
High-yield cultivation techniques of Mushroom

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Mushroom is one of the most popular varieties in the edible mushroom market, and its taste, nutritional value and health care function are well-known. At present, during the stacking period, the relevant stacking methods are introduced as follows: first, the composition of mushroom culture material. Mushroom is saprophytic edible fungus, its growth nutrition soil comes from culture material, generally every 1000 square feet need about 5000 kg culture material, including 3500 kg of dung, 1500 kg of grass, 50 kg of gypsum, 25 kg of superphosphate, 15 kg of urea and 20 to 30 kg of lime.

Mushroom is one of the most popular varieties in the edible mushroom market, and its taste, nutritional value and health care function are well-known. In the current stacking period, the relevant stacking methods are introduced as follows:

First, the composition of mushroom culture material. Mushroom is saprophytic edible fungus, its growth nutrition soil comes from culture material, generally every 1000 square feet need about 5000 kg culture material, including 3500 kg of dung, 1500 kg of grass, 50 kg of gypsum, 25 kg of superphosphate, 15 kg of urea and 20 to 30 kg of lime.

Second, pile up materials. For the first time, the reactor should be solid, with a width of 2 to 2.3 meters and a height of 1.5 to 1.8 meters, sealed with nylon film to fully heat up, so that the temperature at 5-8 cm on the surface of the reactor can reach 75-85 °C. Too low may lead to a lack of water, so it should be replenished. Under the condition of anoxia and high temperature, the inside of the reactor will cause carbohydrate dehydration, saccharification and biochemical reaction, which will soften and mature the forage.

Third, turn the heap. The purpose is to change the position of the material pile up and down, inside and outside, adjust the ventilation condition, replenish water and auxiliary materials, and make the material pile warm up again. The general time is that the straw as the main material is first pre-wet for 2-3 days, the first turning is carried out after 6 days, then the second turning is carried out every 4 days, and then the third turning is carried out every three days, and then the mushroom room can be fermented every 2-3 days. You should pay attention to shaking loose every time you turn the pile. In this way, the aerobic fermentation area can be thickened, and a bamboo tube can be inserted every 40-50 cm to create a smoke effect, increase material stack ventilation, and promote high temperature sterilization and aerobic fermentation. With the progress of aerobic fermentation, the moisture in the pile is lost rapidly, so attention should be paid to the regulation and control of moisture when turning the pile. Generally speaking, there are 5-6 drips of water in the hand when turning the pile, 2-3 drips in the second and third times, and no dripping in the fingers of the fourth time. With the maturity of the material, the volume of the material will continue to become smaller, and each time the pile is built, it is required that the heap height remains the same and the width is appropriately reduced, so as to ensure the heap temperature. when the pile is turned over for the fourth time, the heap height can be decreased appropriately, and 400 times dichlorvos or 1000 times dimethoate liquid can be sprayed. Remove the harmful gas in the material after 24 hours of nylon stuffing.

Fourth, assist the addition of mildew. In order to prevent chemical interaction between auxiliary materials. In order to affect the adding effect, different auxiliary materials should be piled separately at the right time. For example, urea can be added 30% in pre-wetting and 70% in pile construction to prevent loss and reduce nutrient loss. Gypsum and calcium superphosphate can improve the material structure, and lime should be added when turning the pile for the third time, generally adding 60-70% first, and adjusting the PH value to 7.5 when turning the pile for the fourth time to prevent the PH value in the pile from being too high at one time.

The standard of the material at the end of fermentation is: soft texture, no raw grass, elastic hands, non-sticky hands, brown or grayish brown color, no peculiar smell, sour taste, PH 7.5, water content 65-80%.

First, the purpose of fermentation after entering the room: it is to further sterilize, kill insects and complete the transformation from inorganic nitrogen to organic nitrogen. Its fermentation is the key to determine the yield of mushrooms. First of all, insecticide and lime powder should be sprayed on the floor and around the mushroom room for insecticide and sterilization, then 0.5kg dichlorvos and 5kg formaldehyde should be fumigated with 0.5kg dichlorvos and 5kg formaldehyde per 1000 square feet five days before feeding, and doors and windows should be opened two days before feeding to remove poison gas. Culture materials to enter the room while hot, fast, to reduce heat loss, generally low bed frame, and stacked into a ridge, material thickness of 20-30 cm, the end of entering the room immediately closed doors, windows to keep temperature distribution, heating method is every 1000 square feet, put 10-12 coal cake stove or at both ends of the mushroom room, each build a stove, outside the room with firewood or coal heating, generally 10 hours temperature rise to 57 ft 60 °C The process of temperature control is a gradual cooling process, and it is generally appropriate to decrease the degree of 1.5 ml / L / 2 °C every day, and the whole post-fermentation process needs about 7 days. During this period, ventilation should be carried out for a short time every day to prevent gas poisoning. At the end of post-fermentation, the standard of the culture material is that the material is covered with white spotted actinomycetes, the bottom of the material is covered with white fluffy humus, the material is soft, elastic, non-sticky, non-odorous, ammonia-free, sugar-scented, and the water content is about 65%. The handheld material is dripping 2 / 3, PH7--7.2, and the material is brown to brown.

Second, sowing: after the end of fermentation should be turned in time, flatten the bed, while cutting the bottom of the material to shake loose, in order to discharge waste heat and waste gas, at the same time pick up raw dung and stones, mud and so on. Before sowing, you should pay attention to the material temperature one inch below the material surface, such as continuing to heat. When the feed temperature is above 30 °C, you can't sow. Wait for the temperature to drop to 28 °C-30 °C before sowing. The average seed amount is 6-9 square feet per bottle for wheat seeds and 6 square feet for cotton husk seeds.