
New Longshan Potato varieties can increase Farmers' income

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Longshan County, Hunan Province, according to geographical conditions and market development prospects, actively guide the county's agricultural development company to introduce "Atlantic" potatoes from Gansu. The trial planting shows that this variety of potato is favored by the market because of its high quality, low sugar content and high starch content.

Longshan County, Hunan Province, according to geographical conditions and market development prospects, actively guide the county's agricultural development company to introduce "Atlantic" potatoes from Gansu. The trial planting shows that this variety of potato is favored by the market because of its high quality, low sugar content and high starch content.

In order to promote it on a large scale, the county actively implemented the model of "company + base + peasant household + market" to develop industry, and implemented the support measures of "three supplies and two guarantees", that is, seed supply, fertilizer supply, medicine supply and package technology, and package market. This year, a potato base of 1000 mu was developed, with an output of 1800 tons and an income of 1.5 million yuan.

At present, some large enterprises have booked purchase and sales contracts for next year; among them, PepsiCo has ordered 2000 tons, and Shanghaojia has also sent special personnel to negotiate the order business. This year, more than 1100 farmers in Zhaoshi Town, Nongche Township and Ciyantang Town in Longshan County have adopted preferential measures to grow potatoes, increasing their income per mu by more than 500 yuan compared with previous years.