
Saving irrigation, selecting improved varieties, grabbing accumulated temperature, raising strong seedlings-rice in cold region

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Heilongjiang Province is located in the high cold area, the heat and water resources are relatively scarce, the annual distribution of atmospheric precipitation is extremely uneven, the spring is windy and less rainy, and the drought is quite serious. The author discusses how to realize water saving, high quality and high yield of growing rice in cold area. First, the selection of excellent varieties is the prerequisite for ensuring high quality and high yield of rice, which varieties planted by rice farmers are directly related to the quality and yield of rice. therefore, varieties with suitable maturity, good quality, stable yield and high yield and strong stress resistance should be selected in production. The first is to select the products that have been approved and named and promoted by the state.

Heilongjiang Province is located in the high cold area, the heat and water resources are relatively scarce, the annual distribution of atmospheric precipitation is extremely uneven, the spring is windy and less rainy, and the drought is quite serious. The author discusses how to realize water saving, high quality and high yield of growing rice in cold area.

First, the selection of excellent varieties is the premise to ensure high quality and high yield of rice.

What varieties are planted by rice farmers are directly related to the quality and yield of rice. therefore, varieties with suitable ripening period, good quality, stable yield and strong stress resistance should be selected in production. First, the selection of varieties approved and popularized by the state can ensure that the characters of rice are relatively stable, the yield is stable, and the use is safe and reliable; second, varieties suitable for ripening period are introduced according to different accumulated temperate zones, and must not be introduced across regions; third, attention should be paid to seed quality, and first-class improved varieties with purity of more than 98%, bud percentage of more than 90% and moisture content of no more than 14% should be selected for production. Fourth, it is necessary to purchase seeds in seed companies, scientific research institutes and agricultural universities that have been certified by the state, so as to put an end to blind planting; fifth, to unify varieties as far as possible in actual planting, to plant in succession, to form a scale, and to realize industrial planting.

Second, grasping the accumulated temperature in agricultural season is the guarantee of high quality and high yield of rice.

Rice production in Heilongjiang Province has the characteristics of short growth period, less active accumulated temperature, slow heating in the early stage, short high temperature in the middle stage, rapid cooling in the later stage, frequent chilling injury and so on. Especially during the 40 days from 15 days before heading to 25 days after heading, rice is most sensitive to low temperature. Due to the drought in the spring of 2002, the rice transplanting period was delayed by 5 to 7 days, and the average temperature for 5 consecutive days in late July was lower than 17 ℃, which greatly reduced the yield and quality of rice. Therefore, it is very important to grasp the accumulated temperature in agricultural season. It is recommended to start sowing in the first and middle of April when the temperature reaches 5 ℃ and finish sowing before April 25, and start transplanting seedlings after the local temperature reaches 13 ℃, and the high-yield transplanting period should be reached from May 15 to 25, and no later than the end of May, to ensure that rice enters young panicle differentiation at the end of June and the beginning of July, heading safely at the end of July and early August, and matures safely before the temperature drops to 13 ℃ in the first and middle of September.

Third, strong seedling and sparse planting is an important link to obtain high yield and high quality of growing rice in cold land.

Raising strong seedlings and thinning and sparse planting is based on drought raising seedlings, early planting and sparse sowing as the premise, temperature regulation and water control as the means, using large and middle sheds to raise seedlings, autumn soil preparation, autumn bed, ultra-sparse sowing, temperature control and water control to cultivate strong tillers and transplant seedlings with tillers in time. The general sowing rate is 250 grams per square meter for medium seedlings, 35-40 days for seedlings, 200 grams for large seedlings per square meter, 40-45 days for seedlings, transplanting density, 9 × 3 inches for hand-planted seedlings, 3 plants per hole, and 9 × 5 inches for hand-planted seedlings, 3 plants per hole.

Fourth, scientific fertilization is the key to high quality and high yield of rice.

Rice is a crop that needs more fertilizer, and the largest amount of nitrogen fertilizer is needed, followed by phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, which is fertilized under the condition of 500 kg yield per mu and medium soil fertility. First, the amount of fertilizer applied, 6.6 to 10.6 kilograms per mu of diammonium phosphate, 8.3 to 17.3 kilograms of urea and 4.0 to 6.0 kilograms of ammonium sulfate. Second, the proportion of fertilization: 40% nitrogen fertilizer, 100% phosphate fertilizer, 60% potassium fertilizer, 2040% nitrogen fertilizer at tillering stage, 1015% nitrogen fertilizer and 3040% potash fertilizer at heading stage. The third is the time of fertilization, the base fertilizer should be evenly sprinkled into the paddy field before the water rake after soaking, and the fertilizer should be evenly mixed into the plough layer by water rake; tillering fertilizer should be applied as early as possible after transplanting rice seedlings at the beginning of tillering; panicle fertilizer should be applied 15-18 days before rice heading. Fourth, fertilization requirements, for base fertilizer, low content of soil organic matter in the old paddy field should be applied more, otherwise less; alkaline soil should be applied physiological acid fertilizer, acid soil should be applied physiological alkaline fertilizer. For tillering fertilizer, the soil fertility is low, the transplanting density is low, and the field where weak seedlings are planted late can appropriately increase the amount of fertilizer application, otherwise reduce the amount of fertilizer application. And combined with the application of tillering fertilizer to control weeds, keep the field surface with a water layer of 3 cm to 5 cm, keep water for 5 to 7 days, and avoid series irrigation or drainage, so as to improve the fertilizer effect and ensure the weed control effect. For panicle fertilizer, the soil fertility is high, the plant grows well, and the dark green leaves are applied less, and vice versa.

5. the adoption of advanced water-saving irrigation technology is the guarantee of rice yield increase and high efficiency.

According to the law of rice water demand and local water source conditions, the effective use of rainfall and reducing the useless consumption of irrigation water is the fundamental guarantee to obtain the best economic, social and ecological benefits of rice production. In the actual production, we should do a good job in three aspects: first, to reduce the loss of water conveyance. Including canal anti-seepage treatment, bending and straightening, improvement of supporting engineering facilities, timely maintenance of buildings, and so on. Make the water transportation process safe, rapid and reliable, and improve the utilization efficiency of irrigation water. The second is to strengthen water management. Focus on strengthening the publicity and implementation of industry laws and regulations, maximize the implementation of water control according to law, comprehensively improve the overall quality of managers and improve the quality of service. Third, scientific irrigation. After rice transplanting and turning green, irrigation can accelerate turning green and tiller ahead of time; moist irrigation at tillering stage, establish a water layer of about 2 cm, and then irrigate for the second time when the soil water content falls to 50% of the soil saturated water content; from jointing and booting to heading and flowering stage, the method of watering the field for several days is adopted, and when the soil water content drops to 70% of the saturated water content, the second water is irrigated again, no irrigation in every rain, heavy rain drainage. The requirement of soil moisture during the filling stage is that the field surface is dry and the soil is wet, which is beneficial to aeration and root maintenance, protect "clover", promote grain filling, early maturity, high quality and high yield.

To sum up, as long as we select good seeds, seize the accumulated temperature, strong seedlings and sparse planting, scientific fertilization, water-saving irrigation and meticulous management, rice production in cold areas will be able to achieve water saving, high efficiency, high quality and high yield.