
Introduction and cultivation techniques of Panax notoginseng

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Gynurasegetum (Lour) Merr. For Compositae plants, also known as chrysanthemum notoginseng, white Tianqi grass, scattered blood grass, scattered blood Dan, broken blood Dan, blood peony, etc., Chinese medicine name for soil notoginseng. To root or whole grass for medicinal purposes, there are blood circulation, swelling, detoxification, scattered blood stasis, hemostasis and other effects. It is mainly used for traumatic injury, carbuncle, furuncle, snake bite, traumatic bleeding, vomiting blood, hematuria, hematochezia, functional uterine bleeding and other diseases. Mainly produced in Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places, cultivated in the north

Notoginseng grass [Gynurasegetum (Lour) Merr.] For the Compositae plant, also known as Chrysanthemum Panax notoginseng, Baitian Panax notoginseng, Sanxue herb, Sanxue Dan, blood peony, etc., traditional Chinese medicine is called soil Panax notoginseng. Root tuber or whole grass for medicinal use has the effects of promoting blood circulation, detumescence, detoxification, dispersing blood stasis, hemostasis and so on. Mainly used for fall injury, carbuncle sore, venomous snake bite, traumatic bleeding, hematemesis, hematuria, hematochezia, functional uterine bleeding and so on. Mainly produced in Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places, little cultivation in the north. The author introduced and cultivated successfully, and the cultivation techniques are introduced as follows.

1 Botanical characteristics

Perennial herb, about 1m high, persistent root fleshy, round, brown surface, with verrucous protuberances and fibrous roots, with stem base or bud marks at the top. Stem erect, longitudinally furrowed, purplish red when young, base glabrous. Basal leaves clustered, serrate or pinnatifid, dark green above, purple-green abaxially, with short hairs on both surfaces; leaves alternate, pinnately divided, lobes ovate to lanceolate, margin lobed or coarsely serrate; leaf blade smooth glabrous on both surfaces; stipules 1 pair, 3-5-lobed. Heads arranged corymbose, sparsely on stem tips, involucral bracts striate, green, tubular or bell-shaped; Corolla tubular, yellow, tubular flowers, 5-lobed, lobes striate, apex pointed; flowers bisexual, stamens 5, anthers connate, pistil 1, ovary inferior, stigma bifurcate, subulate, with short hairs. Achenes slender strip-shaped, surface angled. The florescence is from September to October.

2 biological characteristics

Like the warm, humid environment, loose, fertile sandy loam is better, the soil requirements are not strict, but waterlogged and clayey land is not suitable for cultivation. I can't stand the cold.

(3) soil preparation and fertilization

Select the land suitable for cultivation, apply soil and miscellaneous fertilizer 3000~5000kg per mu, mash fine, spread evenly, deep plough 20cm, rake fine and level, make bed according to 1m width, spare.

4Propagation methods

4.1 Rhizome propagation is planted at the end of March and the beginning of April every year. The robust and disease-free rhizome is selected and cut into small pieces with 2-3 buds on each rhizome. After cutting, the cut is dried or mixed with plant ash before planting. After planting and cutting, the deep ditch of 6~10cm was opened according to the row spacing 35~40cm in the finished border, and the cut rhizome was placed in the ditch according to the plant spacing 20~25cm, and the bud tip was upward, covered with soil and flattened. It can also be planted by digging holes according to the above row spacing. The seedlings emerged about 15 days after planting. In case of drought, the border can be watered first, and then cultivated after the water seeps down, so as to ensure its survival rate.

4.2 cutting propagation in the high temperature and rainy season from June to July, select the branches with strong growth and no disease, cut them into small segments according to the long 10~15cm, remove the leaves at the lower end, leave 2 or 4 leaves at the upper end, hang them slightly, cut them obliquely in the sandy soil, and leave about 5cm above the soil surface. It is necessary to keep the soil moist after cutting. the temperature is 22: 30 ℃ in about 2 weeks, and it can be transplanted in 2 weeks after survival. The row spacing of transplanting is the same as that of rhizome propagation. The rhizome of cutting growth is small, the large rhizome can be used as medicine, and the small one can be planted next year.

5. Field management

Water on time after planting to prevent drought. After the seedlings come out, ploughing and weeding should be done on time. In the peak period of plant growth, human and animal manure water can be applied once or 20kg urea per mu. In the rainy season, it is necessary to prevent stagnant water in the ground, and drain water in time after rain to prevent rotting roots.

(6) Disease and pest control

Panax notoginseng grass has fewer diseases and insect pests, and the main pests are ground tigers and aphids. When a tiger is damaged, it can be sprayed with 1 ∶ of trichlorfon, or 50% phoxim 50g mixed with fresh grass 5kg to make poison bait; when aphid damage occurs, it can be sprayed with 40% dimethoate EC 1000-1200 times.

7 harvesting and processing

It was harvested in the middle and late October of the planting year. When harvesting, cut off the aboveground stem, dig out the root, remove the xylem from the tuber, shake off the soil, rub the whisker root after it is semi-dry, and then dry it for medicinal use.

8 kinds of planting storage

Panax notoginseng seeds planted in the north are best stored in the cellar, and the pit temperature is controlled at 0-5 ℃. When storing, the terminal bud is arranged upward, one layer of sand and one layer of rhizome, and the top layer is covered with sand after 4-5 layers. Check regularly to prevent fever and mildew.