
Development and Utilization of Elaeagnus angustifolia Food

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Elaeagnus angustifolia (ElaeagnusangustifoliaL.), also known as Fraxinus mandshurica, Elaeagnus angustifolia, Elaeagnus angus Elaeagnus angustifolia is distributed in Shaanxi, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, * *, Qinghai and other places. It is also distributed in the Taklimakan Desert and along the banks of various rivers, as well as in Yili and Toksun in northern Xinjiang. Elaeagnus angustifolia is a saline-alkali land in desert.

Elaeagnus angustifolia (ElaeagnusangustifoliaL.), also known as Fraxinus mandshurica, Elaeagnus angustifolia, Elaeagnus angus Elaeagnus angustifolia is distributed in Shaanxi, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, * *, Qinghai and other places. It is also distributed in the Taklimakan Desert and along the banks of various rivers, as well as in Yili and Toksun in northern Xinjiang. Elaeagnus angustifolia is a "treasure tree" in desert saline-alkali land. Elaeagnus angustifolia has high edible value and medicinal value, so it has great potential to develop into green food.

1. The main components and health functions of Elaeagnus angustifolia fruit, flower and kernel.

Elaeagnus angustifolia fruit, flowers, branches, leaves, bark and other human medicine, mainly for the treatment of burns, chronic bronchitis, closed fractures, indigestion, neurasthenia and other diseases, Elaeagnus angustifolia also has the function of invigorating the spleen and stomach, calming the mind, calming and relieving diarrhea. Elaeagnus angustifolia is rich in nutrition and is an ideal health food.

1.1 Elaeagnus angustifolia fruit

Elaeagnus angustifolia fruit matures from late September to early October, and most of the mature fruits are oval or oval. The pulp powder contains 7.94% crude protein, 1.34% crude fat and 53.41% sugar, which can be used for various non-staple food crystal processing and can replace grain. Protein contains 17 kinds of amino acids such as glutamic acid and threonine, especially 8 kinds of essential amino acids for human body. The main components of sugar in pulp are fructose and glucose, and there are water, free acid, pectin, vitamin C, tannin and so on. In addition, it is also rich in a variety of trace elements, such as phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc, manganese, niacin, ammonium sulfate, riboflavin, carotene, etc., especially the high content of zinc, which is of great benefit to the intellectual development of the human body. According to the records of the medicinal plants of the former Soviet Union, the fruit of Elaeagnus angustifolia contains tannin and gum concentrate. As an astringent for colitis, taking it in large quantities can improve the function and state of the digestive organs. As a gargle, this tannin can be used in all kinds of oral inflammation, and it has been proved to have bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory effect.

1.1 Elaeagnus angustifolia flower

Elaeagnus angustifolia flowers are silvery white, drooping, funnel-shaped flowers, long 5~7mm. According to the Chinese Economic Flora, flowers contain 0.2% to 0.4% aromatic oil, which can be extracted into flavors and spices. The main components of Elaeagnus angustifolia flower are trinaphthol, anthocyanin, fat and a small amount of volatile oil. Elaeagnus angustifolia flower contains a certain amount of flavonoids, which have good application value in medicine and food industry. Flavonoids have the effects of treating heart disease, reducing serum cholesterol, inhibiting platelet aggregation, anti-ulcer, anti-tumor, anti-inflammation, anti-allergy, anti-aging, anti-radiation, anti-virus, enhancing immunity, scavenging hydroxyl free radicals and so on. Flavonoids can also be used as antioxidants, pigments and sweeteners in the food industry.

1.3 Elaeagnus angustifolia fruit core

The kernel contains soluble sugar, protein, crude fat, crude fiber and ash. The protein content is higher than that of corn and sorghum, and the fat content is higher than that of sorghum. The unsaturated fat in the core is about 45%, which is a kind of health product with high nutritional value. The kernel can not only extract high-grade Elaeagnus angustifolia oil, but also can be processed into exquisite handicrafts.

2. Present situation of research and development of Elaeagnus angustifolia food.

Elaeagnus angustifolia series food is a series of nutritious Elaeagnus angustifolia food, which is processed by high-tech means and supplemented by other natural foods to produce food with various varieties, rich nutrition, easy to eat, convenient for storage and transportation, and suitable for both young and old. Elaeagnus angustifolia series food includes: Elaeagnus angustifolia sugar, Elaeagnus angustifolia vinegar, Elaeagnus angustifolia wine, multi-flavor Elaeagnus angustifolia, Elaeagnus angustifolia beverage, Elaeagnus angustifolia pastry, Elaeagnus angustifolia nutrient solution, Elaeagnus angustifolia jam, Elaeagnus angustifolia flower tea and other food additives, but also can be made into Elaeagnus angustifolia starch alkyl polyglycosides (APG), flavonoids and other food additives.

2.1 Development of Elaeagnus angustifolia pulp food

(1) to make sugar, the initial method is to add water to the noodles of sand jujube, which is filtered and concentrated into sugar sauce. Sugar can also be made by the combination of hydrolysis, extraction and compression.

Technological process: fruit picking → selecting fruit → boiling softening → filtering → concentration → sterilization → sugar production

(2) the fermented food of Elaeagnus angustifolia is fermented by mixing Elaeagnus angustifolia noodles and grain bran to produce liquor. Vinegar is mixed with a certain amount of highland barley or barley noodles in sand jujube noodles, fermented and filtered to produce vinegar.

(3) producing beverages. It can be made into three types of products: Elaeagnus angustifolia beverage, Elaeagnus angustifolia juice and Elaeagnus angustifolia concentrated juice. The clear liquid of Elaeagnus angustifolia was obtained through the steps of fruit picking, fruit selection, boiling and softening, beating, extraction, juice mud separation, juice precipitation, obtaining clear liquid and so on. Elaeagnus angustifolia clear liquid and beverage configuration, sterilization, sub-packaging can be made into Elaeagnus angustifolia soda. Elaeagnus angustifolia juice was prepared from Elaeagnus angustifolia clear liquid, sterilized and packed. The concentrated juice of Elaeagnus angustifolia was made after being concentrated, sterilized and sub-packaged. Natural clarification, thermal clarification and enzyme clarification can be used in juice precipitation. The clarification effect of adding enzyme clarification by adding active compound enzyme preparation and protein compound preparation is the best.

(4) Elaeagnus angustifolia pastry is made by fruit picking, fruit selection, boiling and softening, beating, extraction, juice mud separation, fruit paste mixed with bean paste, flour, sugar and other nutrients. Elaeagnus angustifolia cake has a strong sweet and sour flavor.

(5) Elaeagnus angustifolia jam is made into Elaeagnus angustifolia jam after fruit picking, fruit selection, boiling and softening, beating, extraction, juice mud separation, fruit paste configuration into jam, cooking and sub-packing, the finished Elaeagnus angustifolia jam is made. Elaeagnus angustifolia jam is easy to be dehydrated for a long time, so a certain amount of compound gelling agent (the main component is pectin) should be added in the process of configuring fruit jam, and attention should be paid to the ratio of sugar to acid.

(6) Elaeagnus angustifolia nutrient solution is composed of rock sugar, ginseng, longan, Coix seed, Bupleurum, Pueraria lobata, Scutellaria baicalensis, fragrant valley bud, Elaeagnus angustifolia, rice wine (40 degrees) and allicin according to a certain proportion, which has the effect of replenishing qi and strengthening body, but also has the effect of detoxification and beauty, and the health care effect is very obvious.

(7) preparation of starch alkyl polyglycosides (APG) of Elaeagnus angustifolia. Alkyl polyglycosides, also known as lauryl glycosides (LaurylGlucosicle), can be used as surface activators to control the viscosity of starch in food processing. Using phytic acid and p-toluenesulfonic acid binary system as catalyst, Elaeagnus angustifolia and fatty alcohol as raw materials, alkyl polyglycoside surfactant was synthesized by transglycoside method.

2.2 Development of Elaeagnus angustifolia flower food

(1) Sand jujube honey: it can tonify spleen and stomach, tonify qi, tonify blood and calm nerves, such as soaking medlar to tonify kidney, spleen and kidney can improve health, and it is more suitable for people with qi deficiency and fear of cold, epigastric pain of deficiency cold type, spleen and stomach deficiency cold, abdominal distension and constipation. Elaeagnus angustifolia blossoms from May to June every year, and the flowering period is about 20-30 days. Nectar is the top grade of honey with light color and high concentration. Elaeagnus angustifolia forest, which is 10 years old per hectare, can keep 30 cases of bees at flowering stage every year and can produce honey 450kg.

(2) making toilet wine. Fresh Elaeagnus angustifolia flower was used as raw material, pickled with fragrant Daqu, distilled, filtered and aged to produce Elaeagnus angustifolia flower wine.

(3) Elaeagnus angustifolia scented tea: Elaeagnus angustifolia scented tea is prepared by using baked green tea and Elaeagnus angustifolia flower as raw materials, which mainly includes: drying and cooling the original tea billet, stacking and spreading the raw flowers alternately, mixing and evenly mixing the fresh flowers and treated tea blanks according to a certain proportion, scenting them with mixed accumulation, passing through flowers to dissipate heat after scenting for a certain period of time, and then collecting them and so on. The scented Elaeagnus angustifolia tea prepared by this method not only maintains the tea aroma of the original tea, but also absorbs the aroma and sweetness of Elaeagnus angustifolia flowers. It is a new kind of scented tea with local characteristics.

(4) extracting flavonoids from Elaeagnus angustifolia flower. Shi Yuping et al studied the optimum extraction conditions of flavonoids from Elaeagnus angustifolia flower. The results showed that the best conditions for extracting flavonoids from Elaeagnus angustifolia flower with edible alcohol as extractant were as follows: 95% edible alcohol, 45min was extracted at 76 ℃, and the yield of flavonoids in dried and fresh Elaeagnus angustifolia flower was 0.68%.

2.3 Development and Research of Fruit Kernel Food

The fruit core of Elaeagnus angustifolia can not only be made into exquisite decorative products, but also extract advanced nutrition and health oil. Elaeagnus angustifolia kernel oil is mainly composed of unsaturated fatty acids, which can reduce blood lipids and cholesterol, which is very beneficial to health. The seeds of Elaeagnus angustifolia were crushed, cold soaked with petroleum ether for several times, the extract was combined, and the solvent was recovered on a rotating film evaporator. Anhydrous sodium sulfate was dried to obtain light yellow Elaeagnus angustifolia oil with a yield of 2.3%. The physicochemical constants of Elaeagnus angustifolia oil are as follows: refractive index 1.4776, specific gravity 0.9419, iodine value 159.32, saponification value 201.77. It shows that Elaeagnus angustifolia oil can be used as nutrition and health oil, is an ideal natural food and medicine, and has a good prospect of development and utilization.

3. Development prospect of Elaeagnus angustifolia food.

Elaeagnus angustifolia is widely planted as a windbreak forest and is rich in natural resources. Elaeagnus angustifolia is a tree species with high economic value, which has the characteristics of strong stress resistance, easy cultivation and reproduction, fast growth, high ecological benefit and so on. Elaeagnus angustifolia trees are drought-tolerant, saline-alkali tolerant, and mostly grow in Gobi, desert and semi-desert areas, where there is less pollution, so Elaeagnus angustifolia is an ideal green agricultural product. In the northwest region, Elaeagnus angustifolia variety resources are very rich, Elaeagnus angustifolia stems, leaves, flowers and fruits have utilization value, Elaeagnus angustifolia fruit is easy to store, there is no shortage of food processing materials, and the comprehensive utilization value is high, so Elaeagnus angustifolia has great advantages in food processing.

However, at present, there are still three problems in the development and utilization of Elaeagnus angustifolia food: first, there is a lack of deep processing technology of Elaeagnus angustifolia food, such as headache after drinking Elaeagnus angustifolia wine, Elaeagnus angustifolia vinegar and beverage are easy to deteriorate, and some Elaeagnus angustifolia fruits are astringent. These problems that have not been solved in food processing have affected the listing of Elaeagnus angustifolia food. Second, it is necessary to select suitable varieties of Elaeagnus angustifolia. Third, the understanding of the development of Elaeagnus angustifolia production is still insufficient, people only pay attention to the role of Elaeagnus angustifolia tree in preventing wind and fixing sand, and do not pay attention to the huge economic benefits brought by the deep processing of Elaeagnus angustifolia.

The northwest region is the main producing area of Elaeagnus angustifolia in China, which is suitable for the growth of Elaeagnus angustifolia. At present, there are two development trends in Elaeagnus angustifolia processing industry. on the one hand, we should speed up the research on the characteristics of Elaeagnus angustifolia and select special varieties suitable for processing. On the other hand, speed up the research on the deep processing of Elaeagnus angustifolia food. We should select the varieties of Elaeagnus angustifolia which are suitable for processing, plant a large number of them, and provide advanced processing technology of Elaeagnus angustifolia, so as to make the processing industry of Elaeagnus angustifolia develop rapidly and realize the combination of ecological, social and economic benefits.