
Promoting cultivation techniques of eight Immortals

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Baxian flower, also known as hydrangea, powder ball flower, Ziyang flower, is an ornamental shrub of Saxifragaceae. Potted varieties are about 30cm in height, opposite leaves, inflorescences up to 20cm in diameter, nearly spherical, planted on branches, white, pink, blue-purple, florescence from May to July, suitable culture can be extended to the end of September. Its flower shape is huge, the color is gorgeous, the shape and appearance is beautiful and is favored by the people. There are broad prospects for market development. The eight Immortals is native to China and has become a famous ornamental woody flower in the Yangtze River Basin. The eight immortal flowers have strong adaptability and belong to

Baxian flower, also known as hydrangea, powder ball flower, Ziyang flower, is an ornamental shrub of Saxifragaceae. Potted varieties are about 30cm in height, opposite leaves, inflorescences up to 20cm in diameter, nearly spherical, planted on branches, white, pink, blue-purple, florescence from May to July, suitable culture can be extended to the end of September. Its flower shape is huge, the color is gorgeous, the shape and appearance is beautiful and is favored by the people. There are broad prospects for market development.

I. characteristics

The eight Immortals is native to China and has become a famous ornamental woody flower in the Yangtze River Basin. The eight Immortals are highly adaptable and belong to subtropical plants. They are not resistant to extreme heat and avoid severe cold. In winter in the north of the Yangtze River, they have to move into more than 5 degrees indoor to survive the winter. Sexual delight, moist and cool environment. It is required that the cultivated soil is rich in organic matter, moist avoid long-term water stains, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten roots. The ability to withstand drought is weak. It has strong adaptability to the soil, and the pH of the soil directly affects the color of the flowers. when the pH value is 4 ~ 6, the flower is blue, the pH value is above 7.5, and the flower is red. Therefore, Baxian flower can be used as an indicator plant to determine the acidity and alkalinity of soil.

II. Cultivation and management

1. Fertilizer and water management used rotten leaf soil: sand (1:1) and added a small amount of organic fertilizer as the cultivation substrate. The eight immortal flowers like fertilizer, and the dilute liquid fertilizer dominated by nitrogen fertilizer can be applied once a month in the peak growing season, and phosphorus and potash fertilizer can be applied before and after flowering. Especially when there is an urgent need for fertilizer at flowering stage, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be sprayed on the leaf surface. Because of the large leaves, the water transpiration on the leaf surface is relatively exuberant, and the water demand is relatively large, so it can spray water on the leaves and reduce its water transpiration rate. In the growing season, it is generally watered once a day, and foliar water is sprayed every 1 to 2 days. In the north, a small amount of ferrous sulfate can be added to the water to keep the basin soil slightly acidic. The water demand increases significantly before and after budding, so it should be watered once or twice a day, and the principle of "dry and wet" should be used in winter. Before Frosts Descent, it is necessary to gradually reduce the amount of water to make the branches grow strong and conducive to winter dormancy. In summer, the eight Immortals need to be placed in a semi-shaded place to prevent the sun from shining directly, otherwise the leaves turn yellow and anxious, affecting growth and ornamental.

two。 Pruning and shaping in time after pruning flowers, remove the excessive branches at the base (which can be used as cutting material), leave 2-3 buds at the base to maintain a good plant type, and take the heart once when the new buds elongate 10cm to promote branching to facilitate luxuriant branches. Properly control the light.

3. The control of diseases and insect pests has strong disease resistance and the frequency of diseases and insect pests is very low. Leaf blight, anthracnose and scale insects occasionally occurred during the growth period. Diseases can occur in the greenhouse all the year round, pay attention to ventilation and light transmission in production, reasonable thinning, timely removal of diseased and withered leaves, the initial stage of the disease, with 800 times or 50% anthrax Fumei wettable powder 500 times spray. For the control of scale insects, in addition to strengthening ventilation, 1000 times of 80% dichlorvos or 1000 times of 50% fenitrothion EC were sprayed once during the nymph incubation period.

4. The propagation method of Baxian flower is mainly by cutting, ramet and striping. Cuttings are usually carried out from May to June, combined with early spring pruning and post-anthesis shaping, selecting twigs or branches that have been basically lignified, cuttings long 10~15cm, keeping the top 2 leaves and cutting off 1 / 3 leaves and 1 / 3 / 2 respectively, quickly dipping in ABT rooting powder 100ppm talc powder, then cutting in the nursery bed with river sand or vermiculite as substrate, proper shading, rooting after 1 month, planting in basin after 2 months, topdressing once a month. It can blossom for viewing in the same year. Ramets should be selected in the vigorous growing season, of which 2-3 plants should be moved to another basin and can be formed in 2 months. Striping can be carried out all the year round.

Third, the facilitated cultivation of eight Immortals.

1. According to the principle of promoting cultivation, the eight immortal flowers are short-day plants, which are dark for more than 10 hours a day and can form flower buds in about 6 weeks. After 6-8 weeks of cool (5-7 degrees), the plants are placed under the temperature of 20 degrees to promote flowering. It can be seen that when the flower bud is in bud, the temperature will drop to 16 degrees and blossom after 2 weeks. Baxian flower buds differentiate quickly under low temperature (13-18 degrees) and short-day light (10 hours), but it is not easy to differentiate flower buds above 20 degrees, which can be used for purposeful florescence regulation.

two。 In the early treatment, light should be strengthened during flower bud differentiation, and appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be sprayed for a long time to ensure water supply. After flower bud differentiation, watering was gradually reduced to promote the full maturity of branches. The leaves were removed at the end of October or early November and moved to the cold room (5-8 degrees), controlled watering and fertilization, maintained the semi-dry state, and made it fully dormant. After 6-8 weeks, the accelerated cultivation could be carried out from December to January of the following year.

3. At the beginning of the key points of cultivation techniques, the temperature should not be too high, generally heating to 13-15 degrees, and then gradually raised to about 20 degrees. During this period, sufficient light, moist soil and high air temperature are required, and double-layer film can be used to keep warm and humid in the north. When visible flower buds and inflorescences elongate, lower the temperature to about 16 degrees, reduce air humidity, keep topdressing liquid fertilizer once a week, apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium concentrated fertilizer at 10:30:20 and 1000 times each of potassium nitrate, and increase soil calcium at the same time. Can be irrigated with calcium nitrate solution. 15Mel 15Mel 15 compound fertilizer and peanut bran were applied once in the soil (10-15 days apart). In addition, gibberellin (GA3) of 10~40ppm can be sprayed 1 or 2 times to promote flowering. It will blossom in about 20 days (calculated from the time you see the flower bud). If the cultivated hydrangea is a pink variety, the southern region should pay attention to adjust the soil pH value to prevent the flower color from becoming blue or purple. The pH value of soil can be adjusted by irrigation with dilute light calcium carbonate solution, and it is suitable to be adjusted to 6.0-6.5. In the northern region, attention should be paid to the application of alum fertilizer and water for 1 and 2 times to prevent poor growth and flowering.

The Hydrangea which contributed to the flowering was put on the market during New Year's Day and the Spring Festival, and the huge and delicate flowers bloomed in the lush green leaves, bringing a strong sense of spring and joy to the festival.