
Cultivation techniques of geranium

Published: 2025-03-04 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2025/03/04, Variety: Marerick,Orbit,Multibloom,Elite,OrangeApeal series germination stage-preparation stage all geranium varieties can be planted under the same conditions. (germination) PH value: 6.2-6.5PH lower than 6.0can lead to bud tip shedding and sodium, iron, magnesium (13-2-13-6Ca-3Mg) can not be absorbed phenomenon of radicle in the first stage 1-2 days. Appearance features: stage 1

Variety: Marerick,Orbit,Multibloom,Elite,OrangeApeal series

Germination period

-preparation stage

All geranium varieties can be planted under the same conditions. (germination)

Ph: 6.2-6.5PH lower than 6.0can cause bud tip shedding and sodium, iron, magnesium (13-2-13-6Ca-3Mg) can not be absorbed.

Stage 1

The radicle appeared in 1-2 days.

Appearance characteristics: since the first stage, the root length is 0.64-1.27 cm, appearing in the leaves.

Humidity: the soaked matrix is important for the geranium to absorb water. Cover the seed with a layer of vermiculite to maintain humidity, and the surface of the substrate should always be kept moist.

Substrate temperature: 23 ℃, higher than 25 ℃, can affect normal germination, lower than 22 ℃ will reduce germination rate, affect germination uniformity.

The matrix EC:0.75-1. 0. High EC value will inhibit rooting.

Light: light has no significant effect on germination.

Stage 2

When the root length is 0.64-1.27 cm, the geranium needs a lot of oxygen. Maintaining the substrate can increase oxygen access and promote the rooting process.

Appearance characteristics: in the second stage, the root length is 1.27-2.54 cm, and the first real leaf begins to grow. If there are not many fibrous roots, reduce the moisture and reduce the temperature to 18 ℃. Increase calcium content.

Humidity: dry the matrix a little bit and change the color from black to light brown.

Substrate temperature: 21 °- 24 ℃

Chemical fertilizer: take turns to apply 50-75ppm calcium fertilizer (13-2-13-6Ca-3Mg) and potassium saltate (15-5-15). Phosphate fertilizer should not exceed 5-7pm, geranium is sensitive to ammonia, ammonia fertilizer should not exceed 10ppm, otherwise it will lead to the growth of leaves.

EC value: 1.0-1.5

Lighting: in order to advance flowering, additional light of 3500-4500lux should be given for 16-8 hours. This is not necessary for the Multibloom series.

-stage 3

Note: the growth of seedling buds, high ammonia fertilizer and humidity will lead to overgrowth.

Appearance characteristics: at the end of the third stage, the root length was 3.81-5.08 cm, the seedling length was 2.54 cm, and 2 true leaves appeared.

Moisture: dry and wet the matrix once a day to enhance the ability to obtain oxygen. Saturation for more than 36 hours can reduce the activity of the seedlings, and the seedlings should not be overdried.

Substrate temperature: 65 °- 70 °F (18 ℃-21 ℃).

Chemical fertilizer: see stage 2, if it grows in vain, stop applying ammonia fertilizer and reduce the number of times of chemical fertilizer application.

EC value: 1.5-2.0

Lighting: increased to 4500-6000lux, but not more than 35000lux.

Stage 4

The coordination of plant growth is controlled by light, temperature and watering.

Appearance characteristics: at the end of stage 4, the root system can firmly support the plant.

Moisture: see stage 3

Substrate temperature: 62 °F-65 °F (16 ℃-8 ℃).

Chemical fertilizer: see stage 3, if the plant is weak, add calcium fertilizer to coordinate the growth of seedlings.

Matrix EC: see stage 3

Lighting: if the natural light is weak, additional light can be provided.

Air: in high light conditions, 1000ppm carbon dioxide can be applied to advance flowering.

Growth regulation: when 3-5 true leaves appeared, Cyco-ce1 of 750ppm was applied.

Growing period

Note: the planting of Multibloom series is different from other geraniums.

6-7 weeks later, Multibloom revealed the buds. Therefore, the rapid growth of Mu1tib1o-om must be maintained, and the supply of water and fertilizer should not be over-controlled, otherwise Multibloom is no different from other series.

Matrix: choose a matrix with good exhaust performance and 10-20% permeability.

The matrix pH:6.0-6.5,PH lower than 5.5can lead to manganese poisoning of sodium and iron, and the low PH value is characterized by yellow leaves.

Moisture: for the Multibloom series, let the matrix dry slightly between the two watering, and the other series moisten slightly between the two watering. Excessive drying will increase the salt concentration around the root system, resulting in continuous damage to the root hair. Excessive dry sink: characterized by the change of the bottom leaves from red to yellow and root tip necrosis.

Fertilizer: apply 200ppm nitrogen fertilizer.

EC value: 1.5-2.o

Temperature: 60 °- 65 °F (16-18 ℃) at night and 70 °- 75F (21 ℃-24 ℃) in daytime. The control of night temperature after the emergence of flower buds can adjust the flowering time.

Additional light: after 2-3 weeks of transplantation, light was given for 14-18 hours, and the amount of light was 300-500footcandles (3000-5000l1ux). Large geranium is sensitive to light, the more light, the earlier it blossoms and the faster it grows.

Growth regulation: after the emergence of 3-5 true leaves, cycocel applied 4-5 times of 750ppm could control the growth. Note: do not apply cycoce1 after the appearance of the bud, the late application of ycocel can lead to excessive flower shape or poor shape.

Common insect pests: Thrips