
Chemical Control techniques of Edible Fungi Diseases and insect pests

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Pests are not only the direct invaders of edible fungi, but also the important vectors of pathogens. Therefore, disease prevention and disinfestation should be carried out at the same time. On the basis of taking all preventive measures, some chemicals with high efficiency, low toxicity and low residue should be properly selected to control the disease and insect pests to the minimum. The commonly used chemicals are as follows: A1. The rice straw used in lime cultivation of mushrooms, straw mushrooms and bottle mushrooms can be adjusted with 1%-2% lime water to show a slightly alkaline reaction, which is beneficial to disease prevention and promotes the growth of mycelium.

Insect pests are not only the direct aggressors of edible fungi, but also the important vectors of pathogenic bacteria infection. Therefore, disease prevention and pest control should be carried out simultaneously. On the basis of taking all preventive measures, proper selection of some high efficiency, low toxicity and low residue chemicals can control the pest damage to the minimum. Common chemicals are as follows:

a1. The straw used for lime cultivation of mushrooms, straw mushrooms and bottle mushrooms can be adjusted to a slightly alkaline reaction with 1%~2% lime water, which is beneficial to disease prevention and promotes the growth of mycelium; lime supernatant can also be sprayed after picking mushrooms, which is beneficial to increase yield and disease prevention. When the mushroom bed culture medium is found to be partially damaged by Trichoderma, lime powder can be wrapped with gauze and a thin layer can be spread directly at the contaminated place to control the spread of the disease. Cotton plug by the nerve cell mold damage, cotton plug can be sterilized by flame, and then in the cotton plug sprinkle lime powder. When the cultivation of logs is damaged by some large fungi such as red cork fungus, after scraping the fruiting body, the scratched surface should be coated with 5% lime water (or Boer water solution) in time to prevent regeneration.

a2. For disinfection before feeding sulfur mushroom house, sulfur can be smoked at multiple points with a dose of 5g/m3. After sulfur is ignited, it is sealed for 48 hours, and fed after 1~2 days.

a3. If pink neurospora mold layer is found in kerosene or diesel tampon, adhesive tape, etc., appropriate amount of kerosene or diesel oil should be dropped in time, and then wrapped with film to make the mold layer eroded.

a4. When the formaldehyde seed bag or seed block layer is locally contaminated by Trichoderma and other miscellaneous bacteria, it can be injected or smeared with 2% formaldehyde solution. Mushroom culture material infected by Sarcoidium juglandis, should be timely contaminated culture material and soil dig, and then spray with 2% formaldehyde solution infected bed surface.

a5. When Trichoderma occurs locally in bleaching powder bacteria bag, it can be smeared with 10% bleaching powder solution. Mushroom walls, floors, bedstead, etc. can be disinfected with bleach before use. The general dosage is 0.5 kg bleach dissolved in 75 kg water.

a6. Antibiotic mother culture medium Add appropriate amount of antibiotics such as streptomycin, gentamicin, aureomycin, etc. to inhibit the growth of bacteria. The amount added is generally 100~200 units per ml. When Tremella is found to be harmed by Rhodotorula, the diseased fruit bodies should be scraped in time and 100~200 units of streptomycin per ml should be sprayed.

a7. Calcium superphosphate Some pathogenic bacteria such as white gypsum mold. Brown gypsum mold likes high temperature and alkaline conditions. When stacking materials, the content of calcium superphosphate and stone can be appropriately increased, which can provide nutrition and prevent diseases. When these bacteria occur locally on the mushroom bed, calcium superphosphate can also be directly sprinkled on the diseased materials to inhibit the spread of bacteria.

a8. Bordeaux mixture is generally prepared with 1 kg of copper phosphate, 1 kg of quicklime and 100 kg of water. The pathogen of mushroom shell mold is very sensitive to copper preparation. It has certain effect to control the expansion of disease by spraying Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate diluent directly on the infected part.

a9. When trichlorfon, straw mushroom, fly fungus, mushroom, etc. occur seriously, spray 90% trichlorfon 1000 times solution before or after mushroom production.

a10. Regular spraying of 50% dichlorvos 1:1000 solution around dichlorvos mushroom and ear room can effectively eliminate insect source.

a11. Deltamethrin When the occurrence of Pleurotus ostreatus is serious, it can be sprayed with 2.5% deltamethrin 1500~2000 times solution after picking mushrooms.

a12. Poison bait traps Drosophila melanogaster and other adults like to feed and lay eggs on rotten fruits or fermented materials. Put some rotten fruits and wine dregs on a plate and pour a small amount of 50% dichlorvos 1000 times solution to trap adults. The adults of the flies have a preference for vinegar wine, which can be killed by wine: sugar: vinegar: water =1:2:3:4 with a few drops of dichlorvos under light. Bait made of calcium arsenate in cake bran (1:10), scattered near the cultivation in the evening, can trap slugs, snails.