
Planting techniques of sunflower seed

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Planting techniques of sunflower seed

Sunflower seed is a perennial herb of Ranunculaceae, its root tuber can be used as medicine, it has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, detumescence and dispersing knots, and it also has the function of health care, suitable for both medicine and food. So how should sunflower seeds be planted? Let's take a look.

1. Land selection and preparation

When planting sunflower seeds, it is necessary to choose plots with convenient drainage and irrigation and rich in organic matter soil, and if it is a plain area, a high border cultivation method should be adopted, with a width of 1-1.2 meters. 1000 kg of mature farm manure was applied per mu, and 90,150kg of nitrogen and potassium compound fertilizer was used as base fertilizer. It can be used as a seedling land in a corner of the plot, which requires loose and fertile soil and good drainage.

2. Methods of reproduction

Sunflower seed can cultivate seedlings through seed propagation and cutting propagation. It blossoms in spring and bears fruit in summer. After collecting the seeds, it can be sown, sowed in autumn or spring, sprouted after sowing for more than ten days, and can be planted when the seedlings grow 5-6 true leaves. Cutting propagation is generally used to cultivate seedlings in a large area, take cuttings at the time of plant growth, open shallow trenches on the whole seedling bed, with a row spacing of about 10 cm, cut branches of 8-10 cm on the plant, remove the lower leaves, leave the upper 2-3 leaves, insert them into the trench according to the plant spacing of 6 cm, and the depth is 2/3 of the cuttings, gently compacted with hands and watered thoroughly. In covering the sunshade net, it will take root and sprout after about a week. At this time, the sunshade net can be removed and fertilized once. When the seedlings grow to more than 10 cm, they can be planted.

3. Field management

The best planting time is in late March, the planting density depends on the soil fertility, and the better fertility is also suitable for close planting, otherwise it should be sparsely planted. Before sealing the ridge of the plant, it is necessary to loosen the soil and weed in time to promote plant growth. Sunflower seed is a perennial plant that wants to grow fast and have high yield, so the demand for fertilizer is also very high. Therefore, in the growing season, it is necessary to topdressing every half a month, applying 1000 kg of human feces and urine and 30 kg of compound fertilizer per mu, and more than 1000 kg of rotten farm manure per mu in the harvest season. The principle of watering is dry and wet, usually once a week in sunny weather and twice a week in drought, and drainage measures should be taken in the rainy season.

4. Pest control

Diseases and insect pests are the main factors that harm the yield and quality of sunflower seeds. First of all, we should do a good job in agricultural control, adopt high border cultivation, increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and improve the disease resistance of plants. When root rot occurs, Anke mancozeb or carbendazim can be sprayed or irrigated; for leaf spot, anthracnose and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, mancozeb can be sprayed; for insect pests, trichlorfon and dichlorvos can be sprayed.

The above is the introduction of sunflower seed planting technology, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.