 24 ∶ 1 10, and the proportion of nitrogen application in the early, middle and late stages was 63 ∶ 23 ∶ 14.

Fifth, scientific use of water, regulating fertilizer with water in field water management should master shallow water tillering, and late tillering should be deliberately irrigated before each application of promoting tiller fertilizer to reduce the acid and toxic substances produced by the decomposition of rice straw in the soil layer. When the number of effective panicle seedlings accounts for 80%, it can be exposed to the field lightly and dry enough to dry the field; in the middle and later stage, the alternation of dry and wet can play the role of regulating fertilizer with water, and promote the rice root activity is strong, the stem is tough, and the leaves are straight, showing a lodging-resistant situation. However, the shallow water layer must be maintained from the early heading stage to the full heading stage, and the water should be prevented from being cut off prematurely in the later stage.

Sixth, killing snails and rodents, preventing diseases and pests, high-yield fields are easy to cause harm to voles, so rats should be completely poisoned twice before the open field. If the rats are applied after the open field, the rats have already gone down to the field to harm the seedlings. The snail damage is especially serious in late production, so the snail should be killed once before planting. Shi Tianan was used as protective agent at tillering stage, Jinggangmycin was applied to control sheath blight according to weather conditions before returning water, thrips, rice locusts, borer and planthopper were strictly controlled in the early and middle stages of rice production, and neck blast, sheath blight and rice planthopper were controlled comprehensively from break to full heading stage.