
Measures for potato disaster reduction after freezing and snow disaster

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, (1) Function and use 1. The effect of low temperature on potato seed tuber during storage and seed tuber and young bud (seedling) after sowing. 2. Reduce the damage degree of ice and snow disaster; promote potato recovery growth. (2) Technical measures 1. Preventive measures for freezing injury (1) During seed potato storage, pay attention to heat preservation. Before the low temperature comes, take preventive measures, such as putting straw mat under the seed pile and covering the seed pile surface with straw mat to prevent freezing damage. (2) Reasonable adjustment of sowing date to prevent freezing injury. needle

(1) function and use

1. The effect of low temperature on seed potato during storage and after sowing and its young buds (seedlings).

2. Reduce the harm degree of ice and snow disaster and promote the recovery of potato growth.

(2) Technical measures

1. Preventive measures of freezing injury

(1) during the storage of seed potatoes, pay attention to heat preservation. Before the low temperature comes, take preventive measures, you can put a straw mat under the seed pile and cover it with straw mat and other mulch to prevent frost injury.

(2) adjust the sowing time reasonably to prevent frost injury. In view of the climatic characteristics and the actual situation of production in different areas of our region, it is suggested that in production, the sowing date should be adjusted reasonably on the premise of ensuring economic benefits, so as to avoid the influence of freezing injury as far as possible.

(3) take preventive measures to enhance the cold resistance of crops.

① trench drainage: timely drainage of field waterlogging, improve soil permeability, reduce the impact of freezing injury and waterlogging damage on crops. ② mulching heat preservation: straw, straw and plastic film mulching are adopted to improve the ground temperature. Where conditions permit, small arched sheds can also be built. However, after the temperature rises, the mulch or small arch shed should be removed in time to prevent excessive temperature from burning seedlings or causing diseases. ③ ridging and soil covering, soil cultivation and heat preservation: high ridges after sowing, combined with intermediate ploughing and weeding after seedling emergence, soil cultivation in the field in time. Where there are conditions, it can also be combined with soil cultivation to apply hot farm manure such as fire soil fertilizer and plant ash to improve the ability of anti-cold and anti-freezing.

2. Disaster reduction measures after freezing injury

After suffering frost injury, the growth of potato was affected in varying degrees. After the release of frost injury, field investigation should be carried out as soon as possible to understand the occurrence degree of frost injury, and corresponding disaster reduction and remedial measures should be taken to minimize the loss caused by frost injury.

(1) do not use frozen tubers as seed potatoes

The germination ability of potato buds damaged by freezing during storage period is weak, and soft rot is easy to occur when the temperature rises. Therefore, do not use frozen tubers as seed potatoes.

(2) measures to be taken for potato after sowing.

① trench. For the low-lying fields, the drainage ditch should be dug as soon as possible after the freezing injury is lifted, so as to reduce the water level, eliminate waterlogging, avoid potato rotting due to stagnant water, and increase the soil temperature as soon as possible to promote plant growth.

② ploughing and cultivating soil. After low temperature freezing injury, the soil is more hardened and the humidity is higher, and the root activity of potato will decrease after freezing injury. At this time, ploughing soil can loosen soil, increase soil temperature and promote root growth and development.

③ was used to check the defect and make up the nest. For the unsprouted plots, check the frozen condition of the underground seed potato, find the frozen rotten part of the seed potato, re-promote the germination and replanting, so as to avoid the lack of nests affecting the yield.

④ fertilization. Fertilization should be carried out after the release of the freezing injury and the slow growth of the plant, and should not be applied immediately after the freezing injury. Methods: for mildly frozen fields, foliar fertilizer, such as 0.2%-0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate (60kg / mu), can be sprayed to enhance plant resistance and promote growth recovery. For the fields that were moderately or severely frozen after emergence and had not yet emerged, the quick-acting total fertilizer such as biogas liquid and manure, or 10 kg / mu of urea per mu were applied to promote the plant to resume tuber germination.

⑤ disease prevention. After low temperature freezing injury, potato field is prone to Verticillium wilt and Verticillium wilt, two kinds of soil-borne diseases. Therefore, in addition to the routine control of late blight and bacterial wilt, positive measures should be taken to prevent these two diseases. Control methods: use 50% carbendazim wettable powder 600 × 800 times + 3% Guangkuling 600 × 800 times to prevent Verticillium wilt and Verticillium wilt; use 3% Zhongshengmycin wettable powder, 60,80kg / mu of water or 2000 times of agricultural streptomycin (2 million units) to prevent the occurrence of bacterial diseases such as bacterial wilt Prevent late blight with 800 times of 80% Dasheng wettable powder or 400 times of 25% metalaxyl.

⑥ pay attention to prevent low temperature frost again. Pay attention to the weather forecast, if there is frost weather, cover with plastic film before frost, remove plastic film after frost, generally use plastic film 10 kg per mu.