
Key points of cultivation of jasmine

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Jasmine is Oleaceae, Jasmine, alias Camellia, evergreen shrubs and flowers, which are watched in pots in the north. Single leaf opposite, oval or oval, glossy, flowers white, divided into single valve, single extremely fragrant, followed by double. Cymes are composed of 3 to 9 flowers, flowering from May to October and from July to August in summer. Ecological habits originated in India and other places, like warm and humid climate, like light, not cold, afraid of drought but also afraid of waterlogging. Like humus-rich, fertile and well-drained slightly acidic soil. The optimum temperature for growth is 1.

Jasmine is Oleaceae, Jasmine, alias Camellia, evergreen shrubs and flowers, which are watched in pots in the north. Single leaf opposite, oval or oval, glossy, flowers white, divided into single valve, single extremely fragrant, followed by double. Cymes are composed of 3 to 9 flowers, flowering from May to October and from July to August in summer.

Ecological habits originated in India and other places, like warm and humid climate, like light, not cold, afraid of drought but also afraid of waterlogging. Like humus-rich, fertile and well-drained slightly acidic soil. The suitable temperature for growth is from 15 ℃ to 25 ℃, and the room temperature should be kept above 5 ℃ in winter.

Propagation methods are generally commonly used cutting methods to propagate. From March to May, select 1-2-year-old strong branches, the length of cuttings should be about 10 cm to 15 cm, leave the upper 2 to 3 leaves, insert in clean river sand covered with plastic film, placed in semi-shady place, often spray water to moisturize, about a month can take root. The striping is mostly in summer, which can take root in 10 to 20 days, and can be cut off from the mother plant in autumn and planted separately. Ramet is generally combined with basin change, and re-cutting should be carried out after ramet to ensure the survival rate.

Key points of cultivation

1. Select suitable cultivation soil: 4 parts of pastoral soil, 4 parts of compost soil and 2 parts of river sand can be used in the basin soil, and some cake fertilizer or rotten chicken and duck manure can be added as base fertilizer. In order to make its drainage good, the basin bottom can be covered with more drainage material (such as gravel, tile, ceramsite, etc.).

2. Change the basin at the right time: when changing the basin, the root system should be pruned appropriately.

3. Water and fertilizer should be appropriate: Jasmine is afraid of drought and avoid waterlogging, so the amount of water should be determined with the season, plant growth and so on. From April to May, irrigate once every 2 to 3 days. Summer is the full bloom of jasmine, should be watered more, once in the morning and evening, in addition to normal watering should be sprayed to the leaf surface and the ground to reduce the temperature and improve the air humidity. The amount of water should be controlled in autumn and winter. Because the florescence is long, so the amount of fertilizer is also large, we can apply some alum fertilizer every semimonthly, the flower bud differentiation and florescence should be increased by applying phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, which can increase the fragrance of flowers, and less or stop fertilization should be applied after autumn, which is beneficial to overwintering. Sometimes the jasmine raised by the family only grows leaves but does not blossom, which is mainly caused by too much nitrogen fertilizer and lack of sunshine. at this time, more phosphorus and potash fertilizer should be applied to increase illuminance.

4. Pruning: pruning and shaping it in combination with changing pots in spring, thinning the thin and weak branches, leaving 4 pairs of leaves in each branch to be short, in order to facilitate growth, budding and flowering. After blooming, a re-cutting should be carried out to promote new branches to make the plant grow healthily. Each batch of buds can just grow to the size of mung bean grains, but water can be deducted when one bud is white, and only when the tender leaves and buds droop due to lack of water can they be watered, so that the flowers can gather and the inflorescence looks good. Common diseases and insect pests are mainly red spiders, aphids and other pests, especially red spiders in spring, often make the leaves yellow and white, gradually fall off. Families can spray tobacco water made from tobacco leaves or cigarette rolls, which can not only play an insecticidal effect, but also ensure indoor environmental hygiene.