
Key techniques of sowing soybean

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, 1. What key techniques should be mastered in sowing soybean? 1. Choose a place. Soybean should not be selected for continuous cropping, otherwise it is easy to produce diseases and insect pests. After the land is selected, it should be raked up so that the plough layer is soft and the surface is smooth. two。 Seed selection. The varieties suitable for planting in Tiandong are: Beijing beans, Yishan Liula, Guidou No.1, dwarf beans, Binyang small green beans, local soybeans and so on. All localities can choose according to local conditions. Before sowing, choose uniform size, large and full seeds, and dry the seeds. 3. Sow seeds. Early soybeans are sown from the end of February to mid-March

1. What key techniques should be mastered in sowing soybean?

1. Choose a place. Soybean should not be selected for continuous cropping, otherwise it is easy to produce diseases and insect pests. After the land is selected, it should be raked up so that the plough layer is soft and the surface is smooth.

two。 Seed selection. The varieties suitable for planting in Tiandong are: Beijing beans, Yishan Liula, Guidou No.1, dwarf beans, Binyang small green beans, local soybeans and so on. All localities can choose according to local conditions. Before sowing, choose uniform size, large and full seeds, and dry the seeds.

3. Sow seeds. Early soybeans were sown from the end of February to mid-March, while late soybeans were sown between "the Beginning of Autumn" and "the End of Heat".

4. Reasonable close planting. In principle, early-maturing, thin-growing and late-sowing should be denser, and vice versa. Dense 3-35000 plants per mu and sparse mu 20-30 000 plants. It can be broadcast by strip or on demand. 3-5 seeds per hole on demand.

5. Base fertilizer. Generally, 500 kilograms of farm manure is used to mix 30 kilograms of calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer per mu.

6. Seeding quantity. Usually 4-6 kilograms per mu.

2. How to do well the field management of soybean?

1. Check seedlings, replenish seedlings and fix seedlings. The seedlings of soybean should be checked and replenished in time after emergence, and the seedlings should be fixed when the first compound leaf appears. If the row spacing is 40 cm, the planned density of 15 seedlings per meter of 25000 plants, 9 plants per meter of 15000 plants and 24 plants per meter of 35000 plants.

2. Scientific topdressing. Improper topdressing of soybeans will lead to overgrowth, lodging and yield reduction. The principle of topdressing is to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in the early stage and appropriate nitrogen fertilizer in the later stage, generally applying 10 kg 45% compound fertilizer per mu after the seedling is fixed. 5kg urea was used per mu at the last flowering stage (podding stage). If the seedlings are growing vigorously, the first topdressing can be applied less or not.

3. Pest control. The podding period of spring soybean is in high temperature and rainy weather, which is prone to soybean purple spot and downy mildew. The main pest of spring soybean is pod borer, which should be checked and controlled in time. Can use 90% crystal trichlorfon, or 50% fenitrothasone combined with disinfectant alum or chlorothalonil or Redomir and other drugs (as described).