
Causes and preventive measures of soybean pods not full

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Soybean pods are not full and seriously affect the high yield and quality of soybean. Through investigation and analysis, the main causes are as follows: 1. Lack of nutrition in the later stage. Soybean consumes a lot of nutrients after anthesis, and there is no fertilization or topdressing when intercropping soybean, the nutrition of soybean is insufficient after full flowering, the leaves turn yellow prematurely, the plant is short, the stem is thin and the leaf is small. The weak pods of the late pods or the same flower family are unfruitful, which often occur in the varieties with thin slopes and multi-flowers and multi-pods. two。 Malnutrition. Excessive nitrogen fertilizer in fertile land or fertilization, and weak carbon assimilation under shade conditions of intercropping.

Soybean pods are not full and seriously affect the high yield and quality of soybean. Through investigation and analysis, the main causes are as follows:

1. Lack of nutrition in the later stage. Soybean consumes a lot of nutrients after anthesis, and there is no fertilization or topdressing when intercropping soybean, the nutrition of soybean is insufficient after full flowering, the leaves turn yellow prematurely, the plant is short, the stem is thin and the leaf is small. The weak pods of the late pods or the same flower family are unfruitful, which often occur in the varieties with thin slopes and multi-flowers and multi-pods.

two。 Malnutrition. Excessive nitrogen fertilizer in fertilized land or fertilization, weak carbon assimilation and imbalance of carbon-nitrogen ratio in intercropping under shade conditions. The results showed that the plants were taller, the internodes were longer, the branches and leaves were luxuriant and greedy, the flowers and pods were sparse, the empty pods and semi-shrunken pods were formed, and the mature period was delayed. It is especially serious in years when it is rainy and lack of sunshine.

3. Long-term drought and serious water shortage. After the soybean blossoms, the drought for a long time is the summer drought, which makes the soybean leaves wilt and yellow, the young pods stop growing, and even the whole plant dies. In the land with shallow plough layer and lack of water irrigation, the soybean pods are more serious.

4. Cold injury in late autumn. Due to late sowing or late-maturing varieties, the photosynthesis of soybean leaves weakened and young pods developed slowly or stopped from late September to early October due to autumn wind and rain and the decrease of air temperature. It often happens in high and cold areas.

5. Diseases and insect pests. The virus disease of soybean in summer and autumn makes the leaves wrinkle, the young pods are deformed, and the soybean heart-eating insects cause empty pods.

6. Light and temperature are out of harmony. In the low altitude area, under the condition of long-day high temperature from mid-July to mid-August, long-day sunshine delayed the development of soybean seeds, while high temperature promoted the rapid development and aging of pods, resulting in many flowers and pods but not fruit.

Measures to prevent soybean pods from becoming unfruitful

1. According to the climatic characteristics of different regions, select and sow suitable soybean varieties to avoid harm and benefit, and strive for high yield of soybean.

two。 According to the light and temperature changes of soybean growing period in different planting systems and different regions, suitable light and temperature ecotypes were selected, such as spring soybean, summer soybean and autumn soybean.

3. Early-maturing spring soybean or late-sowing mid-mature summer soybean should be actively developed in low-heat areas, and autumn soybeans should be developed in low-heat areas in river valleys to avoid the long-day high temperature from mid-July to mid-August, and make use of the relatively short-day low temperature from mid-June and mid-August to September to make soybean enter the grain filling stage smoothly and prevent pods from being unfruitful.

4. Select the improved varieties of limited inflorescence, make use of the conditions of long and short suitable temperature period, adjust the sowing time, make the growth and development of soybean in the appropriate photoperiod period, normally complete the grain to produce bulging seeds, and avoid pods without fruit.

5. Change the bad habit of planting soybean without fertilization, according to the law of soybean fertilizer demand, carry out scientific formula fertilization, if there is a lack of fertilizer in the middle and later stage, you can properly spray 0.1-0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution to supplement nutrition and avoid premature senility due to lack of fertilizer in the middle and later stage.

6. Strengthen field management and control diseases and insect pests. Timely and appropriate amount of irrigation and watering during drought can meet the water demand of soybean growth and development and capture the high yield of soybean.