
Giant jujube

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Wugang City, which is located in Yuli, Funiu Mountain, has a long history of cultivating fruit trees and is very rich in variety resources, especially Juzao, a new jujube variety with extra early maturity and high yield. It has the characteristics of drought tolerance, barren tolerance, saline-alkali tolerance, acid resistance, disease resistance and strong adaptability, so it is favored by the majority of fruit farmers and brings good economic and social benefits to the people in mountainous areas. In recent years, the planting area of jujube has reached 2500 mu, and the planting area of giant jujube accounts for 50% of the total area of jujube, which is mainly distributed in hills and mountains.

Wugang City, which is located in Yuli, Funiu Mountain, has a long history of cultivating fruit trees and is very rich in variety resources, especially Juzao, a new jujube variety with extra early maturity and high yield. It has the characteristics of drought tolerance, barren tolerance, saline-alkali tolerance, acid resistance, disease resistance and strong adaptability, so it is favored by the majority of fruit farmers and brings good economic and social benefits to the people in mountainous areas.

In recent years, the planting area of jujube has reached 2500 mu, and the planting area of jujube accounts for 50% of the total area of jujube, which is mainly distributed in hilly and mountainous areas, river beaches, flat land, yellow brown soil around mountain villages, acid clay, sand and stone dryland, and so on. Due to the suitable climate and proper management, the trees grow well.

(1) Variety characteristics

The fruit of this variety is oval or orchard-shaped, with a length of 4.5mm and a thickness of 4cm. The average weight of a single fruit is 50g, and the maximum weight is 100g. The fruit is smooth and smooth, with purplish red skin, bluish white pulp, thick core meat (see center color noodle), crisp and sweet juice, delicious fragrance and good taste. The edible rate is 97%, the sugar content of fresh jujube is 33%, the acid content is 0.2% Murray 1.5%, and the vitamin C content is 0.56 g / 100 g. The fruit is resistant to storage and transportation, the taste of raw food is good, and it is an excellent variety of deep processing.

The tree potential of this variety is moderate, the crown is tight, the trunk branch is dark brown, the leaf blade is long oval, the leaf margin is sawtooth blunt, and the leaf color is dark green and shiny. Milky yellow flower, each jujube branch hanging 15 Mel 36 flowers, the local early May early flower, late May to mid-June full bloom, florescence 110 days, effective florescence 85 days. The fruit ripens in early September. The fruit development period is 80ml / m2 for 120 days. The yield is excellent. Generally, the fruit of the same year was 2-4 years earlier than that of apple, pear, peach, plum and other varieties. The yield of 3-year-old trees is 15 kg, that of 4-year-old trees is 20 kg, that of 6-year-old trees is 40 kg, and that of fresh dates per mu is 4400 kg, which is 6 times higher than that of ordinary jujube. The variety has strong plant adaptability, disease resistance and stress resistance, and can grow normally in mountain hills, river beaches, plain sandy land, plateau dry land and so on. It has the characteristics of drought resistance, barren resistance, saline-alkali resistance, acid resistance, cold resistance and high temperature resistance. It can survive the winter safely at a low temperature of 43 degrees Celsius and grow normally at a high temperature of 43 degrees Celsius. Therefore, it can be planted in most parts of the country, and it is suitable for short, flat and fast large area development of new jujube area and old jujube area.

(2) cultivation and management

1. Reasonable planting in areas with warmer and more autumn rain can be planted in autumn; in colder areas, spring planting is better. Planting density: row spacing 2 m × 3 m, 110 plants per mu. The planting hole is 1 meter square. Fill the bottom of the hole with ripe soil and organic fertilizer, and then put into the jujube seedling to achieve a line of seedling, water, root, soil and line.

2. Fertilization for soil, fertilizer and water management is better after harvest and before freezing. Mainly stable compost and compost. Ditching and release, the effect of proper combination of chemical fertilizer is better. Topdressing is mainly nitrogen fertilizer, properly combined with phosphorus and potash fertilizer. The application of topdressing should be controlled in flowering stage, young fruit stage and fruit expansion stage. More phosphorus and potassium fertilizers were applied in the last two times to improve fruit expansion and quality. Irrigation immediately after topdressing, each time sufficient irrigation is appropriate, followed by shallow ploughing and weeding.

3. Shaping and pruning tree shaping is better for trunk sparse layer shape and happy shape. Winter shearing should be carried out before sprouting in early spring, and summer shearing should be carried out from June to July. The pruning method is mainly to short cut the main side branches and promote the development of new jujube heads in order to expand the crown. For jujube heads with strong growth, generally, the amount of cutting branches is 1 inch 3, while the second branch is 2 Murray; for jujube heads with weak growth, it is generally not suitable for short pruning, and the advantage of terminal bud is used to extend the growth of jujube heads to balance the tree potential. According to the space size of the competitive branches, there were 4 short clips of the secondary branches, and the fruiting branches were cultured. It is necessary to timely remove overlapping branches, cross branches, dense branches and useless futile branches, retract redundant branches and renew senescent branches in order to reinvigorate the tree potential. For big trees after fruiting, attention should be paid to the renewal of main branches and fruiting branches and the utilization of overgrown branches.