
Scientific control of rice stem borer

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, According to the investigation in various parts of Hubei Province, the mortality rate of Chilo suppressalis over winter this year is higher than that of last year, and the base number after winter is lower than that of last year, but it is still relatively high. In addition, the suitable climate and the expansion of high-quality rice varieties are conducive to the occurrence of rice borers. The first generation of Chilo suppressalis will occur in large numbers in rice areas of Hubei Province, and the control situation is still grim. In view of this grim situation, all localities should strengthen leadership, raise awareness, actively organize prevention and control work, quickly carry out insect mouth grain-grabbing actions, and ensure food production safety. I. Recognize the situation and strengthen organizational leadership. Last winter, our province suffered from freezing ice.

According to the investigation in various parts of Hubei Province, the overwintering mortality of Chilo suppressalis this year is higher than that of last year, and the base number after winter is lower than that of last year, but it is still higher. In addition, the suitable climate and the expansion of high-quality rice varieties are conducive to the occurrence of rice stem borer. The first generation of Chilo suppressalis will occur greatly in the rice areas of our province, and the situation of control is still severe. In view of this grim situation, all localities should strengthen leadership, raise awareness, actively organize prevention and control work, and quickly carry out actions to seize grain by insects, so as to ensure the safety of grain production.

First, have a clear understanding of the situation and strengthen organizational leadership. Last winter, our province suffered from frozen ice and snow disasters. The overwintering mortality rate of rice borer in most parts of the province was higher than that of last year, and the base number after winter was 14% to 63% lower than that of last year. However, we should be soberly aware that the absolute number of rice stem borer is still relatively high after winter. according to the investigation after winter, the average number of live insects per mu in Jianghan Plain is 3380.3 and that in eastern Hubei is 5389.9, which has the conditions for large occurrence. It is expected that the first generation of Chilo suppressalis still occurs in most parts of our province. In view of the current grim situation of the occurrence of rice borer, the disease, pest and rodent control headquarters and relevant departments at all levels should fully realize the seriousness of the occurrence of the first generation of Chilo suppressalis and the urgency of the control work, overcome the thought of paralysis, conscientiously implement the guiding ideology of "target safety, strengthen the mechanism, give priority to prevention and comprehensive control", and strengthen the organization and leadership of the prevention and control of the first generation of rice stem borer. Carry out a massive campaign of prevention, control and extermination. It is necessary to organize and implement various technical, personnel, capital, and material measures, establish a responsibility system, and strengthen accountability. During the critical period of prevention and control, supervision and inspection teams should be dispatched to supervise and guide the prevention and control work, with emphasis on the supervision work at the rural level, so as to urge rural cadres to mobilize and organize the masses of farmers to carry out prevention and control work.

Second, seize the opportunity and strengthen scientific prevention and control in view of the characteristics of the occurrence of this year's generation of Chilo suppressalis in our province, various localities should take measures according to local conditions, give classified guidance, and do a good job in prevention and control work in time. This year, the occurrence period of the first generation of Chilo suppressalis is about 3 to 5 days later than usual, the egg hatching period is lengthened, and the number of eggs in the field is high. In view of this characteristic, all localities are required to popularize the early rice field, the middle rice seedling field and the early middle rice field in mid-May, and to make up another treatment seven days later, with emphasis on the prevention and control of the early rice field and the middle rice field. Control the occurrence base of the first generation of Chilo suppressalis and reduce the control pressure of the second generation of Chilo suppressalis. Control agents can choose Regent, Shachongshuang, Bt emulsion, fipronil and other pesticides.

Third, strengthen propaganda and create an atmosphere of prevention and control in view of the fact that farmers do not have a high understanding of the prevention and control of diseases and pests in early rice, all localities should make full use of television, radio, newspapers and periodicals, the Internet and other media to publicize the occurrence information and technical measures of diseases and pests, timely and accurately transmit the occurrence, appropriate time and methods of prevention and control to grass-roots cadres and the broad masses of farmers, so as to enhance farmers' awareness of prevention and control. Timely use of television lectures, training courses, on-the-spot prevention and control meetings and other forms of scientific guidance to farmers to improve the first generation of Chilo suppressalis control technology level and control effect.

Fourth, strengthening the construction of mechanical defense, improving the effect of prevention and control and establishing a mechanical defense system are the needs of the development of modern agriculture and the development of agricultural and rural economy. All localities should adopt the operating mechanism of "voluntary mutual benefit, paid service, and self-development" in the light of local actual conditions and in accordance with the guiding ideology of "government promotion, department assistance, market pull, and integration and separation", and effectively organize measures to speed up the establishment of specialized service organizations for pest prevention. At the same time, it is necessary to establish a demonstration and demonstration area for disease and pest disasters and integrated control techniques, and vigorously carry out community services for plant protection, technical contracting and consultation for pest control, so as to continuously promote large-scale prevention and control work and improve the effect of prevention and control.

Fifth, strengthen market supervision and ensure that agricultural departments at all levels of pesticide supply should timely grasp the information on pesticide supply, quality and price, and provide the government, agricultural material supply departments and dealers with information on the variety and quantity of pesticides needed for pest control. Timely regulation of pesticide supply to ensure the normal conduct of prevention and control work. At the same time, all localities should strengthen the management of the pesticide market, carry out trawling quality inspection, seriously investigate and deal with fake and shoddy pesticides, severely crack down on the prohibition of highly toxic pesticides, such as counterfeiting, harming farmers, and manufacturing and selling methamidophos, and focus on investigating and dealing with a number of major and important cases. and expose it to the society in a timely manner.