
Seedling raising and cultivation techniques of Schisandra chinensis

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Schisandra chinensis [Schisandrachinensis (Turcz.) Baill.] It belongs to Magnoliaceae and Schisandra chinensis, which is a famous traditional Chinese medicine and is listed as one of the important medicinal materials in the development strategy of northern medicine in Heilongjiang Province. It is mainly distributed in Northeast China, as well as in North China, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi and Sichuan. Schisandra chinensis is used in medicine with fruit, the berries are fleshy, spherical and crimson, which can treat lung deficiency, cough and asthma, diarrhea, night sweats and so on. After the national implementation of the natural forest protection project, people's development and utilization of Schisandra chinensis has also caused

Schisandra chinensis [Schisandrachinensis (Turcz.) Baill.] It belongs to Magnoliaceae and Schisandra chinensis, which is a famous traditional Chinese medicine and is listed as one of the important medicinal materials in the development strategy of northern medicine in Heilongjiang Province. It is mainly distributed in Northeast China, as well as in North China, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi and Sichuan. Schisandra chinensis is used in medicine with fruit, the berries are fleshy, spherical and crimson, which can treat lung deficiency, cough and asthma, diarrhea, night sweats and so on. After the national implementation of the natural forest protection project, people have paid more attention to the development and utilization of Schisandra chinensis, and gradually began various research and development work such as seedling cultivation.

1 Seedling raising technique

1.1 seed collection

Collect seeds in mid-late September, pile them up for a few days, then select them with water, remove them from the shade and dry them, and set aside. The seeds picked on the mountain cannot be used to raise seedlings.

1.2 seed treatment

In the first and middle of January, the sand accumulation method was used and the temperature was 10: 15 ℃. It should be checked at any time, especially when entering the sowing time. The seed can be sown when the crack rate reaches about 30%.

1.3 sowing

The sowing amount is 25~30g/ square meters, 350,400 plants per mu, the thickness of soil cover is 1.0~1.5cm, and the sowing time is in the first ten days of May.

1.4 Field management

Make a sunshade before emergence, and begin to shade when the seedling emerges. The effect of full-light seedling cultivation is not good, and the light transmittance is less than 30% and 40%. Weeding is mainly artificial, because the terminal buds of Schisandra chinensis seedlings are sensitive to some herbicides and should not be used. The annual growth generally does not exceed 10cm, and the insufficient 10~15cm should be covered with soil over the winter and then cultivated for one year for the establishment of the garden.

2 cultivation techniques

2.1 Building a garden

2.1.1 choose a better plot to build a garden, choose a place with flat terrain, adequate water resources and shelter, and do a good job in zoning to facilitate management. The main criteria for seedling selection are developed root system, good growth, no mechanical damage and no diseases and insect pests.

2.1.2 the planting time is in the middle and last ten days of April, and the planting density is generally 0.6 × 2m. In the second year after planting, the scaffolding, tendril, binding and de-sprouting were carried out, and the late shaping work of the garden was completed.

2.1.3 after field management planting, budding water should be irrigated once in the following year, combined with irrigation can be topdressing fertilizer, mainly phosphate fertilizer, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer. Weeding in mid-tillage is mainly artificial, and chemical herbicides are generally not used. The principles of shaping and pruning are: keeping strong main vines to ensure rational use of space; leaving old and small; leaving medium and long branches, short and basal branches; and getting rid of weak, over-dense and senescent branches.

2.2 semi-wild cultivation

Small trees and shrubs were used as biological scaffolds for the cultivation of Schisandra chinensis in woodland. The canopy density of the upper small trees should not exceed 0.4 and the wild Schisandra chinensis group should be retained if the overdense small shrubs such as hazelwood, Lespedeza, honeysuckle and so on are removed. 2-3-year-old Schisandra chinensis seedlings should be planted. The density should be determined according to the actual situation, generally about 5000 plants, and its field management is simpler than that of building a garden. It only needs to be ploughed, weeded and loosened in the first two years, and only pay attention to pruning and shaping later.

2.3 improved cultivation of wild resources

In the area with more natural distribution of Schisandra chinensis, wild resources can be improved and cultivated, and seedlings can be replenished in the areas where Schisandra chinensis is insufficient to achieve a reasonable density. If the transformation is carried out, it may also be cultivated into a forest, but it is generally believed that this is not conducive to the protection of natural forests.

3 problems and discussion

3.1 artificial cultivation of Schisandra chinensis is an important way to develop northern medicine, which not only protects the ecological environment, but also benefits human beings. Therefore, we need to cherish this precious resource to make the production of Schisandra chinensis reach a virtuous circle.

3.2 according to the actual situation of each region, the cultivation of Schisandra chinensis should be carried out not only by artificial cultivation, but also by semi-wild cultivation or wild resource improvement cultivation.

3.3 the principle of cultivating Schisandra chinensis in the forest is to prevent the flooding of Schisandra chinensis, causing an imbalance in biological balance. In individual semi-wild cultivation plots, Schisandra chinensis and other young trees of Korean pine, yellow pineapple, Fraxinus mandshurica and other tree species (3-5m high) were all covered and overwhelmed, coupled with unreasonable picking, all the trees died, and almost all the lower trees in some forest areas died. Therefore, the relationship between the development of Schisandra chinensis and the coexistence of surrounding organisms should be solved in the semi-wild cultivated land.

3.4 the cultivation area of Schisandra chinensis should not be blindly too large and should be opposed to mass action, so as not to cause excess and hinder the development process of Schisandra chinensis.