
Control of Botrytis cinerea in cut Carnation

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Symptoms: at first, the petals appear oval, brown, large and wet spots, followed by gray mildew, petals and whole flowers rot, and can also infect stems and buds. Reason: long-term exposure to low temperature and humid environment. Prevention and control methods: keep the plant dry as far as possible, it is best to use drip irrigation to control fertilizer and water; maintain good ventilation; spray 75% chlorothalonil 500 times liquid, or carbendazim 500 times liquid, use alternately, spray once every 7-10 days; 10% Sukeling aerosol can be applied in the greenhouse in the evening to seal the shed overnight.

Symptoms: initially oval petals, brown, large and wet spots, followed by the growth of gray mold, petals and whole flowers decay, but also infected stems and buds. Cause: Long-term exposure to low temperature and humidity.

Control methods: keep the plants dry as much as possible, it is best to use drip irrigation for fertilizer and water control; keep good ventilation; spray 75% chlorothalonil 500 times solution, or carbendazim 500 times solution, alternately use, spray once every 7~10 days; in the evening, 10% Sukeling aerosol can be applied in the shed, and the shed is sealed overnight.