Guard against the occurrence of rice sheath blight under high temperature and humidity
Sheath blight, also known as sheath blight, rice sheath blight has a great impact on its growth and development, not only weakening the absorption capacity of roots, but also affecting leaf photosynthesis, resulting in an increase in empty chaff grains, a decrease in 1000-grain weight and a decrease in yield. Therefore, attention should be paid to the prevention and control of sheath blight in production. The main symptoms, occurrence characteristics and control methods of this disease are introduced below for reference.
The main symptoms of rice leaf sheath disease are dark green water-immersed small spots with blurred edges near the surface of the water, then enlarged in the shape of oval or moire, grayish green or grayish brown in the middle, yellowish or grayish white in the middle when the humidity is low, transparent tissue destruction in the middle, dark brown on the edge, and fusion of several disease spots to form large disease spots in severe cases, showing irregular moire spots, the edges turn yellow, and when the disease occurs quickly, the disease spots are dirty green. The leaves rot quickly. Stem damage, the first dark green, and then turn gray-brown, often can not heading, heading of more blighted grain. When the humidity is high, the disease grows out of white reticular hyphae, and then aggregates into white mycelia to form sclerotia. The sclerotia is dark brown, shaped like mouse dung and easy to fall off. It will become the source of infection in the coming year when it is left in the field.
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Effect of High temperature and Heat damage on Rice production in Fanchang County and its Prevention and remedial measures
In the process of rice production, the most influential and difficult climatic factors are temperature and moisture. Reasonable irrigation can replenish and regulate water, but the temperature is difficult to control. It has a significant impact on the life of rice. Rice is the main crop in grain production in Fanchang County, which ranks first in terms of planting area and total yield. At present, the rice planting area in Fanchang County is about 16360 hectares (including multiple cropping index), of which medium indica rice is about 13191 hectares (mainly hybrid rice), early rice is about 1514 hectares, and double late rice is about 1655.
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Four effects of High temperature on Rice
The temperature requirements of rice are different in each growth and development stage, and there is an optimal temperature. If the critical temperature exceeds the upper or lower limit, the growth and development of rice will appear abnormal phenomenon, that is, physiological obstacles. Therefore, attention should be paid to the effect of high temperature on rice. 1. Effect of high temperature on each growth stage of rice. 1. Heading and flowering stage. Generally, the temperature of 25-30 ℃ is suitable for rice at heading and flowering stage. A large number of empty grains will appear when the temperature is lower than 25 ℃ or higher than 30 ℃. At the same time, the high temperature
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