
The weak health care of autumn ducks needs to be scientific.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The temperature drops gradually in autumn, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and the sunshine time becomes shorter. After laying eggs for more than half a year, the autumn ducks hatched last year are already very tired. If there is a slight carelessness in management, they will stop production and change their hair. Egg ducks hatched in early spring begin to lay eggs from late September to mid-October, when the weather gradually gets cooler, and the temperature difference between day and night is too large. In particular, egg ducks raised in loose breeding do not have much food to find in late autumn, which will cause insufficient nutrition and affect egg laying. Make the duck "pour eggs". Therefore, there are laying ducks raised in rural areas.

The temperature drops gradually in autumn, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and the sunshine time becomes shorter. After laying eggs for more than half a year, the autumn ducks hatched last year are already very tired. If there is a slight carelessness in management, they will stop production and change their hair.

Egg ducks hatched in early spring begin to lay eggs from late September to mid-October, when the weather gradually gets cooler, and the temperature difference between day and night is too large. In particular, egg ducks raised in loose breeding do not have much food to find in late autumn, which will cause insufficient nutrition and affect egg laying. Make the duck "pour eggs". Therefore, there is a saying that laying ducks raised in rural areas are afraid of four in spring and eight in autumn. In other words, the eighth month of the lunar calendar is a difficulty. To tide over this difficulty, ducks can lay eggs until the twelfth lunar month, and it is possible to maintain an egg laying rate of more than 80%. Therefore, in autumn, we should strengthen management, pay attention to nutrition regulation, keep the environment stable, and postpone molting as far as possible, so as to improve the production level of laying ducks.

Guarantee the lighting time

The natural light time in autumn is gradually shortened, which is not conducive to laying ducks to maintain strong reproductive function. Artificial light should be supplemented, the light time should not be less than 16 hours per day, and the light intensity should be stable. Generally, 20 square meters of duck house is equipped with a 40-watt bulb with a lampshade on top, and the distance between the lamp and the lamp is equal, and the suspension height is 2 meters to keep the bulb clean.

Improve the level of feed protein

Autumn animals have the characteristics of accumulating energy to ensure safe winter, laying ducks at this time to control fat, to prevent overweight. The body weight of autumn duck should be controlled within 2 kg by properly reducing energy or keeping proper exercise. At the same time, with the appropriate increase of dietary protein level, the dietary crude protein content of captive laying ducks should be increased to more than 18%. Free-range laying ducks should be properly supplemented with protein feed so that it can take in enough protein to meet the needs of egg laying.

Do a good job of cold prevention

Once the wind blows in autumn, the temperature will drop once, and the sudden drop in temperature will lead to a substantial decrease in the laying rate. In production, the change of microclimate in the duck shed should be reduced as much as possible. Therefore, in order to prevent cold and keep warm in late autumn, it is best to keep the temperature of duck house at 13 ℃ ~ 20 ℃. At the same time, keep the egg duck shed dry.

Autumn is a rainy season, the sports ground is easy to accumulate water, and the cushion in the duck house is easy to be damp and moldy. Measures should be taken to reduce the humidity in the house to prevent the cushion from being too wet.

Eliminate low-laying ducks

In autumn, egg ducks with small head, big eyes, slender neck, long and wide mouth, wide back, wide chest, 3 ~ 4 fingers between pubis, 4 ~ 4.5 fingers at the ends of pubis and sternum, large and soft abdomen, full buttocks, dishevelled feathers and swaying walking ducks should be selected to eliminate low-yield ducks. If the laying rate of ducks has decreased and molting begins, the artificial forced moulting method can be adopted at this time, that is, pulling out the large hairs of duck wings and tail, and feeding concentrate feed and vegetable leaves at the same time.

Operating procedures and breeding environment remain stable

Egg-laying ducks live a regular life, take a bath after eating, rest, do not run around, and lie still at night. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the operation rules and feeding environment stable, not to disrupt the life rules of ducks, so that laying ducks can maintain good laying performance.


After a summer, there will inevitably be parasites entering the digestive tract of ducks. These parasites will not only compete for the nutrition of ducks, but also affect the health of ducks, resulting in reduced resistance and infection of other diseases.

Do a good job in disease prevention

Autumn is a high incidence period for diseases such as duck plague, duck cholera and egg drop syndrome, so it is necessary to strengthen disease prevention and control, keep duck houses clean and hygienic, remove feces in time, wash sinks and food troughs, and disinfect duck houses and utensils on a regular basis; vaccination should be carried out in strict accordance with the immunization procedure to prevent the occurrence of diseases and ensure the health of ducks.