
Cultivation and maintenance of Jasmine Flower

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Jasmine, also known as Mali and Camellia, is a perennial evergreen shrub of the genus Jasmine of Oleaceae. Native to India and other countries, there are cultivation in the north and south of our country. The jasmine plant is exquisite and beautiful, the leaves are emerald and green, the flowers are white and fragrant, and it is known as the first fragrance of fragrant flowers. Its fragrance is clear but not light, strong but not strong, the flowering period is long, and it blooms most in summer. A pot of fragrance floats all over the room on the courtyard windowsill and balcony, which is the most common fragrant potted flowers and trees. Biological characteristics of jasmine flowers like warm, humid and sunny environment, afraid of freezing and drought

Jasmine also known as wipe Li, tea flowers, jasmine for Oleaceae is a perennial evergreen shrubs. Originated in India and other countries, there are cultivated in North and South China. Jasmine plant shape exquisite beautiful, green leaves dripping, flowers white, fragrant, known as the first of all fragrant flowers, its fragrance is clear but not light, thick but not strong, flowering long, summer flowering most prosperous, in the courtyard windowsill balcony placed a pot fragrance floating full room, is the most common aromatic potted flowers and trees.

I. Biological characteristics

Jasmine flowers like warm and humid environment with sufficient sunshine, afraid of freezing and drought, not tolerant of waterlogging, the average daily temperature of 19℃ or more before germination, 25℃ or more before breeding buds, from bud formation to bud opening about 15 days, 32~35℃ is most suitable for bud maturity and opening, more than 37℃, fragrance becomes pale, flowers will produce yellow phenomenon,-3℃ or so, aboveground branches have the danger of freezing damage. Like fertile loose drainage good acid sandy loam, avoid alkaline soil and clay heavy soil. In too shady place growth is poor, appear leaf big node sparse, leaf color is pale, branch is thin weak, spend little wait for a phenomenon.

II. Breeding methods

Jasmine commonly used cuttage, ramets, layering three methods of propagation.

1. Cutting propagation is the most commonly used propagation method of jasmine. Sand or sand and mud mixed medium can be used from April to October. The most suitable season is plum rain, because the air is warm and humid at this time. Select mature robust annual branches, about 10 cm long with 3 to 4 nodes, leaving a pair of intact leaves at the top, and remove the rest. First insert the hole with bamboo stick, the depth is 2/3 of the cutting ear, then water moisture shade, keep high air humidity, grow new roots about 20 days, grow branches and leaves after 50 days, and transplant after 2 months.

Jasmine can also be inserted in water, 10~15 natural roots, suitable for small family cultivation. April to October, the most suitable time is before the temperature rises in spring and the shoots do not germinate.

Optional biennial bud eye full of robust branches, about 15 cm long with 4~6 axillary buds, the top left 2~3 leaves.

Choose glass parallel or other containers, opaque best, conducive to rooting. The bottle is filled with cold boiled water, the cuttings are washed and inserted into the bottle, the cuttings are immersed in about 2/3 of the water, and the bottle mouth is stuck with absorbent cotton to make the cuttings hang in the bottle without touching the bottom of the bottle. After shade, keep the temperature higher than 20℃, avoid direct sunlight, change cold boiled water once every 2~3 days. After 10~15 days, roots can be taken.

2, layering Jasmine layering propagation, mostly in the growth period, take the branches near the ground for layering, in the need to root parts of the ring peeling or carving, after pressing into the soil fixed, fill compaction, the top of the branches exposed soil surface, moisture. After 3~5 months, the mother plant can be cut off and planted separately.

3. Jasmine has strong regeneration ability, adventitious buds often occur at the root, forming new branches, which can be used for plant propagation, generally combined with transplanting and pot changing in spring or autumn. Select the plants with many branches, pull up the whole plant and split it with a sharp knife, and use the small plants with roots for sub-planting. Generally, only 2~3 plants can be separated from the mother plant at a time, or the soil around the mother plant can be dug up and the sub-plants can be cut off. The number of roots and plants should be commensurate with the number of branches and leaves. If there are too many branches and leaves, part of the branches and leaves should be trimmed to ensure survival. After planting, shade and heat preservation should be carried out.

III. Cultivation Management

1. The cultivation medium is weak acid sandy loam with loose, fertile and rich organic matter and good aggregate structure. It can be mixed with dried pond mud, humus soil, decomposed organic fertilizer and appropriate river sand.

2, fertilizer and water management Jasmine love fertilizer, to heavy application of organic fertilizer as base fertilizer, growth period dressing compound fertilizer, young trees less, strong trees more, first loose soil after fertilization. Topdressing fertilizer is applied between the plants, and it is forbidden to pour it on the plants. At the early stage of bud pregnancy, urea, potassium dihydrogen phosphate or calcium superphosphate were used for topdressing to promote bud development. Jasmine liked weak acid soil, and alum fertilizer could be applied appropriately at ordinary times. A small amount of quick-acting phosphorus fertilizer was applied when flowering to enrich the flower fragrance. After flowering, fertilizer should be applied in time and sufficient fertilizer should be applied to promote the rapid growth of new branches and new branches, because jasmine is pregnant and flowering on new branches, laying a good foundation for the next flowering. Jasmine flowers bloom luxuriantly from June to August should be fertilized more frequently, can be combined with watering fertilizer once a week, the temperature gradually decreases after autumn, fertilizer should be stopped to prevent new shoots from affecting winter, spring before germination should be applied sufficient fertilizer to promote strong new branches.

Jasmine flowers like wet environment, too dry will fall leaves, too wet will rot roots, generally sunny spring every 2~3 days irrigation once, summer is the peak period of bud flowering, high temperature transpiration, should be irrigated once a day in the morning and evening, often spray water in the evening to make the leaves wet overnight, autumn once a day, winter solstice to the beginning of spring, before moving into the indoor winter should be irrigated once permeable, usually less watering, pot soil after watering, warm areas can be outdoor winter, winter watering to use well water or warm water, Avoid using too cold water. When buds are just formed, water should be deducted once, that is, no watering in the morning, and then watering when the buds are "bowed" in the evening, which can promote the flowers to be thick and flowering neatly.

3. Shaping and pruning Jasmine has strong germination force, and regular pruning can promote its continuous growth of new shoots and more flowers. Before budding in spring, pruning and shaping are carried out in combination with pot changing, thin and weak branches are removed, diseased branches and dead branches are removed, and annual branches are truncated to leave only thick branch bases, with 4 nodes for each branch. Another situation is pruning in the growth period, the purpose is to improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions, promote the new branches neat and strong, generally cut off the unopened flowers, excessive long branches, diseased branches, thin branches, too dense branches, etc.

Jasmine seedlings should be topped to promote branching to form a good tree shape; middle-aged jasmine plants should retain early autumn sprouting shoots and cut off late autumn sprouting new shoots; old jasmine plants should retain summer sprouting new shoots and cut off autumn sprouting new shoots to prolong life; senescent jasmine plants should be "one-size-fits-all" re-pruned to rejuvenate and restore vigorous vitality, generally from early March to early April.

4, picking buds Jasmine flowers in the spring, the first new shoots continue to bloom, followed by the first flower buds, but at this time the temperature is still low or unstable, the temperature difference between day and night is large, not conducive to flower bud development, flowers small fragrance less, in order to reduce nutrient consumption, often the first flower buds removed, promote more new shoots, breeding more and better buds.