
Storage and fresh-keeping methods of Lily

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Fresh lily is a kind of health vegetable which has become popular in recent years. It is generally dug from mid-August to early September, and it is more common in double-cropping rice area than in late July. Timely storage and preservation of lily after harvest can not only adjust the surplus and shortage in the market, but also significantly improve the sales price and planting benefit of fresh lily. For example, the listing price of Xinshao County in Hunan Province in mid-August 2005 (harvest period) is 4.5-5.0 yuan / kg, while the market price from storage to New Year's Day to Spring Festival is 8.0-10.0 yuan per gram, calculated according to the loss rate of about 15%, storage of 1 ton of fresh.

Fresh lily is a kind of health vegetable which has become popular in recent years. It is generally dug from mid-August to early September, and it is more common in double-cropping rice area than in late July. Timely storage and preservation of lilies after harvest can not only adjust the surplus and shortage in the market, but also significantly improve the price and planting benefit of fresh lilies. For example, the listing price of Xinshao County, Hunan Province in mid-August 2005 (during the harvest period) is 4.5-5.0 yuan / kg, while the market price from storage to New Year's Day to the Spring Festival is 8.0-10.0 yuan from g, calculated according to the loss rate of about 15%, one ton of fresh lily can earn an extra 2300 million yuan. In addition, lilies need to be stored for a period of time after harvesting to avoid sowing in the hot season. According to the respective conditions of agricultural products, the following methods can be selected for storage and preservation.

1. Indoor sandy soil accumulation method. Put the lily bulbs indoors to dry before storage, and then choose a cool room or basement for storage. The drying time should not be too long to avoid oxidation, browning and decay. The storage site was fumigated with 0.3% formaldehyde and potassium permanganate once. Then spread a layer of 5~7cm clean garden soil or river sand on the ground, arrange the lily bulbs neatly, and finally cover the lily with a layer of 3~4cm soil or sand. Over and over again, the height of the reactor is generally no more than 1.5m. It is sealed with soil or sand and can be stored until the following spring. It should be checked every 20 to 30 days during storage, but it should not be overturned. If bad changes are found, the bad bulbs should be removed in time.

two。 Container storage method. This method is suitable for storing small batches of lilies. Use wooden boxes and baskets as containers, first spread a layer of 2cm thick yellow sand on the bottom of the container, then stack it according to a layer of bulb and a layer of yellow sand, pile it to the exit 5cm, and cover it with yellow sand. This can be stored until the beginning of spring the following year.

3. Pit burying and storage method. Choose a cool and humid place (dry place should not be hidden) to dig a pit, the general depth of the pit is 1m, the cross section of the pit is wide and narrow, the upper width is about 2m, and the length depends on the number of storage. A straw handle is set up in the middle of the pit to facilitate ventilation. After the lilies are placed, cover with a layer of soil. So 1 layer of lily and 1 layer of soil, the total covered soil 60~65cm is high. The top of the pile is high and unearthed, covered with straw to prevent Rain Water from infiltrating, and there are drains around it. The temperature is easy to rise at the initial stage of entering the pit, and the pit mouth can not be completely closed. The pit mouth must be strictly sealed in winter to prevent the pit temperature from being too low. Always check for changes in lily blocks during storage, and there can be no stagnant water at the bottom of the pit.

4. Air-raid shelter storage method. According to the amount of storage, spread a layer of wet yellow mud with a thickness of 6~7cm on the ground, and arrange the bulbs neatly on the soil. Then, cover it with a layer of 3~4cm thick wet yellow mud, and then discharge a layer of lily bulbs on it, so that the heap can be up to 1.5m high. The width of the code reactor should be about 1m and should not be too wide to prevent the temperature in the reactor from getting too high. The sides of the pile are covered with soil, and the soil thickness is about 30cm, so that it can be stored until March of the following year. After sealing the stack, close the hole door. During storage, attention should be paid to inspection to prevent lilies from rotting.

5. Cellar storage. Vertical cellar (also known as well cellar) can be used in ① plain area. The straight cellar has the same dryness and humidity, large storage quantity, long storage life and low damage rate, but the ventilation and permeability is poor, it is difficult to dig the cellar, and the labor is too much. When digging the cellar, we should choose the areas with shelter from the wind and the sun, high terrain, low groundwater level, solid soil layer and convenient operation of lilies. The size of the cellar bed should be determined according to the number of lilies stored. 1500~3000kg is generally suitable for storage. A round gasification pool with a diameter of 33cm and deep 16~26cm should be dug in the center of the cellar, and 4-6 water should be dug around to communicate with the pool; in addition, drainage ditches should be opened around the cellar to prevent rain and stagnant water. Horizontal cellars can be dug in ② mountains and hills. The cellar has the advantages of less flower work, easy to dig, convenient operation, good ventilation and ventilation. Should choose to sit in the north to the south, leeward to the sun, the terrain is high and dry, the ground is flat, the soil layer is solid, the groundwater level is low or the mountain excavation cellar. General cellar 1500~2500kg. In order to prevent Rain Water from being immersed, a diversion ditch should be opened at the mouth of the pit. If there is loose soil on the cellar, it should be compacted and filled in time to prevent waterlogging. If the old cellar is used, a layer of topsoil in the cellar should be removed. When entering the cellar, first lay a layer of moist river sand at the bottom of the cellar, and then lay a layer of lily and a layer of clean and moist river sand, with a heap height of no more than 1.5m and sealed with soil or sand all around. The preservation of lilies should be checked frequently during storage and the rotten bulbs should be removed in time.

6. The method of keeping soil and keeping fresh. This method is suitable for mountain areas with higher elevations. This kind of area is not hot in early autumn, the soil is refreshing and there is no drought, it is idle later, and the storage time of lilies is not long. The method is: after the lily seedlings have dried up, let them remain in the soil, and then dig as much as you want to go on the market until you finish digging before the freezing. However, in low altitude areas, due to high temperature and drought in early autumn, it is not suitable to leave soil for storage, otherwise it is easy to rot.