
Key points of cultivation of Spring Potato

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Some areas have entered the sowing period of spring potato (potato). All localities should, in the light of local actual conditions, do a good job in production according to the time and place. Rotation is suitable for potato rotation, not continuous cropping, nor continuous cropping with eggplant, tomato, tobacco, sea pepper and other crops, it is better to rotate with Gramineae, Leguminosae and other crops, otherwise it will aggravate the harm of diseases and insect pests such as bacterial wilt, late blight, virus disease and aphids, and seriously affect potato yield. In terms of soil selection, the tillage layer is deep, the structure is loose, drainage and permeability are strong.

Some areas have entered the sowing period of spring potato (potato). All localities should, in the light of local actual conditions, do a good job in production according to the time and place.

Carry out crop rotation

Potato is suitable for rotation and not suitable for continuous cropping, nor with eggplant, tomato, tobacco, sea pepper and other crops, it is better to rotate with Gramineae, Leguminosae and other crops, otherwise it will aggravate the harm of diseases and insect pests such as bacterial wilt, late blight, virus disease and aphids, and seriously affect potato yield. In terms of soil selection, light loam and sandy loam with deep tillage layer, loose structure, strong drainage and strong permeability are the best.

Timely early sowing

Timely sowing is the premise of high yield and income increase of spring potato. According to its altitude and climatic characteristics, the sowing time of spring potato in Sichuan is generally from January to March. Small spring potatoes are mainly planted in the shallow hilly area of Pingba, which should be sown before the Beginning of Spring, while in higher mountain areas, spring potatoes are mainly planted and generally sown after thawing. Some of the cool plateau mountain areas with higher elevations can be sown in April.

Selection of improved varieties

All localities should select improved varieties according to local conditions and vigorously promote virus-free seed potatoes. In order to grow potato, we should first select varieties with high quality, high yield, disease resistance and adaptation to local cultivation according to planting season, climatic conditions and production demand. At present, Sichuan Province mainly promotes high-quality, high-yield and disease-resistant varieties such as Mira, Sichuan Taro series (Chuanyu 4, Chuanyu 5, Chuanyu 6, Chuanyao, etc.), sweet potato series (Liangshu 97, Liangshu 14, etc.), Zhongshu 2, Zhongshu 3 and so on.

While selecting the right varieties, we should vigorously promote virus-free seed potatoes if possible. The use of virus-free seed potatoes in production can generally increase production by about 30%. In the case of no virus-free seed potato, seed potato should be purchased in the nearby alpine area, which is the key measure to ensure the high yield of spring potato.

Reasonable close planting

There are two planting patterns of spring potato: net cropping and intercropping. Among them, the interplanting of potato, corn and other crops is the main mode. Potato net cropping or intercropping should improve the quality of soil preparation, set up ridges and barricades, and take appropriate measures to protect against the cold, such as deep sowing, thick soil mulching and plastic film mulching, to ensure one-time whole seedlings. Attention should be paid to reasonable close planting, with strip planting of 3000mu to 4500 nest per mu and net planting of 4500mu to 6000 nest per mu, which can be properly adjusted according to climatic conditions, soil fertility, production uses and cultivation methods.

Scientific fertilization

Potato growth period is relatively short, fertilization should adhere to the principle of organic fertilizer, chemical fertilizer as a supplement, re-application of base fertilizer, increase of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, no or less application, early topdressing, so as not to cause exuberant growth of stems and leaves in the later stage.

Generally speaking, more than 80% of the fertilizers should be used as base fertilizers, mainly farm manure and barnyard manure, combined with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium inorganic fertilizers. Combined with the general base fertilizer for soil preparation, about 2000 kg of organic slag fertilizer was applied per mu, and 25kg of calcium superphosphate and an appropriate amount of nitrogen and potassium fertilizer (100kg of plant ash and 5kg of urea) were applied as base fertilizer, and about 2000 kg of human and animal manure water was used to sow seeds.

Topdressing should depend on the situation of seedlings. Generally, topdressing should be early rather than late, so as to promote the early development of strong seedlings. It is better to top up with less than more. That is, after the full seedling, the seedling-promoting fertilizer based on nitrogen fertilizer was applied lightly, and the soil was cultivated again (1500 kg of human and animal manure and 10 kg of potassium sulfate per mu when the seedling was 10-15 cm high). 20 days before harvest, topdressing should not be carried out after plant closure or flowering.

Pest control

In field management, spring potato should strengthen the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests mainly including late blight, bacterial wilt and aphids.

Potato late blight is similar to fungal disease. when a central diseased plant is found in the field, the diseased leaves should be removed or destroyed immediately, and sprayed with a 600-fold solution of 25% Ruidui manganese and zinc, or 72% Klu 700 times 800 times, once every 7 days and 3 times in a row.

Potato bacterial wilt is a bacterial disease. Pay attention to the prevention and control of bacterial wilt at the seedling stage, pull out the diseased plants in the field in time, and pay attention to digging up the diseased potatoes. At the initial stage of the disease, the root was irrigated with 14028 grams of 72% agricultural streptomycin soluble powder 4000 times, or 3% Zhongshengmycin wettable powder 800mm 1000 times, or 0.150kg 77% copper hydroxide wettable particulate powder 400x 500 times.