
Peach variety Zaohongzhu

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, It was bred by crossing Jingyu × Arkansas A369 in 1988 because of plant protection and environmental protection of Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. The original code was 88Mui 33Mui 15, which was named in 1994. The fruit is nearly round, with an average single fruit weight of 90ml 100g and a maximum fruit weight of 130g; bright bright red in appearance; white pulp, soft solution, fine texture, rich sweet flavor and rich flavor; 11% soluble solids. Sticky core. The fruit ripens in early June. This variety is a very precocious white flesh sweet peach. Quality

In 1988, Beijing City Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Plant Protection Environmental Protection so Jingyu × Arkansas A369 hybrid breeding. Originally designated 88-33-15, it was named in 1994.

Fruit nearly round, average fruit weight 90- 100g, maximum fruit weight 130g; beautiful appearance, bright red; white flesh, soft solution, fine quality, sweet flavor, rich flavor; soluble solids 11%. sticky nucleus. The fruit ripens in early June.

This variety is a very early white sweet peach. Excellent quality, sweet flavor. Boll-shaped flowers, abundant pollen, high yield.