
Key points of Technical Management of Pleurotus ostreatus cultivated in Autumn

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Pleurotus ostreatus after sowing to before the emergence of mushrooms is called the fungus stage. The degree of technical management in this period is the key period to determine whether the mycelium of Pleurotus ostreatus can grow and develop normally in the culture material and whether it can obtain high quality and high yield in the future. Therefore, it is very important to strengthen the management of Pleurotus ostreatus. In the investigation, the author found that many Pleurotus ostreatus producers think that Pleurotus ostreatus is easy to grow and extensive management, and after sowing, they often ignore the scientific management of the fungus period and take it lightly, which leads to the reduction of Pleurotus ostreatus production and failure of harvest.

The period from sowing to fruiting of Pleurotus ostreatus is called fruiting period. The degree of technical management in this period is the key period to determine whether Pleurotus ostreatus mycelium can grow normally in culture medium and obtain high quality and high yield in the future. Therefore, it is very important to strengthen the management of mushroom germination period. In the investigation, the author found that many producers of Pleurotus ostreatus thought that Pleurotus ostreatus was easy to plant, extensive management, often ignored the scientific management of the germination period after sowing, and took it lightly, thus leading to the reduction of yield and failure of harvest of Pleurotus ostreatus. In order to help the majority of producers correctly grasp the technical management of mushroom growth period, the technical management points of mushroom growth period in autumn are described as follows:

The management of the germ period is summarized as the management of temperature, humidity and air.

1. Methods and principles of temperature regulation during the growth period. There are two ways of Pleurotus ostreatus cultivation: plastic bag cultivation and bed cultivation. No matter which cultivation method, the natural temperature after sowing should be controlled within 28℃, and the material temperature must be controlled within 30℃. The bag planting regulation method is to increase or decrease the number of layers of code bags. When the natural temperature is above 25℃, the bacteria bags are preferably stacked in the shape of "#" 2 - 3 layers, and each bag should be spaced 2 - 3cm apart to facilitate ventilation and heat dissipation. For bed cultivation, a 20cm wide aeration ditch should be left longitudinally in the middle of the bed when sowing. After sowing, light should be controlled, especially direct sunlight. When the temperature is high, cover the straw curtain and pour cold water on the straw curtain to cool down. When the material temperature continues to rise, the film above the vent can be raised by 20cm to accelerate the circulation of air in the film and reduce the material temperature.

Pleurotus mycelium in the process of growth and development will produce a lot of metabolic activities, coupled with a variety of microorganisms also survive and reproduce in the material, metabolism is also very strong, will continue to produce respiratory heat, resulting in a gradual increase in material temperature, under normal circumstances, the material temperature should be higher than room temperature 2 - 3℃, if ignored management, there is an abnormal situation, the material temperature will be higher than 10 degrees. Therefore, bag cultivation mushroom must be checked frequently, once the material temperature is found to rise, it should be timely turned over the bag to adjust the pile, strengthen ventilation. Otherwise, once the material temperature exceeds the limit temperature, it will burn the hyphae, the vitality will decrease, it will cause a large number of Penicillium, Trichoderma, Mucor, Aspergillus flavus, Alternaria and Coprinus and other miscellaneous bacteria harm, resulting in production failure.

2. Water management. In general, do not spray water directly on the surface of the mycelium during the growth period. If the culture medium that is not full of mycelium suddenly encounters raw water, it will also lead to a large number of miscellaneous bacteria pollution. The second is the air humidity, the relative humidity of the air in the culture room and the cultivation place should be controlled at about 70%-75%. Too high humidity, easy to cause miscellaneous bacteria, insect pests; low humidity, water evaporation in the material too fast, so that the water content of the culture material decreased, will affect the growth of hyphae. Therefore, the bag mouth of bag cultivation should be sealed, and ventilation should be strengthened when the humidity is too high; for bed cultivation, as long as there is no high temperature phenomenon during the growth period, the material surface film should not be opened at will, and closed growth is safer.

III. Ventilation management. Pleurotus ostreatus is an aerobic fungus. In the process of metabolism, oxygen is continuously absorbed and carbon dioxide is released, so that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air inside and near the surface of the culture medium gradually increases. When the proportion of carbon dioxide increased to 1% of the air, the growth and development of Pleurotus ostreatus was significantly inhibited. Mycelial growth rate decreased and blocked obviously. Therefore, keeping the air fresh in the cultivation site is an important condition to promote its normal growth. In the early stage of management, ventilation should be less due to less hypha quantity, and more ventilation should be carried out in the middle and late stages with the increase of hypha quantity; ventilation should be carried out in the morning and evening and at night in high temperature weather, and around noon in low temperature; ventilation should be carried out all day in rainy and humid weather. In actual production, it must be controlled flexibly according to different environmental conditions, not only to meet the effective demand for oxygen during hypha growth and development, but also not to cause drastic changes in the small environment.