
Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of edible fungi

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The main results are as follows: 1. Mushroom fly larvae, also known as maggots, mainly feed on the fruiting body to cause tunnels and affect the quality, and the resulting wound is also easy to be infected and rotted by bacteria. Different methods should be used to control mushroom flies in different periods. There are a large number of maggots in front of this mushroom, which can be fumigated with dichlorvos at the amount of 0.90 kg / 100 square meters, while 0.15 kg of 1% potassium chloride or sodium chloride solution is sprayed on each culture block (which can be replaced by 5% salt water). After mushroom, maggots can be sprayed with low-toxic pesticides such as fish rattan essence, pyrethroid, nicotine and so on. (nicotine can

1. Mushroom flies

Larvae, also known as maggots, mainly feed on fruiting bodies to create tunnels that affect quality, and the wounds caused are also easily infected by bacteria and rot. Different methods should be adopted to control mushroom flies at different stages. A large number of maggots occur in front of this mushroom, which can be fumigated with dichlorvos according to the amount of 0.90 kg/100 square meters, and at the same time spray 0.15 kg of 1% potassium chloride or sodium chloride solution (which can be replaced by 5% salt solution) on each culture block; after the mushroom is damaged, rotenin, pesticide, nicotine and other low toxicity pesticides can be sprayed. (Nicotine can be self-made: take 0.50 kg of tobacco stems, add 5 kg of water to boil and spray the solution). In addition, ventilation should be strengthened to adjust the temperature and humidity in the shed to deteriorate the living environment of pests and achieve the purpose of preventing and controlling their harm.

2. Mushroom mosquito

Mosquitoes do the most harm in larval stage. Besides eating on the surface of culture medium, some of them also cover the mushroom buds with nets, which makes the mushroom body unable to grow normally. Control method: spray 500--800 times trichlorfon after harvest, and add nylon yarn at the door and window of mushroom shed to prevent adults from flying into oviposition and breeding damage.

3, bacteria lice

It is a kind of mite, the individual is very small, crawling fast, mainly feeding on fruit bodies and hyphae caused damage. When preventing and controlling, the insect source should be prevented from invading the mushroom shed first, because it mainly comes from various feeds in the warehouse and feed room, so when using the warehouse and chicken house as the bacteria room, it should be thoroughly disinfected, and the wall should be washed with lime, and then fumigated with dichlorvos once before use; During the cultivation period, bacteria lice can be fumigated with cotton balls dipped in 50% dichlorvos or sprayed with 1% nicotine sulfate solution, or pig bones and other smelly things can be sprayed with pesticides such as phosphorous and placed near the culture block to attract bacteria lice, and then burned or scalded with boiling water.

4. Nematodes

Nematode is a colorless worm, extremely small, only about 1 mm. Larvae attack mycelium and fruiting body, at first the cap turns black, later the whole fruiting body turns black and rotted and has a moldy smell. Control method: steam material to make full contact with the culture material, to kill all nematodes. After fruiting, 50 mg/kg zinc sulfide can be sprayed on the culture block to control its damage.

5. Jumping insects

Also known as ash worm. It has a flexible tail, bounces freely, has a waxy body and is not afraid of water. It is often distributed on the surface of mushroom beds or in damp dark places to bite fruit bodies. Before fruiting, it can be trapped by 1:1000 times of dichlorvos and a small amount of honey. Or use arsenious acid preparation or organophosphorus preparation coated on sweet potato tablets to trap. After fruiting, pesticides can not be used directly. At this time, fresh orange peel 0.25--0.50 kg can be used to cut into pieces, wrapped with gauze to extract juice, and then added with 0.50 kg warm water and sprayed with a ratio of 1:20 for 2- 3 times. The effective rate of preventing jumping insects is more than 90%.

6. Slugs

Commonly known as slugs, mollusks, naked body, no shell. It is photophobic and afraid of heat. During the day, it hides under bricks, stones and cracks in the earth. After dusk, it comes out to feed and harm one after another. Before dawn, it hides again. Control methods: rice bran or bean cake with 2% calcium arsenate or aluminum arsenate made of bait trap, can also be used 15- 20 times sodium chloride solution ground spray to drive out adults. 9- 10 o'clock in the evening is their concentrated activity period, then can be artificially captured.

7. Thrips

Adult black, small body, slightly flat body, compound eyes prominent, orange nymph. It mainly absorbs the sap of thalli, and can lead to thalli atrophy when it is serious. Control method: spray 40% dimethoate emulsion 1500--2000 times, or 90% trichlorfon, 50% malathion 1000--1500 times, the control effect can reach 80%--90%.

8. mole cricket

Poison baits work best. Its formula is trichlorfon 50g, rice bran or wheat bran 1500g fried incense, sugar 50g, white vinegar 250mg fully mixed and scattered on the ground, mole cricket, mosquitoes eat immediately after death.

9. Other pests

The control effect of pseudo-walking insect, borer and tetra-spot potassium can be obtained by spraying 500- 800 times solution of detrustin or 1000- 1500 times solution of 80% dichlorvos. Termites are a major pest in southern China, mainly harmful to fungi such as Fuling. Nesting is an effective method to avoid or reduce termite damage. In addition, it can also be used to dig a small ditch around the mushroom shed, put fresh ailanthus branches evenly in the ditch, cover with soil, and have a strong repellent effect on termites.