
High quality and late ripening pear-Jinshui No. 1

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Jinshui No. 1 is a new variety bred by the Institute of Fruit Tea, Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Its parent is Changshilang X Jiangdao. It won Hubei Province and National Science Conference Award in 1978, and was awarded as a high quality fruit in Hubei Province in 1999, and was designated as a key popularized variety. It has been extended to Hubei, Jiangxi, Hunan, Sichuan, Fujian, Chongqing and other provinces and cities, showing high yield, high quality and strong disease resistance in the south, and its development and application prospect is good. 1. Fruit economic characters: the fruit is round, the average weight of a single fruit is 290g, the most

Jinshui No. 1 is a new variety bred by the Institute of Fruit Tea, Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Its parent is Changshilang X Jiangdao. It won Hubei Province and National Science Conference Award in 1978, and was awarded as a high quality fruit in Hubei Province in 1999, and was designated as a key popularized variety. It has been extended to Hubei, Jiangxi, Hunan, Sichuan, Fujian, Chongqing and other provinces and cities, showing high yield, high quality and strong disease resistance in the south, and its development and application prospect is good.

1. Fruit economic characters: the fruit is round, the average single fruit weight is 290 grams, and the maximum fruit weight is 540 grams. The pericarp is green, green and yellow when ripe, with large and medium-sized fruit spots, smooth and clean fruit surface, neat fruit shape and beautiful appearance. The flesh is white, tender, crisp, few stone cells, more juice, sweet and sour palatable, containing 11.3-13% of Kegu, 6.84% of soluble sugar, 0.3% of titratable acid, and so on. Wuhan is mature in late August and is resistant to storage and transportation. It is stored at room temperature for 20-30 days. It is a variety of medium-and late-ripe sand pear with high quality fresh food.

Second, growth and fruiting habits: the plant has strong growth potential, the tree posture is more upright, and the annual branches are stout. The sprouting power is 71.58%, and the branching ability is 1.3. In the full fruit period, the trees were mainly short fruit branches, and the ratio of fruit branches was 78.4% for short fruit branches, 11.7% for axillary flower fruit branches, and 9.9% for medium and long fruit branches. Early fruit is good, high yield, stable yield, 3-4 years after planting, the average yield of 5-year-old trees is 27.5 kg, the highest yield is 45kg, and the later yield is 2500-3000kg/667m2. In Wuhan area, the early flowering stage is late March, the full flowering stage is late April, and the fruit growth period is about 140 days.

Third, resistance and adaptability: strong resistance, extremely resistant to scab, black spot, moderate resistance to rust and ring disease. It is more resistant to high temperature and humidity and barren soil. It grows well and has strong cold resistance in red-yellow soil, yellow brown soil and fluvo-aquic soil. It can be popularized and planted in the area of the old route of the Yellow River, the Yangtze River basin and South China.

4. Key points of cultivation techniques:

1. Planting density and selection of pollination trees. The planting row spacing in the deep and fertile plain and lake area is 5m*4m and 5m*3m, which should be planted high on the ridge and platform, and pay attention to the opening of the "three trenches". The plant spacing in low hills, hills and two high mountain areas is 5m*2m and 4m*3m. The suitable pollination trees are Annong 1, Huanghua and 24, and the proportion is not less than 1:4.

2. Artificial pollination. The fruit setting rate of Jinshui No. 1 is low, and the flowering stage in the south is easy to low temperature, overcast and rain, so it should be pollinated artificially. When the germination rate of commercial pollen is more than 40%, mix 4-5 portions of stone pine nuts, starch and other fillings, and start when the whole tree blossoms at 25%. Each inflorescence uses a brush or rubber head to dip 1-3 edge flowers with pollen powder. In full bloom, 0.3% borax + 250 times edible vinegar can also be sprayed.

3. Rational fertilization. The proportion of N:P2O5:K2O application was 1: 1. 5%. In the middle of June, 100-120kg compound fertilizer or K2SO4 was applied per 667m2, and 200-250kg/667m2, a special organic biological fertilizer for sand pear, was also used. Base fertilizer was applied after fruit harvest in the first ten days of September, farm manure was applied according to 2-3 fertilizers per jin of fruit, cake fertilizer was applied according to the proportion of 2-4 fertilizers per jin of fruit, and 250-300kg superphosphate was mixed once per 667m2. 40-50cm wide and 50cm deep trenches were dug. Water should be permeated in times of drought.

4. Choose double-layer happy shape. The reasonable tree structure is 2.5-3.0m in height and 3.5-4.0m in crown. The main branch is divided into two layers, the first layer has 3-4 main branches with a base angle of 60-70 ℃, each main branch is equipped with 1-2 lateral branches, and the second layer has 2 sub-main branches with a base angle of 50-60 ℃, which is equipped with 2-3 large fruiting branch groups. The interlayer spacing is 100-120cm, and the upper trunk is directly attached to the branchlet group. The whole tree is like a straw hat.

5. Pruning in growing period, combined with winter pruning. More hands, less scissors. In the middle and last ten days of April, 1-2 young leaves and growing points were removed when the new shoots were 20-40cm long. In the middle of May, the overdensity and poor orientation were removed and new shoots were grown. In June and July, the 2-3-year-old branches with less fruit were girdled and ringed at the base of the 10cm to promote flower buds, and the main and lateral branches growing erect were angled at the same time. Winter pruning does not move except that it retracts too weak branches, shortens and lengthens branches, and sparse too many flower bud branches.

6. Shaping and pruning young trees. The young trees grow vigorously and the branches are upright, mainly with slow growth measures such as pulling branches and coring during the growing period. Except for the extension and short cutting of the main and side branches in winter, the young trees are basically not cut. In order to achieve the goal of rapid forming, early and high yield.