
How to cultivate carnation?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Carnation is also known as musk carnation, also known as carnation. Originally from southern Europe. It is a perennial plant and flower. Its leaves are opposite and linetype. The branches are longer. Spend at the top of the branch. The flowers are single and fragrant; they are red, white, yellow-purple and gold-sprinkled, etc. Propagation of Phyllostachys pubescens can be done by cutting, ramet, striping and sowing. General line cutting, but although this method can retain the characteristics of the variety, the amount of reproduction is small, and because of the shallow roots, there is often lodging phenomenon. Therefore, for the purpose of mass production of cut flowers, it is better to sow seeds. The sowing time should be Greater Cold Zhili.

Carnation is also known as musk carnation, also known as carnation. Originally from southern Europe. It is a perennial plant and flower. Its leaves are opposite and linetype. The branches are longer. Spend at the top of the branch. The flowers are single and fragrant; they are red, white, yellow-purple and gold-sprinkled, etc.

Propagation of Phyllostachys pubescens can be done by cutting, ramet, striping and sowing. General line cutting, but although this method can retain the characteristics of the variety, the amount of reproduction is small, and because of the shallow roots, there is often lodging phenomenon. Therefore, for the purpose of mass production of cut flowers, it is better to sow seeds.

The sowing time should be between Greater Cold and the Beginning of Spring. Sow full seeds in a sowing box or basin based on aseptic soil and place them in a warm place indoors. Under normal circumstances, all the seedlings can come out in a week. After the seedlings come out, they should be properly ventilated and cooled down and exposed to the sun. Watering should be controlled to prevent weakness. When the seedlings are 3-4 cm long, the seedlings should be planted in the open field for maintenance. After slow seedling survival, appropriate "strangulation" (less watering or no watering) to promote root development. Grain Rain can be transplanted to the open field border at a distance of 30 cm for normal management. Grain in Beard to the Summer Solstice began to see flowers. In the summer everywhere, the plants full of flowers on the border should be put into the No. 5 basin to strengthen the management of water and fertilizer so that they can see enough sunshine. They are called to remove lateral buds, retain positive buds, concentrate nutrition to facilitate seed setting, and ask when they grow outdoors for a period of time after potting. When the weather turns cold from the Autumn Equinox to Cold Dew, move indoors. After entering the room, the ambient temperature should be properly adjusted to keep it at about 14 ℃. When it exceeds 18 ℃, it should be ventilated and cooled down. When the seed shell changes from green to yellow, it indicates that the seed has matured (the mature seed is black), and the seed can be taken out to dry and sow. It is already around Greater Cold. If the temperature is often maintained at about 15 ℃, the carnation cultivated in the north can blossom continuously. Due to Rain Water in summer, humidity is high, flowers are easily moldy and not easy to be pollinated, so they need to be pollinated and seeded after entering the house.

Carnation likes warmth but is not resistant to high temperature, and grows best at a temperature of about 15 ℃. It is afraid of waterlogging and is not resistant to drought, so it is better to moist the soil. The main fertilizers are bone meal, sesame sauce residue, etc., and the application amount should be moderate. The light should be sufficient, about 8 hours a day to meet the fertility requirements. Carnation diseases and insect pests are less, open-field cultivation is generally only damaged by cabbage insects, can be artificially captured; after the room due to poor ventilation, easy to produce aphids and soot disease, spraying dimethoate and topurazine can be controlled.