
How to cultivate honeysuckle (honeysuckle)

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Honeysuckle is the dried bud or first flower of perennial honeysuckle, red and green honeysuckle, honeysuckle and hairy style honeysuckle. Honeysuckle stem hollow, leaves opposite, oval, flowers born in pairs at the top of leaf axils or branches, white at the beginning, and golden yellow after 2-3 days, so it is called honeysuckle, also known as Shuanhua, honeysuckle (see figure 1). Honeysuckle is adaptable, cold-resistant and likes sunshine. The requirement of moisture and soil is not strict, so it can be planted in a large area by making full use of barren mountains and barren land. The cultivation methods are introduced as follows: first, cutting propagation technology honeysuckle can be used.

Honeysuckle is the dried bud or first flower of perennial honeysuckle, red and green honeysuckle, honeysuckle and hairy style honeysuckle. Honeysuckle stem hollow, leaves opposite, oval, flowers born in pairs at the top of leaf axils or branches, white at the beginning, and golden yellow after 2-3 days, so it is called honeysuckle, also known as Shuanhua, honeysuckle (see figure 1). Honeysuckle is adaptable, cold-resistant and likes sunshine. The requirement of moisture and soil is not strict, so it can be planted in a large area by making full use of barren mountains and barren land. The cultivation methods are introduced as follows: first, cutting propagation technology honeysuckle can be propagated not only by seeds but also by cuttings. Generally, cuttage propagation is the main method. Cutting propagation can be divided into two types: direct cutting and seedling cutting. The area of seedling cutting bed is small, the survival rate is high, and it is easy to manage. The method is as follows: cutting 1-2-year-old robust branches of fine varieties, cutting them into small segments about 30 cm long, inserting them into the seedbed, cutting along with the seeding bed opening ditches according to 25 cm row spacing, ditching 20 cm deep, inserting the truncated branches obliquely into the ditch according to the plant spacing of 10 cm, exposing the above ground part to 10 meters long, and then filling and watering. In case of dry weather, you should pay attention to shading and proper watering. It can take root and survive in half a month. Colonization can be carried out in spring and summer. Spring in early April, summer can be carried out in August, according to the plant row spacing of 1 meter to dig holes, hole depth of 30 cm, after planting seedlings poured enough water, fill compaction can be. 2. Field management technology 1. Fertilization technology should pay attention to the application of sufficient base fertilizer and topdressing bud fertilizer. In early spring or early winter, 4000 kg / mu of farm manure was applied. Urea 10 kg / mu and phosphate fertilizer 15 kg / mu were applied at budding and flowering stage. 2. Pest control techniques Lonicera japonica is more likely to have anthracnose and rust in summer, which can be controlled by spraying 50% carbendazim or 1000 times carbendazim. The main pest harming honeysuckle is the coffee tiger longicorn beetle, whose larvae drill into the stem and cause the stem to die. It can be sprayed with 600 times 50% phoxim EC during the peak spawning period in May. 3. Pruning technique is one of the main measures to obtain high yield of Flos Lonicerae. Before the shade bud in spring, cut off the upper branches and leave the plant height of 60 centimeters. After several years of pruning, the tree becomes an umbrella. Third, harvest and processing technology when the flower buds are white and about to open, take them off and dry them in the sun, the quality is the best. If you wait until the flowers bloom before picking, the yield and quality will decline. There are two processing methods: insolation or drying. In cloudy and rainy days, if it is difficult to dry, you can use the drying method, but to control the temperature.