
"four points for attention" in High yield cultivation of Spring Potato

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, In October last year, many people in this village sowed potatoes, but all of them were frozen to death in case of frost. I sowed potatoes twice at the end of January and February this year. Although they did not freeze to death, they only grew seedlings, and there were few and small potatoes, and many of them were eaten by termites. In addition, he adopted the continuous cropping method. The reader asked when to sow potatoes and how to prevent frost and termites. For high yield of spring potato, we should pay attention to the following four aspects: pay attention to sowing at the right time. Spring potato is sown too early, after emergence

In October last year, many people in this village sowed potatoes, but all of them were frozen to death in case of frost. I sowed potatoes twice at the end of January and February this year. Although they did not freeze to death, they only grew seedlings, and there were few and small potatoes, and many of them were eaten by termites. In addition, he adopted the continuous cropping method. The reader asked when to sow potatoes and how to prevent frost and termites.

In order to get high yield of spring potato, we should pay attention to the following four aspects:

Pay attention to sowing seeds at the right time. If the spring potato is sown too early, it is easy to be killed by frost after emergence. Potatoes can grow well only in cool climates, especially in the tuber stage, where organic nutrients in leaves can be transported to tubers only when the temperature is low at night. Sowing too late, higher temperature and more Rain Water in the tuber period are not conducive to the transport of nutrients in potato stems and leaves to tubers, so the phenomenon of overgrown stems and leaves appears, which is one of the important reasons why spring potatoes only grow seedlings and few tubers. The sowing date depends on the local climate and the market conditions at the time of output. As far as climate is concerned, the soil temperature of 10 cm underground during spring potato sowing is 6 ℃ 7 ℃, and the monthly average temperature is 15 Mel 20 min during the potato growing period. As far as the market is concerned, from March to May, the earlier the spring potato goes on the market, the higher the price. Therefore, if the climate and cultivation conditions are feasible, we can sow early and strive for a better market price. Spring potatoes in our province can be sown from late December to early January, early sowing in low-altitude hills and flatlands, and late sowing in high-altitude mountain areas.

Pay attention to crop rotation. Potato is not tolerant of continuous cropping, the harm of underground pests such as white silkworm (beetle larva) and mole cricket in continuous cropping land is rampant, and bacteria such as bacterial wilt can survive in soil, and soil is one of the main ways of transmission, so the disease incidence in continuous cropping land is significantly higher than that in rotation land. Potato is a kind of crop which needs a large amount of potash. There is a serious lack of potassium and other nutrient elements in continuous cropping land, which affects the expansion of potato roots. Potato belongs to Solanaceae, so it can not be planted with pepper, eggplant, tobacco, tomato and other Solanaceae crops, nor with cabbage, cabbage and other crops, because they have homologous diseases with potatoes. Potato and rice, rape, wheat, corn, soybean and other crops rotation is better, not only conducive to reduce the occurrence of diseases, but also conducive to reduce the growth of weeds.

Be careful against freezing. Spring potatoes are vulnerable to early spring and late frost, such as the weather of Frosts Descent in March this year, which makes most spring potatoes suffer frostbite to varying degrees, especially in low-lying areas. Potato has a strong ability of regeneration, after frostbite or frostbite, new seedlings will be sent out from the base or underground part of the stem, but the growth and development is delayed, and the growing season is obviously shortened, and with the obvious increase of air temperature, especially the rainfall, it is easy to grow seedlings. This is one of the important reasons why the potato seedlings are good this spring, but the yield has dropped obviously. In order to prevent frost, in addition to preventing early sowing, we should also be careful not to plant potatoes in low-lying areas. In the hilly area where the elevation is more than 200 meters and the relative height difference is about 100 meters, there is an obvious temperature inversion in the frost weather on the hillside of the mountain, especially on the south slope and southwest slope, and the temperature difference between day and night is small. The frost of potatoes grown in these places is lighter, and if they can be used, the anti-freezing effect is better. On a frosty night, covering the potato field with plastic film or straw has a better anti-frost effect. For early listing, potatoes sown from October to November had better be covered with plastic film, which can not only prevent frost and frost weather, but also try to be on the market from late March to early April of the following year.

Pay attention to the control of termites and other underground pests. 10% phosphos can be used, about 500 grams per mu of medicine mixed with dry fine loess (mix well), spread in the sowing ditch in the evening. Black light can be used to trap and kill from April to May every year. In April, look for ant paths built by termites in the hills where termites are endangered. It is found that termites are sprayed with a small amount of mirex powder to return to the nest with poison and poison other termites. After spraying mirex, the field is covered with film and pressed with clods of soil to prevent rain failure.