
The planting method and technology of sunflower, when is the best planting time for sunflower?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Sunflower is a kind of plant that many people like. Its seeds can be used as snacks, flowers and ornamental. Do you want to know how to plant it? When is the best time to plant sunflowers? Sunflower planting method technology, planting skills: to

Sunflower is a kind of plant that many people like. Its seeds can be used as snacks, flowers and ornamental. Do you want to know how to plant it? When is the best time to plant sunflowers?

Sunflower planting methods and techniques:

Sunflower roots are widely spread and can withstand some droughts. The best time to plant is from March to April. It is best to be watered regularly during the most important growing period of about 20 days before and after flowering. Depth, regular watering helps promote root growth, which is especially useful for taller sunflower varieties with heavy flowers at the top.

Sunflowers don't need fertilizer. However, because of their exuberant growth (they can easily grow 6 feet in just three months), it is a good idea to add some slow-acting granular fertilizer to particularly barren, thin soil. The better their diet, the bigger the flowers. Do not overuse nitrogen, as this will delay flowering. Covering the soil with 2 or 3 inches of some organic material will reduce the loss of water caused by evaporation and stop weeds.

Although some sunflower varieties do not require any riveting, it is a good idea to support plants longer than 3 feet or more branched. Their branches are very brittle, especially where they connect to the stem. Plants are easily affected by the summer wind and Rain Water. Use a length of cloth or other soft material to loosely tie the plant to the stake as needed.

Birds and squirrels can be a problem when the seed matures and the harvest time approaches. If you are not going to use seeds, it is interesting to watch wild animals enjoy the reward. You may want to cut off the flower heads and dry them in the sun to make it easier to get close to wildlife. On the contrary, in order to stop birds and squirrels, barrier devices are the most effective. As the seed heads mature and the flowers droop, cover each one with white swirling garden wool. It allows light and air to enter and keeps living things alive. Also try to cut off a small number of leaves closest to the head to make it more difficult for birds to inhabit and feed.

Deer can easily remove sunflower patches. Because they like the new tender leaves at the top of the plant, the 36-inch shredded chicken barrier supported by a 6-foot bamboo pole should put them in a difficult position. As the plant grows, simply lift the wire.