
Sowing technique of soybean by stages

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Sowing by stages can stagger the corn harvest period of fresh soybeans, which is beneficial to prolong the supply period, expand market capacity, avoid a large number of centralized listing, resulting in excessive supply, large quantity and low price, and increase production without increasing income. and can ease the labor contradiction in the busy agricultural season to a certain extent. To do a good job of sowing by stages, the key is to achieve the following four points. 1, look at the local market situation to grow fresh soybeans and corn, high yield is not the goal, the important thing is high efficiency. & ldquo; goods are precious because they are scarce & the market price of rdquo;, is always the same as that of

Sowing by stages can stagger the corn harvest period of fresh soybeans, prolong the supply period, expand market capacity, avoid a large number of concentrated listings, resulting in excessive abundance, large quantity and low price, and increase production without increasing income. and can ease the labor contradiction in the busy agricultural season to a certain extent. To do a good job of sowing by stages, the key is to achieve the following four points.

1. Look at the local market

Planting fresh soybeans and corn, high yield is not the goal, the important thing is high efficiency. "scarcity is precious", and the market price is always inversely proportional to its market supply. Therefore, according to the market situation, we should stagger the sowing date as far as possible and prolong the market supply period. In addition to the unified acquisition of factories and enterprises and order agriculture, we should try our best to avoid sowing seeds on a large scale in the same period.

2. Look at the facilities and conditions of growers

Generally speaking, the earlier the cultivation in early spring, the higher the income. However, the sowing time of promoting early cultivation depends on the quality of thermal insulation facilities. Those sown before mid-February should be cultivated in greenhouse, small arch greenhouse from mid-February to early March, plastic film mulching from mid-March to the end of March, and open field cultivation after early April.

3. look at the local climatic conditions

Generally speaking, soybean and spring corn can be sowed when the temperature is more than 10 ℃, but because the maize seed germination is not tolerant to low temperature, the earliest sowing date must start sowing when the temperature is stable through 12 ℃, and the latest sowing date should also ensure that the temperature is above 18 ℃. The suitable starting date for sowing in our city is late March. Heat preservation measures should be taken to prevent rotten seeds and sprouts in early sowing, and at the same time, do not sow too late, so as to avoid high temperature and drought weather at the filling and ripening stage as far as possible, resulting in high temperature forcing ripening and difficult grain bulging; summer soybeans and summer corn should pay attention to avoid high temperature and drought weather at flowering stage as much as possible, otherwise it is easy to cause soybean flowers and pods and empty stalks of corn. Delayed cultivation in autumn should pay attention to the moderate delay of sowing date. In the absence of late heat preservation measures, sowing too late is easily affected by low temperature in autumn, so it is difficult to grain and even can not be harvested.

4. do a good job in the collocation of varieties.

High yield and high efficiency can only be achieved by selecting different varieties according to different planting patterns and planting seasons. Soybean is a short-day crop, which is sensitive to the length of sunshine. Spring soybean, summer soybean and autumn soybean all have their own requirements for sunshine length, so all types of soybean should not be planted in confusion, especially autumn soybean should not be planted as spring soybean. Different varieties of spring sowing soybeans should be selected according to different cultivation measures. For early cultivation in greenhouse and small arch shed, varieties with a growth period of no more than 75 days and good cold tolerance, such as Yindou 9701, should be selected to maximize the advantage of facility cultivation, and early maturing varieties should also be selected in intercropping and intercropping. The growth period should not exceed 80 days, so as to shorten the crop symbiosis period and reduce the adverse effects between different crops. Plastic film mulching and conventional cultivation can be determined comprehensively according to stubble and harvest time, but the growth period should not exceed 95 days. Of course, the effect of staggered harvest period can also be achieved by selecting varieties with different ripening periods to sow in the same period. Corn is not sensitive to the length of sunshine, so the same variety can be planted in spring, summer and autumn, which is very beneficial to sowing in batches, mainly according to different cultivation conditions and consumption habits.