
Cultivation Techniques of Autumn Garlic

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Garlic is a perennial perennial root plant of Liliaceae. Its garlic sprouts, garlic stems and leaves and garlic heads can be eaten. It has high edible value and medicinal value. It is a treasure among vegetables. Autumn garlic should pay attention to the following points: First, fine soil preparation garlic planting with deep soil layer, fertile, loose, good drainage sandy soil is appropriate. General deep ploughing 15 to 20 cm, combined with deep ploughing mu fertilizer 1000 to 1500 kg as base fertilizer, turning and crushing soil, build about 2 meters wide ridge, dig drainage ditch, ridge surface to keep flat, loose

Garlic is a perennial root plant of Liliaceae. its garlic seedlings, stems and leaves and garlic are all edible, which have high edible and medicinal value, and are the treasures of vegetables. The following points should be paid attention to when growing garlic in autumn:

First, it is appropriate to plant garlic in a sandy soil with deep, fertile, loose and good drainage. Generally deep ploughing 15 to 20 cm, combined with deep ploughing mu of stable fertilizer 1000 to 1500 kg as base fertilizer, turn over and crush the soil, build a border about 2 meters wide, dig a good drainage ditch, and keep the border surface flat and soft.

Second, sowing autumn garlic at the right time is usually sown from early August to mid-September. Sow seeds earlier when growing green garlic. But sowing seeds for garlic stem and garlic cultivation can be later. According to the cultivation purpose, white-skinned garlic varieties such as "Chengdu Ershuizao" and "Jiading" can be selected. Planting in holes with 2-3 petals per hole, 17-20 cm apart and 3-4 cm deep. Cover with a layer of plant ash or pour a layer of mud and mortar after sowing. The sowing rate per mu is 120-140 kg.

Fertilizer management base fertilizer: 20-25 kg of ammonium bicarbonate, 8-10 kg of calcium superphosphate and 4-5 kg of potassium chloride are applied per mu before soil preparation. Seedling fertilizer: at the early stage of three leaves after the whole seedling, 1500-2000 kg of human and animal feces and urine were applied per mu, plus 5 kg urea. Wax fertilizer: the so-called wax fertilizer is a fertilizer applied to crops from this winter to the next spring. Apply 10 kg ammonium bicarbonate, 1000-1200 kg human and animal manure, or 50 kg vegetable cake, 18 kg urea and 5 kg potassium chloride per mu. Bolting fertilizer: 15kg urea per mu during garlic bolting period. Foliar spraying fertilization: during the period of rapid expansion of garlic, 0.2-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution is sprayed per mu, preferably before and after the Valley Rain Festival.

Fourth, field management garlic seedlings after the use of bamboo pieces to move seedlings, fixed seedlings. Fertilize after setting the seedlings, and loosen the soil and weed in time. Greater Cold loosened the soil once before and after. The drainage ditch should be dredged in time in late February of the following year, and ditch irrigation should be carried out in time to fight drought in case of drought.

The main diseases and insect pests of garlic are blight and coffee bean weevil. 25% more than 100 grams of Yinling and 50 kilograms of water are sprayed to control the blight per mu, and the garlic coffee bean elephant can be fumigated with 3-5 grams of lead phosphide per cubic meter.