
Liaojing 207 (rice)

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Liaojing 207 is a new rice variety with high yield, high quality and disease resistance, which was successfully bred by Rice Research Institute of Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 1987 with 79-227 as female parent and 83-326 as male parent. Characteristic characteristics: thick green leaves at seedling stage, robust seedlings, fast slow seedling after transplanting, strong tillering ability, compact plant type, erect leaves, sturdy stem, plant height 95cm, ear length 18.6cm, high panicle rate, about 90 grains per panicle, seed setting rate 86%-90%.

Liaojing 207 is a new rice variety with high yield, high quality and disease resistance, which was successfully bred by Rice Research Institute of Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 1987 with 79-227 as female parent and 83-326 as male parent.

Characteristics: thick green leaves at seedling stage, robust seedlings, fast slow seedlings after transplanting, strong tillering ability, compact plant type, erect leaves, stout stems, plant height 95cm, panicle length 18.6cm, high panicle rate, about 90 grains per panicle, seed setting rate 86%-90%, 1000-grain weight 25.8g, oval grain, no awn, glume yellowish white. The growth period is 152-155 days. Living stalk mature, not easy to premature senescence, fertilizer resistance, lodging resistance, disease resistance. According to the identification of disease resistance of China Rice Research Institute, leaf blast was 2.3, panicle neck blast was 2.2, and resistance was R. It was moderately resistant to leaf spot, false smut and sheath blight. According to the rice quality test analysis of China Rice Research Institute, brown rice rate is 83.49%, milled rice rate is 76.78%, head rice rate is 71.03%, chalkiness rate is 14%, transparency grade 1, gelatinization temperature grade 7, gel consistency 70mm, amylose content 17%, protein content 8.5%, comprehensive evaluation of good rice quality.

Yield performance: after many consecutive years of multi-site trials since 1992, the average yield of 601.7kg per 667m2 was 11.6% higher than that of the control varieties. In the trial, demonstration and popularization, a number of high-yield models appeared, such as Wang Qizhai Village, Guchengzi Township, Dongling District, Shenyang City, which created the highest record of average 877.2kg yield per 667m2 in a large area of high-yield fields.

Rice cultivation Research Institute of Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Region and technology 1. Select improved varieties: before sowing, remove broken grains, small grains, shrunken grains, diseased grains and various impurities, and fully air, so that the germination rate and cleanliness should reach more than 98%. two。 Cultivate strong seedlings: strictly disinfect the seeds before sowing to prevent the occurrence and spread of evil seedling disease. The seedlings were raised in heat preservation and drought, and the seeds were sown in the first ten days of April, and the sowing rate was 150g / m2 and 200g / m2. After emergence, the seedlings should be ventilated in time to prevent the occurrence and harm of bacterial wilt and bacterial wilt. 3. Moderate sparse planting: on the basis of cultivating strong seedlings with tillers, transplanting seedlings from late May to early June, row spacing 30cm, plant spacing 13cm, planting 3-4 seedlings per hole, so as to ensure the quality of transplanting seedlings. 4. Scientific fertilization: the implementation of formula fertilization and full-layer fertilization, so that the weight before and after light, smooth promotion. High quality farm manure 200O~3000kg, ammonium sulfate 2Okg, diammonium phosphate 1Okg and superphosphate 5Okg were applied per 667m2. Ammonium sulfate 15~20kg was applied at the beginning and peak tillering stage, and ammonium sulfate 5~7kg was applied at meiosis stage. 5. Rational irrigation: during the growth period, we should adopt the method of alternating irrigation with the combination of shallow, wet and dry, and avoid long-term deep water flooding. If the growth is too luxuriant, the field should be dried properly at the end of tillering, which can prevent the occurrence of greedy green late maturity and rice false smut. Water should not be cut off too early in the later stage of growth to prevent premature senility and reduce production. But 1Od should be drained before harvest. 6. Timely control of diseases and insect pests: from the end of June to the beginning of July, the rice stem borer (Chilo suppressalis) was sprayed with Rice Fengling or Insecticidal double Water Agent 0.25 flow, 10kg to the water. 5-7 days before heading, ammonium copper complex 0.3kg was used per 667m2, 15kg to water, or 200g DT powder, 1Okg to water, spray to control rice false smut.

This variety has strong adaptability and is suitable for planting not only in most areas of Liaoning Province, but also in North, Northwest, Southwest, Central and East China.