
Virus disease of carnation

Published: 2025-03-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2025/03/07, Carnation virus disease is a worldwide disease, which occurs in all cultivated areas. The common virus diseases are leaf vein mottle disease, necrotic spot disease, erosion ring disease and latent disease. the virus often causes carnation growth weakness, short flower branches, smaller flowers, mixed petals, split calyx and so on, which seriously affect the quality and yield of cut flowers. The main results are as follows: (1) Carnation necrotic spot disease: the leaves in the middle of the susceptible plant become gray, yellowish necrotic mottled, or irregularly shaped stripes or stripes. The lower leaves often show purplish red stripes or stripes. With the plant

Carnation virus disease is a worldwide disease, which occurs in all cultivated areas. The common virus diseases are leaf vein mottle disease, necrotic spot disease, erosion ring disease and latent disease. the virus often causes carnation growth weakness, short flower branches, smaller flowers, mixed petals, split calyx and so on, which seriously affect the quality and yield of cut flowers.

The main results are as follows: (1) Carnation necrotic spot disease: the leaves in the middle of the susceptible plant become gray, yellowish necrotic mottled, or irregularly shaped stripes or stripes. The lower leaves often show purplish red stripes or stripes. With the growth of the plant, the symptoms spread upward, and when the disease was serious, the leaves became yellow and necrotic. The cause of the disease is carnation necrotic spot virus (CarnationNecraticFlackVirus,CaNFV). The virus is mainly transmitted by aphids. In general, it is difficult to inoculate with juice. However, the inoculation on American carnation is easy to be successful and can be used as a diagnostic host of carnation necrotic spot virus.

(2) Carnation leaf mottle disease: the disease occurs on carnation, Chinese carnation and American carnation; all produce systematic leaves and broken petals. In the seedling stage, the symptoms were not obvious, but the symptoms of the virus aggravated with the growth of the plant. The old leaves often show hidden symptoms in winter. The pathogen of the disease is carnation vein mottle virus (Car-nationVeinMottleVirus,CaVMV). The virus is mainly transmitted through juice, and peach aphid is also an important medium of transmission. In the process of gardening, such as picking hearts, breaking buds, picking flowers and so on, the virus can be spread by hands and tools.

(3) Carnation erosive ring disease: the carnation varieties of large flowers were damaged, and the necrotic spots of wheel, ring or wide stripe appeared on the leaves of the susceptible plants, which was the most obvious in the seedling stage. When the disease is serious, many gray-and-white wheel spots can be connected into large disease spots, making the leaves curly and deformed. The disease is latent in the hot season. The pathogen of the disease is carnation erosion ring virus (CarmtionEtchedRingVirusCaERV). The disease is mainly transmitted by juices and aphids. In addition, plant friction and contact as well as gardening tools can spread poison.

(4) Carnation latent virus disease: this disease is also known as carnation asymptomatic virus disease, generally does not show symptoms, or produce mild mosaic symptoms. Mosaic symptoms occur when co-infected with carnation vein mottle virus. The pathogen is carnation latent virus (CarnationLatentVirus,CaLV). The disease is mainly transmitted by juices and peach aphids.

Prevention and control: ① strengthen quarantine: at present, almost all the carnation varieties cultivated in our country are introduced from abroad, and these imported seedlings carry some kind of virus to a certain extent, so we must strictly check the quarantine work to avoid the occurrence of virus diseases in our country. In order to propagate seedlings in ② production units, cuttings should be taken from healthy and disease-free mother plants. A virus-free maternal garden was established for collecting strips. The seedlings for production were propagated by stem tip detoxification tissue culture method. In the process of carnation cut flower production, ③ should avoid artificial transmission, such as in the process of field hygiene management, whole plant, coring and budding, pay attention to the disinfection of hands and tools. ④ regularly sprays insecticides to control insects to prevent the spread of viral diseases.