
Scientific application of fishery medicine

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Fishery drugs are all substances used to prevent, control and treat diseases, insects and pests of aquatic animals and plants, promote the healthy growth of cultured varieties, enhance disease resistance and improve the quality of aquaculture water. This paper introduces several correct methods for the prevention and treatment of aquatic animal diseases: first, there are many kinds of fishery drugs, and their physical and chemical properties are different. Therefore, before using fishery medicine, we must first accurately diagnose the main diseases and pathogens of the breeding and control objects, make a treatment plan, and then choose the right medicine to the case, otherwise not only

Fishery drugs are all substances used to prevent, control and treat diseases, insects and pests of aquatic animals and plants, promote the healthy growth of cultured varieties, enhance disease resistance and improve the quality of aquaculture water. Here are some correct medication methods for the prevention and treatment of aquatic animal diseases:

First, there are many kinds of fishery drugs for symptomatic application, and their physical and chemical properties are different. Therefore, before using fishery medicine, we must first accurately diagnose the main diseases and pathogens of the breeding and control objects, make a treatment plan, and then choose the right medicine to the case, otherwise, it will not only fail to achieve the desired control effect, but also delay the effective treatment time and increase the cost, resulting in the loss of aquaculture production. Accurate diagnosis is the foundation of treatment.

Second, timely medication aquaculture objects in the whole growth cycle in the water, it is not easy to observe the symptoms of their disease as early as possible, so it is difficult to use drugs in time to control. For the disease that has occurred, in most cases, the period of application is too late, and it is often paid attention to when the disease infects most breeding objects, especially when epidemic diseases occur, and drugs are not used until this time, and the effect of most treatment is not very satisfactory. Therefore, some preventive measures should be taken according to the occurrence information provided by the local aquatic disease forecasting department and the actual breeding situation, and the principle of "early detection, early isolation and early treatment" should be followed. In the process of aquaculture management, we should patrol the ponds, pay more attention to observation, and take timely measures as soon as problems are found. In the early stage of the disease, the treatment effect is remarkable, and can quickly control the spread of diseases and insect pests.

3. Before applying a proper amount of pesticide, we must accurately measure the water body, calculate the pool water volume, and detect the characteristics of pond water quality, water temperature, pH and other factors, so as to prepare for the selection of drug dosage. When using all kinds of fishery drugs, it is necessary to know whether the drug is within the efficacy period, then according to the upper and lower limits of the recommended concentration in the instructions, and choose the appropriate concentration according to the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the water quality environment, do not increase or decrease at will, blindly abuse, too high dosage can make the prevention and control object produce stress, too low affect the curative effect, delay the opportunity of treatment, and the result is an increase in the cost of breeding. In addition, it is also necessary to correctly grasp the number of drug use in order to achieve a good prevention and control effect.

Fourth, evenly apply the medicine when using the fishery medicine, shake the medicine well and dilute it. In particular, disinfectants should first dilute the water by 100 to 200 times, and then sprinkle it evenly from the upwind of the pond to the leeward. If there is oxygen-increasing equipment, it is necessary to turn on the oxygen-increasing equipment to allow the pool water to flow, so that the drug can quickly and uniformly dissolve and spread into the water body, so as to avoid local concentrated application and cause stress or poisoning. The time of application should be avoided in the lunchtime of direct sunlight, and should be carried out at 8: 10:00 or 4: 6 p.m. on a sunny day. The population dynamics of the control objects were carefully observed within 24 hours after application, and the disease was followed up.

Fifth, rotational application of pesticides for disease prevention in the same pond, long-term repeated use of a certain kind of drugs, it is easy to make viruses and germs produce drug resistance. As a result, the efficacy of the drug is reduced, and finally the drug is unable to control viruses and bacteria, resulting in sudden death of breeding objects. In addition, the frequent use of the same drug is easy to cause a large amount of residual toxin enrichment in the prevention and control object, reduce its immunity, cause chronic poisoning, but also affect the quality and safety of aquatic products, and endanger human health after consumption. Therefore, different preventive drugs should be used alternately or alternately to prevent the emergence of drug resistance.

At present, the phenomenon of mixed use of fishery drugs is very common. Reasonable and scientific mixing of fishery drugs can improve the control effect, increase the efficacy and reduce the cost. In the mixed use of drugs should be carried out in strict accordance with the operating procedures, not all fishery drugs can be mixed. The mixture of two or more drugs will produce two opposite results, one is called synergism, that is, to help each other to strengthen the efficacy, and the other is called antagonism, that is, to cancel each other out and reduce the efficacy. Therefore, we should first master the characteristics of mixed use of fishery drugs, avoid compatibility taboos, so as to avoid drug efficacy disappearance or drug damage. The mixed use of fishery drugs had better be tested by technicians to prove the feasibility of the effect, and then summarize and popularize the use.

7. Safe application of drugs should pay attention to personal safety when dispensing and applying fish medicine. some drugs have a strong pungent smell in the air or contact with high concentrations will harm human skin, so you should wear masks and protective gloves to avoid endangering your health. When applying pesticide, you should stand in the limelight and do not apply it in the wind. The use of fishery drugs should pay attention to the conditions of use, the scope of use and the provisions of the period of withdrawal before harvest, so as not to cause drug residues to exceed the standard, but must be carried out in accordance with the guidelines for the use of pollution-free Food and Fisheries drugs, and carry out "green and healthy breeding". Care about the health of consumers.