
Sudden changes in temperature beware of swine influenza

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Porcine influenza is an acute and highly contagious disease caused by porcine influenza A virus. It is characterized by sudden onset, rapid transmission, high morbidity, low mortality, high fever and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Popular features 1. It has obvious seasonality, which mostly occurs in autumn, winter and spring when the temperature suddenly changes, especially when it is wet and rainy. two。 Pigs of all ages, genders and breeds can be infected. 3. It is often endemic or pandemic. 4. Spread rapidly, that is, within 2 ~ 3 days

Porcine influenza is an acute disease caused by porcine influenza A virus.

Highly contagious diseases. It is characterized by sudden onset, rapid transmission, high morbidity, low mortality, high fever and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

Popular features 1. It has obvious seasonality, which mostly occurs in autumn, winter and spring when the temperature suddenly changes, especially when it is wet and rainy. two。 Pigs of all ages, genders and breeds can be infected. 3. It is often endemic or pandemic. 4. It spreads rapidly and can spread to the whole group within 2 ~ 3 days. 5. It is mainly transmitted through respiratory tract through droplets. 6. Poor feeding management, long-distance transportation fatigue, overcrowding and so on are all contributing factors to the disease.

The incubation period of symptoms is short, from a few hours to several days, with an average of 4 days. Sudden onset, body temperature rose to 40 ℃ ~ 41. 5 ℃, depressed spirit, loss of appetite or not eating, the whole herd of pigs spread rapidly. Muscle pain, reluctance to stand, rapid breathing, cough and mucous fluid flow from the eyes and nose. If there is no secondary disease, it can heal itself in a week or so.

Prevention 1. Once the disease occurs, the diseased pigs should be isolated and treated immediately. two。 The cottages, utensils and food troughs contaminated by sick pigs were thoroughly disinfected with disinfectants such as Qiangxiaoling, methomyl and so on. 3. Avoid crowding of pigs, pay attention to keep warm and keep the pigsty clean and dry. 4. Strengthen feeding management and deworming regularly.

30% analgin injection 5ml ~ 10ml, or Radix Isatidis injection 5ml ~ 10ml, intramuscular injection, twice a day for 2 ~ 4 days. In order to control secondary infection, 20 grams each of Bupleurum, peppermint and tangerine peel, 15 grams of chrysanthemum, Poria cocos and perilla, a total of water decoction, one dose a day, 1 dose ~ 2 doses.

At the same time of nursing treatment, we should also strengthen feeding management, feed easily digestible feed, especially more green feed, in order to supplement vitamins and make stools unobstructed. In the first few days of recovery, it is necessary to control feeding and increase it gradually to avoid food damage.