
Huizhou promotes 31 high-efficiency rice varieties

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, On July 10, experts from the National Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, accompanied by the person in charge of the Seed General Station of the Provincial Department of Agriculture, visited the Municipal Agricultural Science Institute, the undertaking unit of the National Rice Regional Test of our city, to inspect the work of the National Rice Regional Test. It is reported that our city has successively completed the regional trial task of more than 400 rice varieties assigned by the state. Experts inspected the implementation of the national rice regional test field test undertaken by the Municipal Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, and spoke highly of the solid completion of the national rice regional test work by the Municipal Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology. According to reports, the city agricultural science institute from

On July 10, experts from the National Agricultural Technology extension Service Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, accompanied by the person in charge of the seed terminal of the Provincial Agricultural Department, went to our city's national rice regional test unit, the Municipal Institute of Agricultural Sciences to inspect the national rice regional test work. It is reported that our city has successively completed the task of regional trials of more than 400 rice varieties issued by the state.

The experts inspected the implementation of the national rice regional test field test undertaken by the municipal agricultural science institute, and spoke highly of the solid completion of the national rice regional test work by the municipal agricultural science institute. According to reports, the Municipal Institute of Agricultural Sciences began to undertake the national rice regional test in 2003, and so far it has completed the task of 11 to produce more than 400 varieties, which not only provides a large amount of scientific data for national crop variety approval, but also selects varieties that meet the current agricultural production requirements of Huizhou, such as Boyou 998, Tianyou 998, Guinongzhan and Qigusimiao, and displays and demonstrates 31 high-efficiency rice varieties. Through display and observation, demonstration sites, science and technology activities to the countryside and other forms of publicity and promotion, now, many varieties have become the leading varieties of local rice production, and achieved better social benefits.