
Skillful storage of fresh peaches to prolong the supply period

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, There are many varieties of peach, which are successively supplied to the market from April to October with the early, middle and evening ripening and different planting methods. The storage life of fresh peach is short and it is easy to decay and deteriorate. If the appropriate preservation method is adopted, the supply period of fresh peach can be prolonged and the economic benefit can be improved. Non-invasive harvest grading packaging to judge the maturity of peach fruit, first, after the full development of the fruit, the pericarp begins to fade, the pulp is slightly hard, and the colored varieties are in the hard ripening stage when they are basically full of color. Second, when the background color of the fruit is light green and the hairs on the fruit surface begin to color, it is seven or eight ripe. Hard ripening stage

There are many varieties of peach, which are successively supplied to the market from April to October with the early, middle and evening ripening and different planting methods. The storage life of fresh peach is short and it is easy to decay and deteriorate. If the appropriate preservation method is adopted, the supply period of fresh peach can be prolonged and the economic benefit can be improved.

Non-invasive harvest grading packaging to judge the maturity of peach fruit, first, after the full development of the fruit, the pericarp begins to fade, the pulp is slightly hard, and the colored varieties are in the hard ripening stage when they are basically full of color. Second, when the background color of the fruit is light green and the hairs on the fruit surface begin to color, it is seven or eight ripe. The fruits of hard ripening stage and 78 ripening stage are more resistant to storage and long-distance transportation. Due to the different maturity of peach, the general varieties need to be harvested for 2 ~ 3 times. When harvesting, it is necessary to strictly prevent crushing and stabbing injuries, harvest the fruit with a handle, harvest at a low temperature in the morning, pick out residual, injured, inferior, deformed and dirt fruits, and pack them separately according to the size and gradation. the commonly used container capacity is 5 kg ~ 10 kg, and the box is lined with paper or polystyrene foam paper. in the process of handling high-grade fruits with foam net sets, remember to handle them lightly and unload them light to prevent crushing.

Fresh-keeping treatment can prevent brown rot, soft rot and green mold of diseased peach during storage. A series of preservative agents of sec-butylamine can be used to kill penicillium and chloromycin. The commonly used solutions are 15-fold solution of gram zymozole (fruit washing), 100mg / kg ~ 200mg / kg benzoate and 450mg / kg ~ 900mg / kg dichloronitroaniline (DCNA). When washing or soaking the fruit with the above-mentioned agent, the dispensing should be used to purify the water. after soaking the fruit, it should be packed after the water on the fruit surface evaporates and dries.

The suitable temperature for peach fruit storage was 0 ℃ ~ 3 ℃. The storage temperature of middle and early maturing varieties was slightly higher, such as 1 ℃ ~ 3 ℃ for Baihua and safflower honey peach, and 0.5 ℃ ~ 1 ℃ for winter snow peach, Chinese Birthday Bun with Bean Paste Filling and winter peach. Because the peach fruit is sensitive to low temperature, it is easy to cause chilling injury when stored for a long time at 0 ℃. In order to prevent or reduce the occurrence of chilling injury, it is necessary to use the facility with high temperature control precision or intermittent heating cold storage method, that is, the fruit should be stored at 0 ℃ for 1 to 4 weeks, then heated for 18 ℃ ~ 20 ℃ for two days, and then stored at 0 ℃. Hang up the automatic cold storage, and the temperature control precision is 0 ℃. The cooling speed is fast, the reservoir temperature accuracy is 0.1℃, the precipitation cooling rate is fast, the reservoir temperature is uniform, and the cooling and heating can be adjusted automatically according to the need, which can effectively reduce or avoid the occurrence of chilling injury.

When storing peaches, the suitable concentration of oxygen is 1%-3%, and the concentration of carbon dioxide is 4%-5%. When storing peaches in physiological bags, the concentration of carbon dioxide should be less than 8% and the concentration of oxygen should be 5%-14%. Peach fruits stored in short-term storage should be observed once a day, and medium-and long-term fruits should be inspected every 3-5 days.