
Nutrition without side effects to prevent rabbit herd diseases with grass substitute medicine

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Nutrition without side effects to prevent rabbit herd diseases with grass substitute medicine

Raising rabbits

Rabbits are herbivores, and many of the herbs they feed on are actually Chinese herbs, which not only have nutrition, but also can prevent and treat diseases. Long-term use does not produce resistance and no side effects. It can be used on the spot according to the season and the health status of rabbits.

Dandelion, also known as Huanghua Diding, mother-in-law Ding, with heat-clearing and detoxification, detumescence, cholagogic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. It can prevent and cure rabbit enteritis, diarrhea, pneumonia and mastitis.

Flat storage, also known as flat sprouts, bamboo and apple vegetables, has antibacterial, anti-dysentery and deworming effects. It has obvious killing or inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella, Escherichia coli and coccidia.

Purple flower is also known as Dingcao. Mouse cloth bag, with heat-clearing and detoxification, detoxification, detumescence, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Treat rabbit influenza, laryngitis, pneumonia, mastitis, enteritis, diarrhea and so on.

Law grass, also known as pulling seedlings, cutting and pulling vines, has the effects of heat-clearing and detoxification, diuresis, antidiarrheal, stomach-strengthening and bacteriostatic. To treat Escherichia coli, Clostridium welchii enteritis and intestinal infection in rabbits.

Plantain, also known as plantain and plantain, has the effects of diuresis, antidiarrheal vision and expectorant, and is used to prevent and treat respiratory tract, intestinal tract and coccidiosis infection.

Portulaca oleracea, also known as longevity dish, has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, dispersing blood and detumescence, stopping dysentery and hemostasis, repelling insects and eliminating chancre. Purslane is a favorite ingredient for rabbits. Feeding rabbits in Meiyu season can prevent diarrhea and coccidiosis in rabbits.

Artemisia argyi, also known as Artemisia argyi and Artemisia argyi, has the effects of hemostasis, calming the fetus, dispelling cold and dehumidification. Prevention and treatment of hematochezia, hematuria, fetal movement and eczema in rabbits.

Artemisia annua, also known as Artemisia annua, Artemisia seed, etc., has the effects of clearing heat and detoxification, fragrance and invigorating stomach, clearing liver and eyesight, relieving gallbladder, stopping dysentery, expelling phlegm and retreating malaria. Treatment of rabbit influenza, pneumonia, dysentery and malaria.

Artemisia annua L., also known as Artemisia annua L., has the effect of sweating and diuretic, cholagogic and jaundice. Treatment of rabbit liver coccidiosis, poor defecation, yellow, red and short astringent urine. Artemisia annua L. is a high-quality green feeding of rabbits, which is used to feed rabbits in spring, which can make young rabbits grow and develop fast, have a shiny coat and have a good body condition.

Wild chrysanthemum, also known as wild chrysanthemum, has the effect of dispelling wind, reducing fire and detoxifying. Treatment of diseases caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus and Pasteurella multocida.

Honeysuckle, also known as honeysuckle, Shuanhua (planting), has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification. Mainly treats rabbit influenza, pneumonia, respiratory and digestive tract diseases and other febrile diseases.

Folium Isatidis and Radix Isatidis (planted) have the effects of clearing distemper and detoxification, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. It mainly treats rabbit pharyngitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, enteritis and so on.

Garlic (planting) has the functions of sterilizing, invigorating the stomach, relieving dysentery, relieving cough and deworming, and can treat many diseases such as enteritis, diarrhea, indigestion, influenza, pneumonia, coccidiosis and so on.

In addition to the above, there are Cnidium, Fructus Rehmanniae, motherwort, Pulsatilla, Patrinia, Houttuynia cordata, iron amaranth, cactus, locust flower, perilla, leek, ginger, scallions, watermelon peel, orange peel and so on. The above Chinese herbal medicines are widely distributed, rich in resources, readily available in rural areas, and have the characteristics of simplicity, easy to learn and good curative effect, so they are very suitable for raising rabbits in rural families.