
Prevention and treatment of sulfonamides poisoning in ducks

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sulfonamides are a kind of drugs with a wide antibacterial spectrum, which can inhibit most Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, as well as anti-coccidiosis. But if the medicine is not used properly, it will cause poisoning. 1. The cause of the disease is that when using sulfonamides, the dosage is too large and the course of treatment is too long, poisoning may occur. Sulfonamides with concentrations of more than 0.2% in drinking water and feed are toxic to ducks. Or those who are allergic to sulfonamides, or take too much dose by mistake, or the course of treatment is more than one week.

Sulfonamides are a kind of drugs with a wide antibacterial spectrum, which can inhibit most Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, as well as anti-coccidiosis. But if the medicine is not used properly, it will cause poisoning.

1. Pathogeny

When using sulfonamides, poisoning may occur when the dosage is too large and the course of treatment is too long. Sulfonamides with concentrations of more than 0.2% in drinking water and feed are toxic to ducks. Or those who are allergic to sulfonamides, or take too much dose by mistake, or the course of treatment is more than 1 week are easy to be poisoned.

two。 Symptom

The main symptoms of acute poisoning are agitation, head shaking, anorexia, diarrhea, convulsion, paralysis and so on. Chronic poisoning is more common in taking drugs for a long time. The manifestations of diseased ducks are as follows: depressed spirit, loss of appetite or disappearance, thirst, dishevelled feathers, diarrhea or constipation, slow weight gain; some diseased ducks show local focal swelling on the face and blue-purple skin; egg production of laying ducks decreases, and some laying thin shell eggs, soft shell eggs, rough eggshells; in severe cases, anemia, anthrax and hemagglutination time are prolonged.

3. Pathological changes

The pathological changes of sulfonamides poisoning are characterized by different degrees of bleeding in the main organs of the body. The blood is thin and the coagulation is poor. There are hemorrhagic spots of different sizes under the skin and eyelids. Chest muscle showed diffuse or brush-like bleeding, muscle pale or transparent light yellow, thigh muscle scattered with bright red bleeding spots, chest muscle interstitial edema. There are bleeding spots from the tip of the needle to the bean grains in the throat and bleeding in the tracheal mucosa. At the junction of glandular stomach and myogastric mucosa, there are old purplish red spots or strips of bleeding, and there are bleeding spots under the cuticular membrane of myogastric stomach. The intestinal serosa is scattered at the bleeding site. The bleeding of duodenal mucosa was obvious. The cecum is filled with sparse soy sauce contents, and the cecal tonsils are swollen and bleeding. The mucous membrane of cloaca showed diffuse hemorrhage. Liver congestion, purplish red or yellowish brown, slightly swollen, the surface can be seen a small amount of bleeding spots or needle large necrotic focus, the central depression of necrotic focus is dark red, surrounding gray. The gallbladder is enlarged and filled with thick green bile. The spleen is enlarged and bruised. The kidney is swollen and yellowish, with purplish red hemorrhagic spots on the surface. The ureter is thickened and filled with white urates. The intima of the heart is bleeding, and there are grayish-white nodules on some myocardium. Pulmonary congestion, bronchial bleeding. The testicles are grayish yellow and swollen, and some have bleeding spots.

4. Diagnosis

The diagnosis of this disease should be based on the history of the use of sulfonamides and the symptoms of acute or chronic poisoning, combined with pathological changes characterized by different degrees of bleeding in the main organs.

5. Prevention and cure

When using sulfonamides, the dosage and time should be strictly controlled. General medication should not exceed 1 week. The medicine added to the feed should be fine in advance, first add a small amount of feed, stir well, and then mix well into a large number of feed. Adequate drinking water should be given during medication to ensure that only ducks can drink water. Once the ducks have symptoms of poisoning, they should stop taking medicine immediately and make them drink as much water as possible. Severe cases can drink 1%-5% sodium bicarbonate solution to prevent crystallization and hematuria; those with severe symptoms and dyspnea can cooperate with vitamin C preparation.