
High-yielding planting techniques of "four changes and one increase" soybean

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The traditional sowing method of soybeans is narrow and too dense, coupled with many other reasons, the yield has always hovered in the 100~150kg. After years of experimental research. We have explored a new way to increase soybean production by more than 40%, that is, the technology of "four changes and one increase". In order to increase soybean yield, we should not only select new varieties with high quality and high yield, but also pay attention to crop rotation. According to the experiment, after continuous cropping for many years, soybean showed slow growth, short plant, yellow lower leaves, early defoliation, few pods and small seeds. Test

The yield of soybean planted in traditional sowing mode is always hovering at 100~150kg due to narrow row, too dense row and other reasons. We've been experimenting for years. A new way to increase soybean yield by more than 40%, namely, the technology of "four reforms and one increase", was found.

The usual measures to improve soybean yield include rotation of crops in addition to selecting new varieties with high quality and high yield. According to the experiment, soybean showed slow growth, short plant, yellow lower leaves, early defoliation and small pods after continuous cropping for many years. The experiment also proved that continuous cropping for more than 3 years could reduce yield by 20%~30%, and continuous cropping for 2 years could reduce yield by more than 30%. Therefore, crop rotation is of great significance in soybean production. In order to realize high yield and super high yield soybean planting, we should carry out new cultivation technology of "four reforms and one increase" on this basis.

1 Change the narrow row of traditional sowing to a wide row of 40~45cm

First, it is beneficial to ventilation and light transmission, reduce field canopy, prevent soybean flowers and pods from falling, and provide favorable space and conditions for normal growth of soybean. Second, it is easy to operate. In the place where it is customary to sow, the middle leg of the drill can be blocked to increase the row spacing, which saves labor and seeds, lays the foundation for spacing and fixing seedlings, and facilitates field management.

2. Change the traditional non-thinning method into rational close planting at equal distance per plant.

In most areas, soybean production management is relatively extensive, there is no habit of thinning seedlings, and the density is often too large, the field is closed, flowers and pods fall, resulting in reduced production. The density depends on the plot, sowing time and variety. Specifically: fertile land should be sparse, thin land should be dense; early sowing should be sparse, late sowing should be dense; spring sowing should be sparse, summer sowing should be dense; large-leaf type, more branches and open varieties should be sparse, small-leaf type, fewer branches and convergence should be dense; late-maturing varieties should be sparse, early-maturing varieties should be dense. For example, Ludou 2, Gaofeng 1, 84-5, Ludou 4 and Zaoshu 1, which have large planting area in southern Shandong Province, have summer sowing density of 14,000 ~ 20,000 plants/mu, row spacing of 40cm and plant spacing of 8~10cm.

3. Change from no fertilizer application to seed fertilizer application and nitrogen fertilizer application at flowering and pod setting stage

For many years, most farmers have grown soybeans without the habit of fertilizing. According to our experiment, soybean seed fertilizer diammonium phosphate 10~15kg/mu, deep application at sowing time, pure nitrogen 2~3kg/mu topdressing at flowering and pod setting stage, spraying 0.3%~0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate on soybean leaves every 10 days, the yield increase effect can reach 20%~30%.

4 Change from no watering to timely watering

The proverb "soybean blossoms, fish and shrimp". The results showed that soybean needed more water in flowering, pod-setting and seed-filling stages. At this time, sufficient water can reduce flower and pod shedding, increase pod, increase seed and increase seed weight. From late August to September, the general year is relatively dry. According to our experiment, timely watering can increase production by more than 10%~25%, even 30%~50%.

5. Increasing the application of plant growth regulators

During flowering, pod setting and seed filling stage of soybean, scientific use of plant growth regulators has obvious effect on seed filling and increasing seed weight. In the place where the growth is not flourishing, dissolve 0.001g Zengshengling in a small amount of alcohol in full bloom, add 35~ 100kg water, spray 60kg per mu, spray once after 7 days, can play the role of increasing flowers and keeping pods and increasing the weight of 100 seeds; or use triacontanol, concentration of 0.1mg/kg, spray twice, small plants in early bloom, spray 20kg per mu, large plants in full bloom, spray 40kg per mu. In the field cultivated with high fertilizer and water, the yield of soybean increased by 10%~20% when 0.125% CCC was sprayed 30kg/mu at the early stage of flowering. The yield of soybean with serious stalk length and lodging increased by more than 30% after application of CCC. However, it should be noted that many plant growth regulators have different effects on the physiological regulation of crops at different concentrations, and improper use will be counterproductive. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the ratio of concentration during use.